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About PRai1ND1A

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  1. Finished Life Purpose course - I want to make addiction recovery/improvement content
    Finished Life Purpose course - I want to make addiction recovery/improvement content
    Of course you can make money doing that. Addiction recovery is a huge business with people makings tons of money from it.
    Addiction retreats and rehab centers are a huge business.
    This is a great LP if done properly.

  2. Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    That's karma and requires consciousness to overcome.
    You are stuck operating from the lower chakras, as they say. You basically live like an animal, shitting whenever you feel like it and then complaining about the mess.

  3. Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    Addictions- Why am I repeatedly drawn to it?
    You can't replace a bad habit with nothing. You need a new healthy habit instead.

  4. Respectfully disagreeing with Leo about Crypto
    Respectfully disagreeing with Leo about Crypto
    Every serious trader knows that the current market is overheating and due for a major downturn. People are buying up stocks like fools. The PE ratios are all high. There are no cheap buys. Every major tech stock is at its all time peaks. This is not the time to be buying, this is the time to be selling.
    Google, Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Apple -- all have hit their all time peaks just recently. All are looking overpriced. None of them are good buys now. It's 10% upside 90% downside.
    If you don't understand this you should not be investing in stocks because you will lose your pants.
    And when these peaking tech stocks crash, which they soon will, Bitcoin will crash with them, as it always has. Then is when to buy Bitcoin.
    Your whole strategy is backwards.

  5. Killing my "self" today
    Killing my "self" today
    @vanish Be careful. Do not do anything to harm yourself physically.
    You are here to solve the puzzle of life, not to escape it.

  6. Killing myself
    Killing myself
    Do not bastardize these teachings. You are acting irresponsibly, out of lack of proper and full understanding.
    Don't do anything to physically harm yourself or anyone else.
    Take a break for any personal development work and re-ground yourself in something enjoyable.
    Whatever nihilistic mood you're in right now will pass.
    Do not taint spirituality with such irresponsible behavior.

  7. Elon Musk goes full MAGA
    Elon Musk goes full MAGA
    That's certainly possible.
    I expect him to put his finger on the scale in whatever way he can because that's Musk's whole life philosophy.
    People were crying about the old Twitter for censorship but the reality is that Twitter is now run to serve one dude's ego. That's corruption in a nutshell. To actually defend free speech Musk would have to lay down his massive ego and allow an equal chance for others to speak, which he will never do.
    Which is why individuals should not be allowed to own entire media platforms. It's a complete bastardization of democractic values.

  8. When we die will there be peace? Will there be love?
    When we die will there be peace? Will there be love?
    It looks like what would happen if you take the entire universe and shrink it back down to a singularity prior to the Big Bang. This singularity is pure Infinity. Pure Oneness. Pure Love. Pure Peace. Heaven.
    Heaven is not a place full of delicious food, piles of gold, or hot sex. Heaven is the absolute lack of distinction between any two things. Complete indifference. Complete Self-Reunion.
    It is not good or positive in the traditional human sense because it tranacends goodness to Absolute Good. Which is Nothing.
    The ego hates this idea, but fortunately death will kill the ego so it won't be a problem because there will be no one to care.
    Death is only bad as long as you are alive. Once you're dead, death is great.
    Death is just an illusion. Once you die you don't regret it because regret requires being alive. Death feels like liberation. Liberation from limitation, as you become unlimited.

  9. I Want To Become A Different Person - Help Me Out
    I Want To Become A Different Person - Help Me Out
    I would say that this won't really happen. You will not become a completely new person. The core of you will stay the same. But you will become a more evolved, more mature version of you.
    The truth is that after 15+ years of personal development and spiritual work the core of me has not changed. I'm still me in very deep ways. But also I've grown up a lot. It's rather paradoxical. An important part of this work is deeply accepting who you are, not trying to totally change yourself. The human mind is not flexible enough to totally change itself. Especially once you reach about age 30, much of who you are is set for life. But you can do a lot of refinement of yourself and polish off the jagged edges.

  10. Leo, how do you deal with the boring aspect of Entrepreneurship?
    Leo, how do you deal with the boring aspect of Entrepreneurship?
    There are aspects of running a business which I hate, like all the maintanance work.
    I don't have a solution for it other than outsourcing, automation, grinding, and motivating yourself with the other parts which you love. It is easier to do the grind if the core business is actually something deeply meaningful to you. Which is why LP is key.
    Grind is just part of making your dreams come true. Which is why most people don't do it.

  11. New Course Soon
    New Course Soon
    I am deep into work on a new course which will be out in 2-3 months.
    Topic of the course is: How To Program Your Subconscious Mind. It is very focused on practical exercises and not so much theory.
    I'm excited about finally releasing it so I wanted to build up a bit of hype around it.
    It will be a very powerful tool for you guys in your application of all the self-help theory and for creating success in all domains of life.

  12. Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..
    Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..
    The really scary thing is not drones with guns, but tiny insect drones who are so small they can poison you without you even seeing them.
    Imagine a drone the size of a dragonfly with a poison syringe flying right into your neck during a speech. That is coming.
    The best drone is a poison ant that craws up your leg. You won't even know what killed you.

  13. Why It's Glaringly Obvious That Solipsism Is True
    Why It's Glaringly Obvious That Solipsism Is True
    No one enjoys a criminal rape other than the rapist.
    It certainly does, as long as I am alive and know about it.
    Solipsism does not deny that I dream meaning. Yes, I dream everything and therefore stuff has meaning for me within my dream. Just because something is my dream does not mean you get to tell me how I should feel about it or that I must stop dreaming. I can dream as deep as I want and enjoy it. I am under no obligation to ignore my own dream. If I want to cry at my daughter's death, that's up to me.

  14. Why It's Glaringly Obvious That Solipsism Is True
    Why It's Glaringly Obvious That Solipsism Is True
    Not true! Think about it:
    If Tate promotes rape and then I have daughter in the future who gets raped by one of his idiot followers, I will have to deal with that shit. And I don't want to deal with it.
    Now, you might say, but if solipsism is true your daughter didn't suffer from the rape. But that doesn't change the fact that the rape traumatized her and now she will act damaged for life and I gotta deal with it.
    In the end you cannot escape dealing with shit that comes from evil behavior. It always comes back to hurt you. No one sane person wants to live in a world where rape is normalized and common. Solipsism has no bearing on this.
    Because people will misunderstand it.
    Your ideas of solipsism are not the same as God. But God is a very solipsistic thing.

  15. What exists outside the universe?
    What exists outside the universe?
    I don't know if there was a last straw. I've had hundreds of awakenings which gradually revealed various facets of the core truth that everything is my own mind.
    I would not have been able to realize it without psychedelics. But also the psychedelic itself is not enough, you gotta seriously question and deconstruct everything.
    In the end you realize that you are an Infinite Mind, and that's what reality is. This Infinite Mind can have no ground or outside of any kind since it is absolutely sovereign.
    An infinity of Gods only exists in your Mind.
    If you want to really be real for a moment, realize that nothing outside your mind has ever existed, nor will ever exist.
    You can claim till you're blue in the face that Leo is dreaming you, but in absolute fact all you ever have is you dreaming Leo, and this will never be otherwise. If you say that Leo is dreaming you, you are dreaming that Leo is dreaming you. Which is just your dream.
    You can try all sorts of clever ways to weasel your way out of this, but it will always just be your dream.
    You will never find anything within existence other than you.

  16. Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..
    Shots Fired At Trump on Stage, At Rally..
    I have a rule never to take pleasure in the suffering others, even if it is Hitler.
    I don't want Trump dead, I want Americans to be intelligent enough to make him irrelevant.
    If Americans decide to elect Trump despite everything he has done and said, then that is democracy at work and America gets exactly what it deserves. I would not want to deprive America of that lesson. Sometimes the only way to grow up is by being really stupid.

  17. Making Motivation Consistent
    Making Motivation Consistent
    I feel so frustrated with how inconsistent and spontaneous my motivation is. I do feel motivated sometimes, but a lot of the time i feel motivated at a point in time where i can't use that energy. And when i get the time to do the thing that i want to do i feel tired, lazy and generally apathetic. Sometimes the energy is there when it needs to be, but basically the time it comes is pretty unpredictable. 
    I think what i've noticed is that the reason why it is random is because i keep on going to low consciousness to high consciousness very spontaneously. So when i have motivation, my higher consciousness is kicking in which desires goals that delay gratification like good health, pursuing mastery in "passions" and helping others, whereas when i'm feeling lazy and apathetic i have low consciousness goals like sex, junk food, and comfort. 
    Therefore, i've tried to discipline myself and just do the higher consciousness activities anyway, but firstly, the results from that are never high quality, i need to be motivated to produce something high quality, the things that i "love" are more like chores when i just do it anyway therefore i feel lots of emotional pain when that happens.
    Nowadays i'm feeling more and more apathetic because motivation and passion seems like such a flimsy and unreliable idea to cling to, I've just lost so much of the reason for why i do anything. 

  18. The Youtuber Started A Death Cult
    The Youtuber Started A Death Cult
    You never know how many girls Sadhguru is pimping out on the side
    If I wasn't so humble, I would say that my body of theoretical work is better than Sadhguru's. But maybe I'm just biased.

  19. Dealing With The Two Mass Shootings
    Dealing With The Two Mass Shootings
    @Mikael89 There are 300 million guns in America. It is simply unrealistic to get rid of them all.
    Realistically you cannot get rid of handguns, shotguns, and hunting rifles. And those alone are enough to create many mass shootings.
    Yes, we can have better background checks and ban assault rifles, but a handgun is enough to kill 10-20 people. Handguns are NOT going away.
    So this problem needs to be addressed at a deeper, cultural level.
    If only it was as simple as banning guns.
    What you have to understand is that American culture is big on hunting and guns. You have to take this into account. You can't just compare America to Europe or Japan because our cultures are different. Americans will not ban handguns. And even if we did, millions of people would just own them illegally because they would disagree with the spirit of the ban. It would be like banning weed or alcohol. You can't ban something which millions of people think is reasonable to own.
    Banning handguns would be as unrealistic as banning cars. Responsible gun owners will get understandably very upset when you penalize them for the actions of a handful of extremists. There are 10s of millions of responsible gun owners. Try to imagine how you'd feel if some kid shot up a school after playing Grand Theft Auto, so then we ban all Grand Theft Auto games. Millions of decent Grand Theft Auto players would be pissed because out of 10 million players there is bound to be one extremist.
    The reason the problem of mass shooting hasn't been resolved is because it's a very tricky problem.
    Even if the Democrats succeed in passing strict gun regulation, I still predict mass shootings will continue to happen. So what then? How do you solve that?

  20. Dealing With The Two Mass Shootings
    Dealing With The Two Mass Shootings
    These shootings are an expected phenomena of a hyper materialistic society. As stage Orange runs its course, the limitations of Blue/Orange will become more and more apparent in the form of these kinds of ego backlashes. But this shines collective awareness on the problem, which will ultimately lead to its resolution and a transition into a stage Green society.
    Banning guns will not be enough to resolve this. What's necessary is to make society more fair and to provide more opportunities and social support for alienated people.
    It's an alienation problem. Alienated, nihilistic, depressed, angry, impoverished, poorly-socialized, and sexually frustrated people adopt radical and violent ideologies. Same as in the Middle East.
    As stage Orange becomes more and more excessive and unhealthy, alienation will increase, violence and radicalism will increase.
    When people lack a proper spiritual connection to life, they become hopeless and turn to drugs, sex, exploitation of others, and nationalist ideologies.
    This is why it's important to foster a sense of community and to help those who are in bad shape. Because if they are not helped, they will not simply suffer silently by themselves, they will lash out at the world. These shootings are really a cry for help. Society is failing not only the victims of these shootings, but the shooters especially. The shooters are lashing out because they don't have proper channels for getting the love they want in healthy ways.
    And of course Trump is pouring gasoline on this problem because he epitomizes toxic Orange while goading on Blue and demonizing Green.