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Everything posted by Basman

  1. You should just focus on what your most passionate about. This seems like a simple and obvious dilemma. I don't see how literature is the be all, end all of storytelling. Books are just one medium. Verbal storytelling has been the number one way for how people share stories before we where literate or had access mass media. Doesn't make it better than other storytelling mediums inherently. Its just a matter of what medium fits in peoples lives and currently movies are actually more popular than books. LOTR and Harry Potter wouldn't be nearly as popular without the movies.
  2. $4 billion has been lost according to the Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad, a local NGO. Coffeezilla interview with developers of LIBRA:
  3. With the apparent decline of NATO and Trump holding talks with Putin without Ukraine, there is serious discussion for creating a joint European army to cover for security in America's absence.
  4. American chauvinism isn't a magic solution that'll fix all your societal problems. America has itself a lot of issues like bad healthcare. It sounds like you just need to vote for better leaders.
  5. People are attached to their culture and country. There is not going to be a peaceful annexation of another country without all parties being on the same page. I believe Trump's ultimate aim is to become dictator and part of that wowing the hearts and minds of Americans by acting like a king as much as he can as a president. Expressing that he wants to annex Canada, Greenland is first and foremost bluster and not serious policy in my opinion. All the benefits that @Ishanga and others who are pro annexation tout could be achieved through agreements and deals without the fallout that comes with the annexation of a Canada which wishes to stay Canada. The bluster alone from an American president is causing needless division and is degrading Americas reputation as a free and democratic society.
  6. That poor corpse. 😔 How could he...
  7. I think its much simpler than that. By putting down sluts men gain a sense of control over their desires and freedom to exploit and/or pin blame. Women will also slutshame if it gives them an advantage in terms of social competition in my experience. Giving up one's misogyny as a man can actually make your life objectively harder as you relinquish access to certain kinds of sex (for overall less sex effectively). People would be way more misogynistic if it was more socially acceptable because it has certain survival advantages.
  8. You seem to have experienced something similar but different in how it exactly plays out apparently. Interesting. Perhaps there are different ways of getting visions of the future. I wonder if everyone have these experiences or if its rare. Though it seems that for those who do have these experiences its a very unconscious experience. Oh yeah, completely useless. Like I'll get deja vu from staring out of a window. Or maybe I just live a boring life. I think its more the short glimpse into your future emotional state that is of more significance.
  9. I wonder if anyone can relate. Ever since I've been small i have experienced having "visions" of sorts of a situation of some kind for a very short moment usually while I'm half asleep I believe. Within this vision I can distinguish sight and feeling. I can also react to the feeling and the vision itself. I will then forget about this vision competely until I actually experience it in a waking moment, getting an intense sense of deja vu, months and years later. I will experience a specific sight picture and remember seeing this exact sight picture once before as well as remembering feeling my current emotional state once before as well. I might even remember that I mentally commented on the situation I'm having deja vu about or how I felt. These experiences can be windows into how I change as I suddenly remember my previous attitudes flush my mind. Its a very short moment though and I will always forget the exact situation soon after. I just remember the overall experience. I used to have these experiences more often as a child but as I've grown older they've become gradually more and more rare. Now I might have one such experience a year if at all. Its a real mystery but I feel like I can't be the only one who've ever had these experiences. It makes it seem like there is more to reality than meets the eye. Its real freaky.
  10. I bet they thought you where a crazy person which is probably why they where so shocked. Who beats up a dog after approaching it, right? Good thing your into self-help. I willing to bet your life would be much worse in general if it wasn't for self-help.
  11. Probably don't go near their dog from now on.
  12. What am I supposed to argue with? People are lying, skewing and omitting facts. I'm yet to see a strong case for why Russia's invasion is just that doesn't employ half-truths and lies.
  13. Nice gaslight. Smells like a wet fart. Anyway, I'm done with this thread. Its no longer serious about making sense of the war. Just blatantly bias and misinformation. I'm quiet disappointed with the caliber of political discourse on this forum when it comes to current conflicts. Ukraine and Israel-Palestine in particular. Too much brigading, propagandizing and pointless arguing about basic facts and not enough neutrality and serious analysis. Ironically many users here seem to lack self-awareness despite being supposedly deep into spirituality.
  14. I doubt Putin originally wanted to get bogged down in war and thought an invasion of Ukraine would be another Crimea. A quick and clean deposition of the Ukrainian government. War is rarely ever a "quicky" but different nations and people keep making this assumption before going into war.
  15. American chauvinism isn't enough to justify invading a sovereign nation. Donbass is Ukrainian and the shelling is part of the war against Russian backed separatists. Poland's main security threat is Russia, like the rest of East-Europe, and has a vested interested in halting and deterring Russian aggression. Its good to question American interests and bias but you don't seem do the same for Russian bias, who are as a matter of fact less developed, more brutal, more mafia, corrupt and "evil" than America. Directly targeting civilians and rape is part of Russian war strategy. Try to justify that in the context of invasion after Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum in '94, agreeing to never threaten Ukrainian sovereignty.
  16. @Shodburrito You'll get through this man. Good luck.
  17. This is perverse. This is exactly what I mean by twisting facts. Authoritarian countries like Russia want to impose their style of domination on other countries. The threat of Russian invasion is perpetual in East-Europe. Its only because of detterence that Russia isn't being more aggressive. Its exactly why Poland is aiming to become the biggest military in East-Europe and why new member-states keep joining NATO. Just the fact that Ukraine was invaded after Russia already officially aknowledged Ukraine as a sovereign nation since '91 disproves this statement.
  18. That's besides the point. The aggressive bias and supposed hypocricy makes it hard to take them seriously. Its categorically an unjust war from the Russian perspective, which is why there are so many lies I believe. Russia doesn't have the moral high-ground in this situation, thus the need to bullshit one's way into the hearts and minds of people.
  19. The kind of strong masculine men that you find attractive and that make you feel safe to have a child are necessarily going to err towards being conservative because you can't have too many fluffy liberal ideals as a man if you are survival and success oriented. Voting for Trump as a masculine guy is most likely just a vibe check based on Trump's image as a strong leader within the context of a high inflation economy. If a man holds irreconcilable values than that is going to be problem but just voting Trump is not enough evidence of that alone in my opinion. You'll have to sort the wheat from the chaff as usual. I think a relatively more conservative boyfriend can potentially be healthy if its grounded and tolerant. I hope I don't come off as too harsh in my responses.
  20. Perhaps the neighbors are scared that they might be forced to put their dog down depending on the law which could be why they are pressing so many charges. I have no legal expertise.
  21. I feel like there is a strain of anti-western sentiment on this forum and I believe its in part because they see western hegemony as an tyrannical bully that dominates everyone. There are critiques to be had of how western society and the US in particular conduct themselves but the irony in supporting blatantly authoritarian and anti-democratic states assuming they value peace and freedom. Just the word "western hegemony" is like a trigger for these sleeper agents. I honestly think the reputational damage that the war on terror had has embittered certain people with the west in general and what it stands for, despite probably enjoying many of its fruits. The fact that they can at all criticize the government while propping up an adversary is telling, assuming they live in a western country. They be on a list or in jail if they where blatantly pro-America while living in Russia/China.
  22. Influencing the minds of your adversaries is a legit strategy in order to undermine their politics in your favor. I feel like there is more pro-Chinese propaganda surfacing as well. The epistemics of social media is particularly weak while being an epicenter of influence. Its ripe for exploitation. China and Russia gating their internet is probably in part so that the US doesn't do the same to them.
  23. If you are going to argue from a Russian perspective, at least don't lie, twist facts and exaggerate half-truths. Leo seemed to argue for a Russian perspective without relying on propaganda but later seemed to change his mind. The prevalence of lies makes me suspect that the truth doesn't paint Russia in a good picture ultimately.
  24. I can't muster the energy to deal with the obvious lies and bluster filling up this thread. I don't understand why there are so many pro-Russian trolls on this forum. And people who have been here for years as well. Is this brainrot?
  25. Anyone who runs a successful business will see their customers as just numbers at least to a certain extent. An OF porn start isn't unique in this. Sex isn't a purely emotional intimate act and I don't see any evidence that deviation from that expectation should be seen as inherently deviant. Its a dirty job but who cares?