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About Unlimited

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  • Birthday 11/03/2000

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  1. I don't care if others are awake or not, you are just an imagination of me anyway.
  2. Wow, someone told me the exact same thing at the festival.
  3. Am I a unicorn?
  4. If you can't see the beauty in this track, you haven't awaken enough. https://on.soundcloud.com/hLsXYXXe2bHyr5AW8
  5. ♾️❤️♾️
  6. @puporing Have you realized you are GOD?
  7. So what message exactly do you want to give me?
  8. I'm still practicing how to bring my thoughts better to text. I have a hard time to express myself. There might be more teachers like Leo but I know that Leo is very advanced with his understanding about God and that's why it is good for me to follow him. Obviously I don't just learn from him. Since over a year now I ask myself on a daily basis questions about reality.
  9. I will continje this thread when I'm complety sober. Thanks guys!
  10. I'm on a comedown. On ketmaine I wouldn't be able to write. But actually where in the rules does it say that? Can you share the url? And I would have written an report about I would arrive back home.
  11. @Inliytened1 @Leo Gura I'm here at a festival since two weeks and took a lot of different psychedelics and high dosages, meditated, was mindful as much I could, and contemplated a lot and read through many Actualized.org Quotes. When I talked to people I looked in which Spiral Dynamics stage they are and many things made sense for me. I even met other people that are in stage yellow and the conversations were amazing. Today I had a profound DMT trip and I cried in the end because of all my creation. Now I'm on MDMA & Ketamine and I felt like writing this, Everything just makes sense now. When the festival is over I will take a break of all psychedelics and be sober for a while to integrate all of this. And I'm also listining ti my favorite music. And I also had the most potent & psychedelic Ketamine I ever had and not just a little of it, I was many times in a K-Hole.
  12. Thank you Leo! And even more thank you to myself because I'm imagine HIM. ♾️❤️♾️
  13. The Drive To Be The Best People often want to be the best at something, and this is a normal part of being human. This desire goes beyond just deciding to be the best or feeling pressure from society. It's deeply connected to our minds, especially to a part called the ego. The ego gives us our sense of self and enables rational thinking. Historically, being the best was linked to having the best chance to survive. This idea comes from evolutionary psychology, which says that the traits or behaviors that help survival are the ones most likely to be passed on. In today's world, being the best doesn't directly mean you'll survive better, but it can lead to better social status, more resources, and more opportunities. These things can improve the quality of life and chances of success. The wish to be better than others comes from a deep survival instinct. This means a lot of what we do, even if it doesn't seem related to surviving, is driven by this deep-seated need. Most motivations can ultimately be traced to the instinct for survival.
  14. Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3WxfXisBYFpYgWhCWIg2Nj?si=519a52c71de141e1