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Everything posted by Basman

  1. I'd still rather be born a beautiful women than and an ugly minger though.
  2. Is altruism inherently more truthful? Its essentially just a different kind of self-bias if you think about it. Many vegans feel sorry for animals just because they are cute and tend to prioritize inividual welfare over collectives, like for example releasing mink into the wild. Those same mink then end up destroying the ecosystem, driving multiple bird species into extinction. Compassion can get really stupid and untruthful and by that extent many vegans are stupid. I argue that vegans prioritize their ideals over truth.
  3. Slave to your passions, right?
  4. Like, completely surrendered to your passions, cast away all morals and did whatever you want you could get away with, completely shamelessly, Sith style. Completely shirking all moral responsibility. Embezzle money, manipulate, rape and prostitute, lie, steal, kill. Be as racist, misogynistic and hateful as you want. Complete freedom. Take no responsibility for anything. Spiritually go postal. What would be wrong with that exactly? Surely, it would be a highly authentic experience to embrace being evil. Maybe you won't be THAT evil in practice just because you don't feel like it. Is this what its like to ascend morals?
  5. America has so many low hanging fruits that would improve society massively. Reducing the access to guns is proven to positively effect the amount of gun violence, obviously if you can't access it you can't use it.
  6. Because she's insane. Im curious though how womens prison will treat her. I know in mens prison school shooters get treated terribly and they often have to be isolated from the wider population for their own safety.
  7. Its okay. We're all a little schizo here.
  8. What is the number one thing repeated in all male suicide notes? "Useless". Men need to feel useful like how women need to feel included. If not they can't survive or reproduce. Its the only thing Andrew Tate is right about.
  9. Because its the most accessible form of dating. You just install an app. Its more interesting to see what the success rate is for dating apps.
  10. That's so oppressive though. Don't desire to just dress authentically? Its a shame to hear beauty being squandered like that.
  11. Yeah, the implication of the previous guy is crazy. As if society would fall apart if men had more access to cheap sex.
  12. That is what is happening right now. Europe, especially France and Poland, is happy to fight Russia not to mention Ukraine's resolve. So what is your point exactly?
  13. Its a contributing factor but not the sole one. Bad geography is way more pertinent today.
  14. He adds a lot of hilarity to my life. I'm glad he won.
  15. That's because she's a beautiful women and is biased in that sense. Teal doesn't have the final say of who has it worst so it doesn't really matter who she thinks does. Its not a competition anyway.
  16. This one always cracks me up. You never see feminists fighting to work at an oil rig.
  17. No one is saying that. There are just cons that come with the pros that people seem to rarely acknowledge or are aware of. There is a lot of asymmetry between men and women that isn't accounted for often in discussions.
  18. A lot of guys don't care if their partner is compatible as long as they get to fuck. Its a moot point to a lot of guys from a purely male perspective.
  19. The independent pornstar market that Only Fans created incentivize this kind of behavior. Its essentially just marketing. I don't really see the problem with it. I don't see there being any evidence of this being inherently ethical, like many conservatives complain about. and hey, someone had to cum break the record eventually.
  20. Men don't see or care about all those challenges. They just see that women have it easier finding a mate while they struggle and are generally treated more with kids gloves.
  21. A lot of guys complain that it is much easier to be a woman but only really if your hot, right? Not that guys have all that high of a standard for what is considered hot. Like, you have middle-aged women complain that they feel invisible. Of course, because they are no longer attractive. No such thing as a free lunch.
  22. Spiral dynamics isn't a moralistic system that says anything about the worth of individuals. It is a simply an attempt at mapping out social human development. Also, bombing isn't inherently an evil act. These are complex geopolitics that can't be simply dismissed as fraudulent without context.
  23. Africa presents various challenges that make it one of the most challenging continents to develop society in. Basically, its hard to establish trade to to a lack of natural ports and vast distances, plus various other factors like disease and political instability that exacerbates the issue. Africa's most famous export historically where slaves because slaves exceed in value the cost of exportation.
  24. Africa is likely the least developed continent in the world despite being the richest in terms of natural resources. It has great geographical challenges which makes it extremely expensive to export wares.