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Everything posted by Basman

  1. British tourists are unironically the worst tourists on earth. I don't know what it is with the UK that inspires people to be such twats when abroad.
  2. Misuse of charged terminology makes it harder to have a discussion as you are not honest about the facts. You are not being colonized and you are not at war. Claiming such is an extreme exaggeration and untrue.
  3. The fact that you compare mass tourism and foreigner influx to being at war and getting bombed makes you look like a complete moron. You don't have an argument.
  4. That is called globalization. It happens because it good for business. I hate how the word "colonization" is being appropriated to paint a picture of victim hood when it doesn't technically apply and is mainly being used just because it is a charged word. its so dishonest. You are not being colonized. If you where, you'd wouldn't have a say in the matter.
  5. People tend to meet the the bare minimum of the standard set for them. So you could assume that the standard is quiet low for ghetto people. A lot of dysfunctional families is my guess. The greatest predictor of educational success is how well educated your parents are. There's also a culture of glorifying SD stage red level behavior, like being violent, impulsive and crass. I remember this culture infecting the minds of classmates when I was in high school and them subsequently acting out in scummy ways. Meanwhile their parents worked for oil companies and they lived in one of the wealthiest areas in the world.
  6. I've lived in areas where the local culture has been completely thinned out due to mass tourism. I'm familiar with the phenomena. Realistically you are not going to get rid of tourism or gentrification if there's money to be made. You can regulate and contain it within certain areas. That's how a lot of southern countries with tourist based economies operate.
  7. Your technically still a killer as a vegan because plants are living organisms. It is merely a life style choice to be vegan. The problem is taking the words of loud morally righteous extremists and painting all vegans as such. Most are just normal people with generally an above average level of education and material privileges.
  8. Don't bring that ugly tone. It is unnecessary. Of course, as policy there are clear winners and losers in this situation. But you are not seeing it from any other perspective than the one you are biased for. An economy of serving wealthy Americans is much easier than trying to slowly build up capital, which is quiet hard if you lack access to natural resources. I suspect this issue has a lot to with culture.
  9. This seems to be essentially just the problem of gentrification and ethnocentrism. The trickiness is that this kind of gentrification is like a short-cut towards wealth and productivity while possibly displacing the locals economically as a side-effect.
  10. There is nothing inherently moral about any of these acts fundamentally. Morality is constructed. Thinking that eating meat is immoral is a luxury belief afforded to you by a historical level of privilege. How much of that is from simply cutting out junk food and being more health conscious? The longest living population on earth are Okinawans and they are not vegan.
  11. My first thoughts is that its cultural. It is a simple way to ease up but its also unhealthy, addictive and dangerous. People tend to press you if you choose to not drink in their company. If you think about it, its strange and antisocial to a certain extent to expect others to adopt your drinking habits. In my experience, decent folk tend not to care if you don't drink. Thoughts?
  12. They are imposing while not seeing it from any others perspective. That is inherently antisocial. Drugs are not necessary to socialize.
  13. Political complacency is perhaps the worst aspect of representative democracy. When you no longer have to seriously consider the weight of your political choices, they become easily co-opted by ideology, group-think, identity politics and media bias. The voting population is partially responsible for this situation with Trump for things to get this bad. Same as with Brexit in the UK. People are too flippant about politics.
  14. I'm also 27 and a virgin. While I do feel pain about this it is nowhere near being suicidal or feeling anguish. I generally accept myself, or at least try to, regardless of what the culture is around sex. I believe that someone who wants me won't care too much if I'm a virgin or not anyway. And if I'm being honest, a major reason for my lack of experience is simply due to not prioritizing sex at all. If I really wanted to, I could get laid within the week. Not because I'm some sort of chad but because I don't believe its that complicated. You could hire a prostitute tomorrow if you wanted to but I think its more about a sense of self worth and competency. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you want therapy buts it too expensive, considering journaling.
  15. I have a family member that has fibromyalgia. Its a terrible disease. They get seizures occasionally where all their muscles tense up, collapse and stop breathing momentarily. It doesn't help that they have autism as well, as they get more easily stressed over seemingly "insignificant" things, like a room being too dusty or there being crumbs on the table. The autistic mind has a tendency to not let go of things sometimes which exacerbates some of the symptoms of their fibromyalgia.
  16. Humans are the only animals on earth capable of "disconnecting from nature". That is quiet remarkable in of itself if you think about it.
  17. A friend of mine is miserable sad drunk. No fun to be around and I end up having to take responsibility for him. I had to steal his phone from him so he wouldn't message his ex one time.
  18. Humans have evolved to have recognizable features that allow us to read one another. But we also have a strong genetic bias for distinguishing human features as opposed to animals. Animal faces are also widely diverse, it is just not easily recognizable to us due to lack of exposure and lack of significant features compared to humans.
  19. I've had it for years, probably from laying on my side in bed routinely since I was a kid. I've found this video which I want to start applying and see if it works: Has anyone here successfully cured their lateral pelvic tilt? I'll be dying to know how you did i exactly.
  20. Animals just appear to all look the same because we aren't accustomed to noticing subtle differences between individuals of the same species, similar to how people say "all Asians look the same". You only think that if you haven't been around many Asians before (or haven't watched enough JAVs).
  21. I'm sorry for your loss. Its very cute. Looks like a dobermann mix.
  22. Well, my hip is noticeably hiked up on my right side. I also experience a lot of tightness in certain muscles on my right side, especially my glute medius and abductor muscle. In general, I feel my body is unbalanced. Sometimes it causes discomfort.
  23. If you are worried about your mental stability it is probably smart to seek a professional and lay of the psychedelics. Its not really for people who aren't mentally stable or have serious mental illness IMO in most cases.
  24. Drinking pressure is a well documented thing and I've personally experienced it quiet a lot. Consistently, every time I explicitly opt to not drink I've had to explain myself as if it is not my choice to make. You don't know me. I just don't like the taste or getting drunk. It feels like drinking detergent. There is nothing inherently narcissistic about not wanting to drink. This is moronic. Just reread what you wrote, "your a narcissist if you don't drink". "You just want attention". Stop it. I've been on both ends of the aisle. I've been a drunk obnoxious idiot and a stiff sober wanker on different occasions. Getting into a casual conversation with great flow and energy can be really fun though. Don't need to be drunk to do that.