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Everything posted by LukeZ

  1. You may want to check out Alan Robarge on YouTube and find the video you feel best suits your situation. He's explained attachment related topics really well for the most part.
  2. I had a dream out of nowhere where I experienced rays of light radiating unconditional love much deeper than any love I've ever experienced before. It's really helped to show me I've been missing pure love in life a lot. I would like to work towards giving unconditional love for myself daily and sharing this love with others. I've tried a number of things to practice this but I'm wondering what advice and practices you guys may have.
  3. I recommend the Internal Family Systems model. I've found it helpful for discovering and accessing a lot of blocked emotional energy from long forgotten parts of myself among other things. It's a therapeutic model but you can also start practicing it on your own. There are guided meditations for it in the book and online.
  4. To those who read a lot and feel that you have a lot of comprehension, can apply the knowledge in new ways, and feel that the knowledge is fluid: What is your process for going about reading and thinking about the material? Do you read it linearly or non-linearly? Like jump from page to page or skip chapter to chapter back and forth? How do you revise the material and take notes? I read Leo's blog post about the books he's been reading and it seems like he reads quite efficiently while maintaining good knowledge mastery. I've been wanting to refine my own processes and techniques. I usually get through books pretty slowly. My sense is that contemplation is important to the whole process. Reading from a critical frame I've learned helps not just with the application of the knowledge in new ways, but also long-term memory. Just reading a book linearly with no goal isn't going to help with understanding or memory of it.
  5. That is interesting, I've been doing something similar to the book scan but with chapters and longer articles for school. I suppose with school it's been harder to identify points of interest or important sections because I'm following someone else's curriculum. So far I've noticed it at least keeps my mind active as I read because it's easy to just passively read going linearly.
  6. Have you ever tried mind-mapping as you go? I've been experimenting with this and it takes way less time. Although the things it helps you remember will be different and less detailed than notes. @Buck Edwards I would recommend Justin Sung on Youtube for these kinds of things. He has a lot of videos on reading difficult texts, motivation, learning science, and more.
  7. I got this but honestly some days I feel not very smart. I really don't see why verbal IQ is a thing too. Your level of vocabulary can vary by the socioeconomic status of your parents. Given English is your first language I believe.
  8. It would also be good to figure out your chronotype for optimal sleep.
  9. I am currently using this course to improve my learning techniques as well as overall learning efficiency. It can take time to really pick up, but I have heard of really good results from it. It is for people who need to improve their ability to learn material at a high level of mastery in less time.
  10. This part here reminds me of masculine psychology speaker, David Tian, and his thesis when it comes to men attempting to match up with ideas of the ideal masculine image. His first and second episodes lay down how many of the tips online don't work due to deeper, unconscious issues. Usually because a common issue is that men will attempt to use them to cope with deeper toxic shame from childhood as they build up a "high value" image of themselves. IFS therapy is important to and informs a lot of Tian's message. He says that protector parts will take on the role of using these dating tips, which further represses deeper insecurities and creates a "false self" as a result. I've began to notice this process happening in myself after taking in advice and beliefs from online sources (especially from pick up or game content. I believe I've seen much of it on this forum). Instead, there are parts of you that are say, naturally playful or confident, that just haven't had the space to express themselves due to insecurities and shame. The surface level advice only creates more of a reliance on these tips. I think a lot of this grapples with the language you may hear relating to "dating value" or "high quality man", which I think sometimes mingles with a persons sense of innate value or sense of worth on the whole. This video I believe is also important to his thesis/message. I haven't watched the video you shared yet so please forgive me for that haha. Perhaps there are some parallels. I would like to know more about what you think too.
  11. He says his advice in this podcast can apply to men and women.
  12. Here's some resources on the rise of modern conservatism from my history class: - important fiscal conservative 1945-1968 1968-1980 - Building the Moral Majority and views on family - women's rights activists versus conservative views on family 1980-2000 - views on gay rights activists -views on poverty and family - "Anti-Christ Philosophy Already Controls America and Europe"