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Everything posted by jdc7733

  1. @Yimpa oh, yeah, I didn’t think about the part where I said I thought something bad would happen. So, you’re saying what you’re saying because I should just accept everything, including bad things happening.
  2. @Yimpa I see what you’re trying to say, I’m just trying to work out how it’s relevant.
  3. @Yimpa you don’t have to be in pain to want to make sense of things.
  4. I give up. Just experienced too many synchronicities to mention, like, how I’d sent a message to a girl I knew recently saying she’s really nice and everything and I wanted to set her up with someone I was speaking to, then, on the T.V someone with her name got selected as some sort of best person sort of thing, I’m not mentioning the rest. I keep thinking, when are all these weird things going to stop happening? I’ve just had enough of going through the motions of some kind of psychological thriller. I know it’s like “this will pass”, but, then it just comes back again and just when you think you’ve worked things out, you haven’t. Enough! Edit: okay, my reaction to the synchronicities was a bit dramatic but I have been experiencing some more serious worries lately.
  5. Why do men lack empathy for women?
  6. @vibv But they’re not “me” they are a part of everything.
  7. I studied music, lasted about 6 weeks then I changed to art, then I changed to journalism, then I dropped out of college, then I had a cleaning job for 6 years, then I had a psychotic break and had to leave. My music is a work in progress but I can’t decide which songs to record.
  8. @Sabth I dropped out of journalism because I didn’t want to do an interview.
  9. @Buck Edwards @Incognito My problem is I don’t consistently want to do anything, so, idk what I’m supposed to do. Writing music is something that recurs though. Maybe I need someone to collaborate with.
  10. Like, I reach different states of consciousness then just like go back to like subpar states of consciousness.
  11. @vibv It’s not necessarily whilst using psychedelics, it’s just in general - I get mystical experiences at least 2 times per week .
  12. @Razard86 Isn’t life the division game? I try to play as equally as possible but it doesn’t work.
  13. @ZenAlex thanks but I don’t even believe hormones exist, then again, I research benefits of healthy foods, even the I don’t believe foods contain those compounds, and, still believe they are going to benefit me.
  14. @Yimpa it’s okay - my life is a funny movie.
  15. I was going to make a long post but decided to make it short: you can do what you want but actions have consequences, possibly more far reaching than you realise.
  16. @Schizophonia Angry vegans are also the will of god.@Swarnim Well, I can’t really comment since idk what it is you’re talking about. I see the effect as a synchronicity rather than karma, so, it’s more like the western sense of what goes around comes around but Leo teaches that it could be beneficial to get rid of shoulds and shouldn’ts. I guess the two could work together. @Razard86 @Ajay0 @Schizophonia @De Sade
  17. So, I’m god. I’m already being what I am. I’m already creating to experience. I’ve stopped wanting my ego to decide things.
  18. I'm looking for a guy who is lighthearted, goofy, gives more than one word messages over text and has a hidden darkness, but, you kinda get a vibe that there's something dark about them, anyway. I guess all guys have a hidden darkness, but, I want them to be kind of soft but dark, but, not feminine, not macho. If not lighthearted and goofy, then, moody, condescending and blunt, but, as I said, not macho. Maybe all of the above. I thought I was looking for someone with the same interests as me but I guess it's more the general personality, I'm looking for... I wasn't going to mention looks but usually I go for skinny or average, narrow jaw, small chin.
  19. You said, in the video about solipsism, something like: basically most things you say aren’t true. Then again, I’ve heard myself call myself fake and other people call themselves fake, not quite the same as saying that most of what you said isn’t true, but, then again I often say that things I said weren’t true, and, sometimes things I say things that contradict themselves, despite the fact, they are both true and sometimes those truths are true in a different ways that are not possible to be expressed by words, example: the difference between it being true that you have an opinion, and, it being true that enlightenment is real. Let’s not get into relative truths, apart from maybe, I suppose something that is relatively true (I was going to say absolutely true) is that I (okay, I’ll call it the ego) don’t know what I’m doing, or, anything. How can a mind that is so fallible, grasp anything. I think I had more points but lost my train of thought. Basically, there is some absolute and relative truth to what I say, so, I’m presuming there’s some absolute and relative truth to what you say - it is just a projection and I can’t decide whether I want to get to the absolute truth or not.