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Everything posted by Basman

  1. Relative objective truth is one hell of a phrase lol.
  2. News rarely matter to your every day life in a tangible manner. I'm speaking in generalities.
  3. another trap: Being a blind dreamer. Artists tend to have obscure/fringe influences and tastes. This is the trap of having a dream project that doesn't have any value for anyone else. This is where artists go to starve.
  4. You shouldn't be shocked when people don't care about a foreign conflict that doesn't involve them. It can be both. The Yugoslav Wars is a prime example.
  5. If you are not glued to related news you are not going to know any of that. Most people don't have the time to care about foreign affairs that doesn't affect them in a concrete way. The Israel/Palestine conflict is fundamentally no different from any other foreign conflict in relation to how people treat foreign conflicts in general. A war breaks out and it makes the news everywhere, then slowly attention fades until a major update. Meanwhile people are dying but because it is happening hundreds of miles away and is irrelevant to an everyday person's life, they stop thinking about it. The only difference in this case is that Palestine has had years to garner sympathy, but that is it. The news is first and foremost really just entertainment for every day folk. The average person's sphere of influence is generally pretty small. If you think about any particular foreign conflict everyday, then you are not average.
  6. Your totally right. Most people don't vote critically but emotionally, which is usually heavily influenced by their peers (you are the 5 people you spend the most time with, etc.).
  7. Not saying you should vote for Biden. Your vote is your choice, but in politics it is normal and healthy to make compromises for overall positive gain. There will never be an ideal party/candidate that perfectly aligns with your values and vision for society.
  8. The majority of people are too busy with their own little world too care about a war in a remote country. The only difference with this conflict is that Palestine has had years to accrue sympathy, but it is fundamentally no different from any other conflict.
  9. Here are some traps in art in my experience: Being copycat. All artists have something they can trace their inspiration to, often another artist's work. The trap is not developing enough of your own style and becoming just a worse version of someone else. You can become very proficient at copying another artists style but you'll never match their execution due to them inventing it. It is also just very lame. Copycats always lose a ton of respect. Not being passionate about what you make. The trap is not making what you want to make but what you think others want you to make. You should always ask yourself how you can make a project more fun for yourself. Rushing the process. Art needs time to "breath". You need to give a work fresh eyes over and over again. Artists with deadlines need to learn to be consistent and pace themselves. Rushing towards a deadline delivers slop and burns you out (and can harm your health/personal life like in game development). Not studying. Studying and learning art fundamentals will speed up the rate of your growth as an artist. Personally, I don't study nearly enough and miss out on potential growth as an artist. Studying too much. It should be an 80/20 rule. 20% study and even that is arguably too much in my opinion. Getting really good at anything is a numbers game at the end of the day. Too much studying is a waste of time because you need experience to truly integrate a concept into your workflow. You can easily forget things you've studied without continuous practice. Sometimes an new concept can take years for you to truly grasp it. I only truly realized how important quantity is in terms of growing your skill as an artist only after a couple of years after first being hit with the insight. Not accepting money upfront and not having a "no refunds" policy when accepting commissions is a trap. Even if a client flakes, you deserve to be compensated for your time and effort. I might list more if I can come up with more.
  10. This is a war that the majority of users aren't effected by and don't have any tangible relation to. Eventually, attention wanes. This is normal and happens with every major conflict until there are noteworthy updates.
  11. You could instead try deleting the Youtube app on your device and disable recommendations on the Youtube page in your browser. I've done this and not having the algorithm feed you a stream of content breaks the spell very quickly in my experience.
  12. Third world countries are less developed and many ethnic immigrants tend to reflect that in my experience. I've never met a stage green middle-eastern person. That doesn't mean that immigrants from outside the western hemisphere (we're really talking about North Africans, Middle-eastern people here primarily) can't live in modern western societies and integrate well enough. In my experience, that is the case most of the time. A lot of stage green folk are being overly idealistic on this issue and need to better appreciate the challenges that immigration represents. Open borders are a fantasy. Immigration needs to be a controlled measure to add to a countries prosperity. Not detract from it like in Australia with its housing crisis. No one is responsible for "saving the world" or "the sins of the father".
  13. My definition is that passion is to connect with your interests. Interests being an emotional attachment to something for their (potential) beauty and joy. It is a felt thing and my definition is not an exact science in any way.
  14. The pricing is reasonable considering the quality of content and the fact it is a one time purchase. A lot of Business-in-a-box "courses" tend to be priced way higher than 250$ to create an artificial sense of value or have a recurring spending scheme.
  15. It seems harder for some than others to reflect on what they're wrong about. I guess its easy when you have regrets. Finally something I'm good at...
  16. I was wrong about my hippie spiritual fantasies in my early 20s (8/10 embarrassing). I was wrong about joining that scam course that promised a lucrative career as a coach (business in a box "course"), which ultimately cost me 1000s and a couple of years in my early 20s (9/10 embarrassing). I was wrong about not prioritizing friendship and extracurricular activities and spending too much time gaming (7/10 embarrassing). I was wrong about wasting my 20s and not truly living life.
  17. @Something Funny What kind of pain/suffering would you be proud/find fulfilling to bear? For example, working hard to provide for your family. Or study hard for an exam so you can get that degree.
  18. The reason men are having less sex now is because they are less social than before, spending too much time on their own with technology. Guys tend to attach importance to having sex but the truth is that sex isn't really that big of a priority for "isolated males". Incels care more about gaming than they do sex by virtue of their actions. Sex is more free than it has ever been, with modern contraption, the internet and the destigmatization of sex. You could hire a prossie and have sex by tomorrow if you really wanted to. Incel ideology convinces you of your own inadequacy and powerlessness to change. And it just makes you feel worse, all while not being true. It is cringe.
  19. Wow, she's smart. She seems very aware of cultural indoctrination.
  20. Any examples? For research purposes .
  21. Evil = selfish
  22. Society doesn't work like that. An individual might but society is too big and complex for that to be the case.What you could define as problems are the effects of how we survive as a society. The solution to these problems are never "easy". It is not easy to switch away from fossil fuel because there are no current viable alternatives that meet our needs. Pollution is a necessary consequence of our dependence on fossil fuel. Even when we have alternatives, that requires shifts in how we think and conduct ourselves. Wars had to be fought to eradicate slavery or install democracy for example. Giving up on selfishness can be one of the hardest things to do if your selfishness benefits you. People often have to suffer to grow spiritually.
  23. Things getting worse due to the excesses of a stage might be what is necessary for a society to finally transcend that stage. It does suck though to lose your job to AI. I really feel for the people who suffer as a consequence. We might reach a point where people are completely changing careers multiple times throughout their life due to AI. The sense of redundancy and powerlessness must be disheartening.