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Everything posted by Basman

  1. Highly material people tend to see reality as mechanical. If there something they don't understand its because they lack a piece of the puzzle. Its a highly logical worldview that is all about demystification. Its practical and useful but not spiritual which is what mysticism is about. Don't throw pearls to swine. Especially if they didn't even ask for your opinion on reality. That is just kind of weird and autistic.
  2. I was once charged at by a dog with shit smeared all across its snout and mouth. Don't want to think about what would happen if the owner didn't happen to be present.
  3. Its poor manners to let ones pets bother strangers. The choice to own a pet doesn't give you the right to impose on other peoples space with said pet. This is common sense. You dog lovers are so in love with your pets that you tend to forget that most people don't care about someone else's dog. Especially if they are perceived as scary or filthy, which you don't know if they are as a dog owner so you have to respect people's privacy.
  4. It is just the nature of the beast I think. Stage Orange reduces survival down to its essential mechanics. Its effective but also dehumanizing. The problem is short-term goals and incentives inherent in Stage Orange culture and not valuing connection, art and humanity intrinsically. Art commercially often ends up being a means to an end instead of something that wanted to be made. Hence why it doesn't matter to them if an AI made it or not, even if its marginally a worse artist and is exploitative in its design.
  5. Depends on how you define fuck boy or nice guy. If a fuck boy is someone who's extroverted but immature and a nice guy is someone who is insecure and doesn't know how to get what they want directly, then I'll give fuck boys the edge just because they are exposed to more experience generally and most fuck boys will eventually mature. Ideally, men should mature and become resourceful leaders regardless if they are a fuck boy or a nice guy. You'll need different solutions depending on your problems, like if you struggle getting laid because you lack confidence.
  6. The value section is the section that took the longest time for me when progressing through the LP course. I found that I couldn't be perfectionist about it and had to kind of wing it based on feeling with the expectation of further developing these values over time.
  7. Not surprised by this polling. Conservatives absolutely fucked the UK. It is not uncommon for a populace to shift further left politically when the current establishment isn't serving the majority and there's a desire for change.
  8. Yes, but it depends on your values and its a little harder without the social pressure that SD Stage Blue tends to provide or the survival pressures back when we where more directly dependent on each other. It is easier to think "I can do better" nowadays which can hurt longevity. You can love multiple people but its takes more responsibility and puts more pressure on communication and maturity than monogamy.
  9. You are basically just seeing a pattern and then ascribing special meaning to it. The problem with synchronicity is that it is wrought with confirmation bias and self-reference. It is literally just fantasy at the end of the day. Its bullshit. I used to subscribe to it and have all these spiritual fantasies about random things all the time. Never resulted in anything except feel good fantasies of the significance of my life. All positive changes in my life came from me taking action on something. Not from weird numbers randomly appearing somewhere. "42" is just a joke from a movie. Kind of telling lol.
  10. Humans are naturally inclined to think negatively because it beneficial to survival. It helps assess potential problems. Negative assumptions specifically can be problematic because it contracts the mind and makes you less likely to see opportunities and the good things you have going for you. Depression is basically just thinking of yourself in the worst light all the time. Negative thinking also just tends to make you feel worse. I find that people who value acing life tend to be positive thinkers. It is necessary if you want to feel good about your life. So, why not?
  11. If you want to philosophize, just do it. You'll know by feeling when you need to explore or research a specific avenue, like book or a course. Let curiosity guide you, not institutions. If an institution can help you achieve your goals and the costs are worth it, then why not? Academia is not a good route if you wish to make a contribution to the world however. If your life work ends up being an academic textbook it'll most likely just end up collecting dust somewhere in a library. You'll reach way more people just by making Youtube videos for example.
  12. A lot of video games nowadays survive of rich whales like this, especially free to play titles. Like Star Citizen that has DLC that cost up to 48000 USD and people lap it up. The profit margins must be nuts.
  13. A lot of very rich people tend to dress minimally, wearing just plain clothes so you can't tell they are rich by a glance and so they spend less time thinking about what to wear. Steve Jobs always dressed the same. He had multiple sets of the exact same clothes. That is as minimalist as it gets I guess. In order to dress well, the most fundamental factor is just that your clothes fit well. With a minimalist approach, that just means you keep a handful of "sets" that cover your essentials. In addition to clothes that fit well, look for clothes that match your wardrobe and ideally that also made of at least decent quality fabric. Avoid H&M and that ilk of clothing stores for most things. You are better off spending that little more for something decent if you are only going to keep "the essentials".
  14. Using artists data without their consent is obviously problematic. And to be exact, it is the lack of consent or compensation that is the problem. The future is AI but that doesn't make unfair exploitation OK. It makes it impossible for small business to be able to compete. Currently, AI is enabling the worst tendencies of SD Stage Orange and the technology is largely being used to further dehumanize society. Many tech companies bank on the political system being slow to adept, so they "move fast and break things" to establish market dominance before new laws and regulations are put in. The gig economy is perfect example of this as it uses tech to effectively compete in preexisting industries while circumventing regulations and workers rights for maximum profit. It is only recently that just talk of regulation of the gig economy has started. I'm worried though that because AI is so seemingly complicated it will be very hard to make laws for it. I'm afraid we'll probably get a situation where it is kind of "too late" for new rules to be most effective.
  15. Hinduism seems so mythological and abstract to me. I know very little of it, so do I know very little of Islam but I at least get the gist of Islam (there's one god, etc.). It is much more focused and straightforward in essence.
  16. @soos_mite_ah Yeah, it sucks. Its one of the downsides our current model of survival. Socialization is just not a top priority, especially friends as family is generally considered more important. I think in the future politically we should start advocating for less work hours. With technology and AI getting increasingly better, there's really no need for us to work as much as we do and there are a lot of important value generated for society when people have more time to nurture their relationships. It'll help reverse the declining birth rate for one and curb some of the excesses of mental health problems, like mass shootings or drug addictions. I think less work hours is a good compromise considering.
  17. Could simply be your cultural background. You said you where raised in a Hindu household so I assume your Indian. There are many Muslims in that region of the world and Muslim values could have peculated into common culture, so when you desire to explore a religion, Islam comes most naturally to you. Many of our values in the west are christian in origins. I've have myself thought about exploring Christianity as a religion most likely just because it is adjacent to my current culture as a religion.
  18. The core issue is that we no longer fundamentally depend on direct relationships for survival like we did in the past. If you wanted to, you can completely isolate yourself, work remotely, etc. and be completely fine whereas that wasn't an option when we where farmers. You'd literally die. In the past you had to work with others to survive and your "colleagues" where simultaneously your friends, neighbors and family. Social circle and survival used to be intertwined, especially as hunter-gatherers. Whole families used to live and work at the same factory. As we developed as a society, we've effectively min-maxed dependency on others out to get shit done as much as we could and we separated our social life from our survival like separating conjoined twins. As a consequence of the separation of work and community, a rich social life is simply a lower priority than work whereas in the past social and work where intertwined and didn't have to be prioritized to the same degree if at all. People don't have the time and energy to do both when they are separated. Its a downside of our (highly effective) capitalist system. There's also the fact that people just move around a lot. Personally, I have close family members living separately in multiple different countries. We are very atomized as a society today.
  19. Half his videos are about tanks and guns but his videos on current affairs are top notch.
  20. I think my first dose was around 7,5g and I don't think I could've handled much more. Either way, you can't blindly listen to a sales clerk advice.
  21. Look up some general sex ed videos/articles on Youtube for an overview, then start listing all the things that you are curious about and then read the wiki page on each item.
  22. If I owned a psychedelic shop, I'd hang up a sign or something with a disclaimer, saying that any and all consumption are at your own risk, psychedelics are dangerous, you are responsible for doing your own research, etc. etc.
  23. I went to a psychedelic store in Amsterdam with a couple of friends before to buy truffles. My friends where complete virgins and the woman recommended a 15g dose each. 15g?! For a newbie?! 🤨 You can't trust these folks to know what they are selling. You must take complete responsibility for your research.
  24. Staring at soft-core porn everyday won't make you stop ogling real life women in my experience. If anything, it'll raise your standards perhaps. At the end of the day, you are not going to beat 1000s of years of human evolution and biology. There's a reason why monks and ascetics seclude themselves from society.