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Everything posted by Basman

  1. I personally agree, but the leading factor for people not having kids is still cost. Kids are deficit today whereas in the past they where profitable. And the poverty thing goes both ways. If your kids are poor then that means that you're poor and you'll have a more difficult life as a result. Having kids when you can't afford to can ruin or at least make your life greatly more difficult than otherwise.
  2. Every day, millions of microbes are destroyed by your immune system by virtue of you simply existing. You kill bugs when you drive your car, and you don't even notice. Being vegan is the consumption and therefor destruction of plant life. There are hundreds of examples of finite things consuming another finite things simply by existing. I once contracted a viral flesh eating virus. What happened there was that a otherwise common bacteria who are normally destroyed by the immune system, got past and started spreading. It would have killed me, its host, if I didn't halt the infection with surgery and antibiotics. The bacteria had no sense of morals or idea that it would kill its host. It just spreads by virtue of it executing its function as a bacteria. That is an example of a finite thing consuming another finite thing. My immune system killing bacteria like that under normal circumstances is me continuing my existence at the cost of another life. I think there is a degree of hypocrisy among vegans in that they only really care about animals that are cute. They have no problem killing plants and I never hear them complaining about bugs or jellyfish. They mostly only care about cute mammals.
  3. Even if the data presented is accurate, it is still a minority of people who don't have kids due to ideology. The leading cause of childlessness is relative poverty/cost of living in the developed world. And I suspect that there is a degree of people adopting views like antinatilism because of the fact that they can't afford kids to justify it to themselves.
  4. This exactly. People aren't having kids because of some ideology but simply because they can't afford to.
  5. Vegans have a huge problem with being unlikable. They lose a lot of people to their moral righteousness and shallow guilt tripping. I think there's a degree of misanthropy in many vegans because of their morals, so there might be an element of them "not caring" that they are annoying to others. It only hurts their cause ultimately.
  6. Geez dude. The saying "two wrongs don't make a right" comes to mind. It does sound like the relationship ended for her after you confessed that you cheated but she wanted to get back at you by cheating on you back. Just move on. Its over. As a previous comment pointed out, the emotions of the relationship will dissipate as you create distance between yourself and your (ex-)girlfriend. Feelings of self-harm should also go away on their own after while as you detach from the source of your distress. Time will heal all wounds. Maybe a good time to reach out to your boys. Go hiking or something.
  7. I believe the trap of martial arts is overestimating your ability to fight as an individual. Someone who is assailing you is more likely to have a plan. They might have setup planned like a previous comment pointed out or friends lying in wait to sucker punch you. Or they might just have a weapon. The best self-defense is running away and avoid fighting all together. Any "moves" you need to make are purely for creating an opening for escape. Martial arts should first and foremost be for self-betterment and increasing you capacity to live a fulfilling life. If violence is the question, the answer is to materially outmatch your opponent 10x, I.E. call the police.
  8. It rings a bit hollow to me when Western-European countries denounce Israel while relying on the US to provide the majority of military power via NATO (the US supports Israel meanwhile).
  9. I wonder where you get your "data" from to make these statements. The biggest predictor of criminality is poverty. Often what you'll see is that criminals are people who lacked opportunities, good role models and education. Disenfranchisement increases the likelihood of antisocial behavior as current society isn't beneficial as is. From a Spiral Dynamics perspective, you could say that criminals are typically Stage Red and therefor most likely come from a Stage Red background which are generally resource poor (inciting vicious competition). It can be very challenging to put criminality behind you if you rely on it financially and lack marketable skills, and having a record is like having a permanent debuff when trying to get a job, etc. The prison system in most countries tends to entrench people into crime because it disenfranchises them further from wider society. When you hear the stories of how someone became a criminal, I think it is very understandable why they made the choices they did if your willing to listen. 1:10 - 8:20
  10. It is a process to figure out what you want which will take years from knowing vaguely what you want to refining it and acing it. You have to explore different options and gain experience. Just don't get bogged down with a particular choice. Young people tend to think that a choice is make or break but you can move on from a decision and try different things as long as you avoid getting bogged down with a bunch of commitments. Ditto on reviewing the LP course since it seems you already bought it.
  11. Count your blessing while going for a walk.
  12. There's a difference between being contemplative and having no sense of personal boundaries. Too much relativity if you think your wants and needs don't matter. At worst this attitude can engender abuse as you basically gaslight yourself into thinking the wants and needs of others supersede your own.
  13. It is more gay than not. That makes it less straight.
  14. An extreme example. Gender and sex is interchangeable for the majority of the human population. If you see someone like Megan Fox walking around you are not going to to assume that she has a dick. The act of reproduction is innate. Reproducing off-spring is nearly tertiary on an instinctual plane. Evidence of that is that sex itself is a need. Having children is not a "need". Considering that homophilia and necrophilia exist, not only among humans but also certain other animals, is also evidence of that. There are plenty of documented cases of gay animals and animals don't have an identity which they build their reality around (and having gay sex isn't "reproductive" to be clear). It is instinctual to act out reproduction. No one thinks like this.
  15. No it doesn't. Sexuality is innate. It being a question of gender implies that it is an identity and therefor can be changed over time. Case in point; asexuality.
  16. Honestly, your English is kinda bad and I struggle to comprehend what you mean exactly. But I get that you're obnoxiously self-righteous and passive-aggressive. These are not the traits of someone who really believes what they say and I know that because you'd be mad if someone ignored your preferences and tried to gaslight you over it. You are still having sex with a biological male and on average there is no getting away from that for most transwomen bodies, especially if they have a penis. You can call it not-gay if you want but its still a lot more gay than a biological woman.
  17. This is not going to end well, I think.
  18. When in Rome, do as the Romans. I have had the rare opportunity to not be rooted in any one culture due to moving to different countries during my formative years. As a result, I don't identify strongly with any one culture and I can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of any one culture. There are no equal cultures. The culture of less developed country are less developed and by virtue worse in most aspects.
  19. Double standards don't matter in the context of sexual preferences. No one is owed a relationship and you don't have the right to demean or belittle someone's choice to not date someone regardless.
  20. The majority of people are not interested in dating trans people. There is nothing inherently wrong with what he said. Being condescending and manipulative only makes your cause look bad.
  21. The fact that coffee is normalized and ingrained into work culture makes it doubly hard to quit I bet. I'm glad I don't drink coffee personally.
  22. I think the modern "career oriented" lifestyle is not conducive to any relationship in general compared to the past. We used to live with our work when we where farmers and everyone depended on each and lived in a close-knit community. Similarly during early industrialization when workers lived at the factory. The modern lifestyle atomizes and isolates people. Of course the quantity of our relationships suffer as a consequence.
  23. The saying that you have to fill your own cup first comes to mind. In my experience, service to others in a way that aligns with your strengths and passions is inherently more fulfilling and should be a long-term goal. But this is a chicken and egg situation. And selfishness came first. Existentially, everything we want to do we do because it feels good to us personally even if we are doing something for someone else. Like, people donate to animal conservation because koalas and pandas are cute but don't give a fuck about spiders or frogs. I think it is an issue of maturity, like a previous comment pointed out.