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Posts posted by Todor

  1. On 9.03.2016 г. at 8:45 AM, Naviy said:

    Interesting, lol - I got into personal development after watching some science films about Universe and modern Physics, Cosmos, Stars, etc. They made me very interested in what reality exactly is. So, I started searching for modern philosophical sources on this topic and found out about Eckhart Tolle. Started watching videos of him a lot, read all the books. Then I started meditating, doing mindfulness work and searching for other teachers (found a lot of them, including Douglas Harding, Adyashanti, Papaji, Gangaji, Mooji, and all these -ji's, Cesar Teruel, Alan Watts, Nisargadatta, Byron Katie, etc.). Also, I have discovered information about DMT (the psychedelic) and became very interested in it. I've been learning about DMT experiences for years now. And then, I saw Leo's video "How to meditate". I started watching his videos and was so pleasantly surprised on how many techniques there are to improve yourself. I bought his list of recommended books and started reading. Well, now I am learning and practicing more and more of personal development, building discipline, healing and improving my psychology, mindfulness and meditation work, etc.

    Yes, I'm glad that you found your core excitement and you are developing it trough yourself. I have gone trough several stages of ego and everytime when move on a new stage your sence of the world and your perseption of it changes. Thats whats facinating to me, to see the world in different light.And then you see other people around you that are thinking like your patterns before. Thats spiritual evolution and its really the main reason for me to be here on Earth, because its fun to see you you develop every day. :)

  2. I had the same concern, and I think it really depends on you and the person that teaches you reiki. 

    After my first initiation, I felt more energetic throuout the day. My emotions and mind and body were very sharp. On the next day I had lots of little pain randomly throuout my body and it was a good time to practise healing on my body. Actually I was healling both with my hands and my body was healing through this pain. After a week I felt more energetic. 

    To conclude my experience with reiki so far, (I have only used on my self for now, because I'm level 1) was more emotional cleansing and it helped me boost my immune system. 

  3. My journey began when I was little and I have stumbled upon some book about the Cosmos. And ever since that I was fascinated with the question " How the universe works". Then I fell asleep and daily life took over. Had lots of dramas, then panic atacks and finally I realised that in order to understand the Universe I needed to look inwards. I started meditations and found about the law of atraction. After that I've been seeing all sorts of synchronicities in my life.  I've learned a lot of esoterics during the last few years, but now It's time for me ot put them on practise. Thats why Actualized  drawn my attention. Now im exploring the world and defining my life's purpose. :) 

    (Which for now is just a word "Connect") But know that it will develop and grow over time. 

  4. In my journey trough this topic for now, I have discovered that you can experience nothingness and that a good thing to know in your daily life. But you have to take some role to be effective in this reallity and its okay as long as you don't consider it that this role is the only one you have. You can change it or revert back in to the nothingness to reboot your believe system. :D:)

  5. Hey, I'm new here, actually 5 minutes new. And my first post will be about Panic attacks. I wouldn't be here or having this character if it wasn't for them.

    Usually I went through every medical checkup to see whats wrong with me and then they told me to go to a physiatrist and had some pills. In the end I focused on personal development and meditations and managed to get rid of pills and my last panic attack was few years ago. It takes courage to face your fears and to inform your mind and body what's going on and that you won't die from it. Wish you best of luck :)