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Everything posted by Basman

  1. It is all about how you treat and approach this forum I find. It can be very informative at times and it is nice to have place where you can discuss obscure philosophy and complex life situations and have a genuine discussion without all of the toxic incentives other social media platform have like upvotes or awards that depreciate the quality of discussion. Debate brainrot and uncritically assuming information to be true are the biggest downsides to this site IMO. The best way to use this site is to not take it particularly seriously but still earnestly engage without being overly argumentative. don't believe anyone but listen with an open-mind. If something sounds true, verify. That's it.
  2. Hating touch and eye contact is a typical characteristic of autism. It could be worth considering to speak with a professional about your aversion and if you are possibly autistic or any other hang-ups. Sometimes your just built different irrespective of diagnosis.
  3. This sounds more like a problem with intimacy rather than love in the general sense, as you say that hugs and affirmations of love disgust you. But you don't say that you hate people, so you can't be misanthropic. It seems like you associate closeness with pain from my point of view.
  4. Great video. I had myself an experience with a dude who was throwing out "hooks" like he describes in the video, heckling me and looking to escalate. I clearly noticed that in this moment, if I don't somehow deescalate, this will turn into a fight that probably wouldn't be worth fighting. So I apologized for whatever he was mad about (he was mentally ill and mistook me for his father or something like that) and he left me alone since. But I can totally understand the pride thing. A part of me really wishes that I just destroyed him instead. The urge to "complete the monkey script" is real and it feels like unfinished business. It motivates me to learn martial arts and become stronger so I at least know that I can handle myself.
  5. I've been using Onenote for years now for just about everything. It is great for reviewing older concepts and ideas and gathering information.
  6. South-Europe is geographically closer and more accessible to immigrants and travel, so that makes sense. You have to travel through the southerner countries in most cases because Scandinavia is so far up north.
  7. Stage green tends to sometimes to get co-opted by stage red, exploiting their compassion. Painful lessons like this show that compassion alone is insufficient in tackling the world's problems.
  8. She only loves your wallet. You'll have more luck with relationships that are built on a social connection.
  9. His videos on survival and his Spiral Dynamics series was his most illuminating content for me, but its like picking out a favorite child. I like most of his stuff.
  10. That CEO goading "just buy an IPhone omegalol" is the drop that broke the camels back for the government it seems.
  11. Spinach champignon Mushrooms Avocado Onion Pears
  12. It can be. Porn is in the category of technology that gives you a sense of fulfilling a desire without the tangibility of fulfilling that desire in physical reality. Gaming and parasocial relationships are in the same boat as porn in that sense. The danger is wasting your time on things that give you minimal returns. Porn isn't inherently bad however. Personally, I like porn. I think it can be beautiful and artistic when done right. And it feels good. The bigger issue is that people are less social now due to technology, our economy and infrastructure. Car-centric city design isolate people ironically enough for example. Overuse of porn is a symptom of a bigger societal issue IMO on a big-picture scale.
  13. What kind of regulations or laws do you think would be ideal for combating this?
  14. Fit and lean is what girls like, which is great because it is way more achievable than trying to look like gigachad.
  15. I find ChatGPT very wishy-washy and kind of preachy and obnoxious, which is a big reason why I stopped using it. It seems like it is always talking around the subject matter in an overly verbose manner. Besides, I don't trust these text bots to be factual. How does Claude fare in terms of that?
  16. Self-improvement is only as good as the degree to which you internalize the concepts. The trick in my experience to counteract backsliding and forgetting stuff is to act on a concept immediately after learning it. Either contemplating/writing down in a journal for theoretical stuff and pure action for more practical stuff. If you've forgotten an idea, then act on it the moment you remember.
  17. To be fair, what are you currently getting from taxation as an American on a purely selfish level? I can see that rich people would theoretically benefit less from extensive welfare because they can already just buy whatever they need regardless.
  18. West-Norway is the most beautiful part of Scandinavia. Fjords and mountains are hard to top <3. I'm considering that to. But practically free housing is very tempting.
  19. Dunno. Worst weather in the world, and I have lived in Britain.
  20. Its funny cuz I'm looking at a private school offering a course in illustration and suddenly the standards for getting in are drown the drain in comparison lol. For the publicly funded school you need a big portfolio, showcase drawing skill within an array of different disciplines while for the private you need to just draw a monkey. I'm still somewhat reeling from the burnout of churning out that portfolio and it has been over a year lol.
  21. I'm worried about boring course work. How much can I get away with doing as little studying as possible?
  22. If you are an artist you probably wouldn't feel the need to ask if you are one. You can become an artist if you want to make art.
  23. War is not a failure of humanity as much has it is a function of surviving conflict in situations of finite resources. Nothing has gone wrong in the sense that humans are built for survival as opposed to happiness. Despite that, we live in one of the most peaceful and prosperous ages in human history. Things are much better than they used to. In large part due to how expensive and destructive war has become since WW1. When war was profitable, barbarity was the norm. People where at constant risk of being invaded, killed, raped and enslaved all the time. Pillaging was normal because it is easier to take from others than it is to produce things yourself. People had to build walls around their villages to keep invaders out or they would risk suddenly being attacked one day. Without serious retaliation, there is no reason for someone else to not attack someone else if it is in their benefit to do so. Hence the monopolization of violence in developed countries. A great example is China and Taiwan. If the US didn't care about Taiwan, it would have been invaded and conquered long ago. Another example is the Russian invasion of Crimea, arguably the last profitable war in human history. Russia could just walk in and plant their flag due to the social engineering of Stalin during his reign, replacing many of the Ukrainians with ethnic Russians in Crimea. A historical example was the Viking age. The viking age effectively ended when the kings of Europe became better at organizing themselves and defending their territory. "Might makes right" is the baseline of survival in nature. There is no getting away from that as long we live in a finite world. Cultural development and financial enmeshment will make countries more peaceful. It is unimaginable now for any of the European countries to go to war with each other despite their colorful history. A large part of why the US provides military security for so many countries besides itself and tries to install democracies everywhere is because political stability is better for peace (oops, I meant commerce and survival). Today our survival encourages peace to a greater degree than ever. Things are gradually moving to greater wholeness politically as our needs become more enmeshed with each other and all out conflict becomes more and more untenable. Then in the far future, we'll divide again in some fashion. Like colonized planets will turn against earth for greater autonomy or something like that.
  24. Lately I've been thinking about why people enroll into higher education nowadays as I'm considering my own path and I've noticed that higher education has basically become an avenue for job security whereas it used to be more purely about knowledge. We need higher education in order to just get a job instead of learning for its own sake because of how employers screen out non-college graduates for jobs that didn't require a degree in the past. But also for the STEM majors that have an obvious career path, like a lawyer or a doctor. How many people who study STEM are in it purely to learn as opposed to getting a high paying job? Higher education has has arguably become about the business of learning instead of the pure pursuit of knowledge. As I understand it, SD stage orange is all about materialism and optimizing conditional relationships (I.E. business), so I wonder if how higher education has become so intertwined with careerism, what does that says about our current culture? As I understand it, higher education has always been a status game, it is just that the business world has co-opted the institution for its own gain more and more and now it is just the world we live in. That and we live in a knowledge based economy. Thoughts?
  25. Lying is a bad basis for relationships. Once you get caught lying, you will forever lose their trust.