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Everything posted by Basman

  1. The crazy thing with many cults, like with Tate, is that there are legit helpful advice in between the exploitation and brainwashing. Its how they hook you. The first two steps here are more or less great basic advice for men who don't have a lot of success. @Unlimited More masterspells? These are hilarious.
  2. Shaking your dick by holding it by its base while slapping it on a surface helps excite an erection in my experience. Are you also into eroticism? Do you have a lewd mind? Engaging in sexual art can energize your sexuality. Like writing an erotic story with all your fetishes or collecting images. I can imagine that if you are not all that into sex that you would struggle keeping an erection on top of health issues.
  3. I feel like most question are too petty compared to god and can be answered by one self in due time.
  4. Banning homosexuality has nothing to do with god. It's an outdated decree of survival by humans for humans.
  5. It's likely that it was pre-meditated to jump him. Trump wanted Zelenskyy to sign away his rare minerals with no security guarantees. There wasn't going to be a peace deal regardless because Ukraine can't sign a deal like that.
  6. In my experience, growing up my parents emotions dominated my reality. Not necessarily in a bad way but such that it is not possible to truly be yourself completely without being inundated with that karma. The only way to be yourself more is to physically move away. There are pros and cons though, primarily the added cost of moving out which will mean that you will have to work and change your lifestyle most likely. Moving out is about seizing opportunities for personal growth and prosperity so determine what your goals are.
  7. Interesting analysis and future predictions. Accordingly, if true, Trump's plan was to humiliate Zelenskyy in front of the world and have him sign away the minerals despite being a bad deal, setting a precedence of American domination over foreign affairs (America first).
  8. Europe doesn't need less countries. It needs a stronger European collective identity and integration and there need to be more inter-European business opportunities that make it easier to cross language and cultural barriers. More incentives and reasons to be "European" broadly speaking.
  9. Hopefully disillusion with Trumpism, isolationism and oligarchy. Depends on how bad it gets. If the factors that lead to infighting in the first place aren't changed then fighting will resume post a war that demands cooperation, like a war against aliens. I think its possible however for a war to demand fundamental change on the political landscape such that there is continuous peace as a result post-war, like with Western Europe after WW2.
  10. He talks a lot about Trump intermittently in his political/developmental series if I remember correctly.
  11. Russia will test NATO after the Ukraine war I bet. See how far he can push it. The end goal seems to be to reconquer the old territories of the Soviet Union at least.
  12. If there's going to be a resurgence of communal religion in the west it needs to be Christian. Religion and culture are inextricably enmeshed and many core western values are Christian in origin.
  13. They are never going back to Romania I bet. That suit is over.
  14. AI seems like an interesting and inexpensive/accessible tool for working on one's neurosis, insecurities, etc. Have anyone had any luck using AI for self-improvement? In which, case what program did you use, what prompts, methodology, etc. I think one of its weaknesses could be that the AI just tells you a bunch of feel good shit or ends up being moralizing instead of constructive.
  15. It should really be obvious why abject suffering reduces one's capacity for deep spirituality. If that wasn't true then there's no reason for you to care about your own survival at all. Of course that is impossible because you'll suffer if you do. That's the crux of the human condition. Some of you guys live in your heads too much.
  16. The greater security needs that Europe faces now in the absence of US support has lead to introspection of how to form a stronger Europe it seems. I don't think changing borders is a good idea if its a top down mandate because people are attached to their national identities. It would feed secessionist thought and only serve to weaken the European collective. You don't want the EU to appear as the big bad globalist technocracy who rapes your culture and forces you to eat bugs. If people freak out you risk another Brexit in the long-term. The only reason to change borders is to improve productivity somehow, but you could arguably accomplish a lot already just through quality bureaucracy and cooperation. A collective European army could bolster security and cut down on costs for instance.
  17. So easy to say when you are not suffering. How aware do you think concentration camp victims are of god's creation while they are starved and abused? Try living one year in a prison camp and you'll very quickly see why fairness and survival matters while you are still here.
  18. Morality is a social construct in part but its also informed by our base survival needs that all humans share. We have an innate sense of fairness. If you are suffering its not possible to appreciate an absolute perspective so fairness and survival is absolutely vital. On the cosmic scale, your basically a rat.
  19. Fairness matters for social cohesion. The natural condition is a zero-sum game. Back in the day, men would be fair and loving towards their family one day and rape and pillage their neighbors the next. But nobody really wants to live in a world like that because no one is immune to being victimized. There are much more incentives to being fair today because the game of social cohesion is much more all encompassing.
  20. Social media is geared towards clicks. Bipartisanship, outrage and tribalism are good for clicks, hence a large amount of slop. I find these Youtube channels great for news in my opinion: You shouldn't really consume too much news content in my opinion so its good to only intermittently get new content from a news-source you like, like with Sir Swag's channel.
  21. @Leo Gura Going a bit off topic here but in relation to strictness, do you think corporal punishment of children has a place? Like, if they break a major rule? Like for example stealing money from their parents or assaulting other kids.
  22. Gender is arguably a matter of perspective but that doesn't mean that there aren't real and serious consequences to gender. If you look like a man than you have to contend with how others perceive you regardless of how you feel about it. Most organizations seem to have figured this out relative to bathrooms where everyone wins. A flaw of transgenderism is that in practice people aren't always going to be on the same page. Transgenderism is inherently very subjective but the real world can't just be subjective because people have survival needs.
  23. If you look like a man you don't belong in the woman's rest room. Its not that complicated. Butch lesbians look like women. If its less obvious then I can imagine it would create some discomfort if they think your a man.
  24. I go to a liberal university currently who has gender neutral bathrooms. In practice, it just means that everyone gets their own closed off little bathroom with their own hand wash and a mirror. You completely avoid the conflict that transwomen in girls bathroom can cause. You do miss out on urinals though. A transwoman in a girl's bathroom who doesn't convincingly pass is going to cause issues. In such cases, its better they use the disabled toilet or something adjacent.
  25. America and Trump in particular seems to have this obsession with the death penalty. Its outdated and actually costs more than just putting people in prison due to greater litigation processes. And you statistically will end up killing people who are categorically innocent of their charges. Is America the least developed first world country in the world? Its so barbaric in so many ways. How do you even get a situation where healthcare leads to murder in the first place. Then the death penalty for the shooter while school shooters are not treated nearly as harsh. Its blatantly oligarchical.