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Everything posted by Sandhu

  1. The fault in our stars God's crooked lines
  2. @Magnanimous This is a very good piece of advice. Your core focus in life should be Self-Love. 99% people chase things they believe will give them that love which only they can give themselves. I'm not trying to judge you. Maybe becoming most charismatic is your true passion and life purpose but most probably it's not bcoz it lacks meaning.
  3. What do you do for work?
  4. Get in touch with the hard historical reality of humanity. It helps make better understanding. This is what humans are capable of:
  5. So what do you suggest for Leo?
  6. Third one even better. Loved the music. Thanks. Share more.
  7. The second one is so good
  8. Women are just more kind/soft hearted than man. Don't confuse personality traits with development. Women can show stage green qualities more heavily than man, but in a naive way. SD isn't good enough for understanding women psychological development.
  9. @TheEnigma I know about 15 women regularly active here.
  10. Learn to harness the beast.
  11. The image isn't loading for me. Can you put a link of it please?
  12. @KoryKat Thanks mate. It's very helpful for many. Keep doing what you do.
  13. I don't get to date any woman. Sexually very deprived. A big hurdle for progress and self-development. You're all from liberal countries are lucky people. Every institution is corrupt and dysfunctional. Those who have power (money , status, tribal support) boss around. It's hard to make ends meet for majority of people. Drastic lifestyle differences between people. No one gives a fuck about lost lives. Never know when a bomb gonna blast and you loose you leg in a terrorist attack. Life is hard here.
  14. Don't you worry about it, it's map not the territory. They are not dope. We often underestimate people's intelligence. People are not that dumb. They can see through Israeli bullshit.
  15. I understand your feelings on this topic as a anti-regime activist. If you are interested in seeking the truth, it would be better to zoom out to see bigger picture of Iran's collective identity; you may find that you have been a dope about it or perhaps not.
  16. Same Same. Very embarrassing, when someone catches me doing it.
  17. Musk is then humanity's perfect representerer, He should represent humans when we eventually meet Aliens.
  18. I just have three points to make: 1. Most of the Iranians have a core Muslim identity though many of them are very liberal. 2. Iranians want regime change, because they basically want lifestyle upgradtion, they are not anti-Isam. They will turn into hard nationalist mode when the Israel attacks. 3. Iranians have strong empathy and sympathy for Palestine and all the Muslims around the world.
  19. It's very misleading. More than 70 % Iranians are Muslims. Maybe not hardcore Muslims but surely moderate Muslims. It's ridiculous to say that Iranians will support their country being invaded. Invasion will set fire under the ass of every Iranian. I acknowledge that more than half the population do not want absolute Islamic regime but having said that if they were this much opposed to Islam, we would have witnessed some meaningful progress in that direction.
  20. @Princess Arabia I wasn't talking about the situations of contemporary society and it's working. I was saying that at the base that's what genders are. It's a generalisation of course. But to get insights out of generalisation, you need a vast diverse experience of things. Back to the topic, from evolutionary point of view, that's what genders are. Women and men are built different but that's not to say that men are superior from an objective point of view. But in a masculine dominated world, masculine traits are celebrated more which lead to feminine feeling inferior and then feminine try to compete masculine for the same characteristics and demand equality where it is not healthy for them. Feminism is needed to be equally celebrated which creates a healthy society. But instead we demean natural masculinity to compensate for feminine insecurity which isn't healthy.