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Everything posted by Sandhu

  1. Sometimes you need to find solutions by on your own. Most probably you're from a culture where pickup wouldn't work or even can be dangerous (like my situation). In less developed places, people are more into survival mode so a stranger approaching them seems like an implicit intrusion. In less developed places, where people are comparatively poor, for dating success your Status will matter the most other things are secondary because that's what women's survival demanding the most, they are desperate for raising their life standards. Get your finances together and be rich than your surroundings then see the magic ( telling you from experience). Though even you can still get success by faking your status but that's gonna be very shallow experiences. And lastly I can empathise with your situation. At 21, you are crazily horny and desperate and most of your thoughts will be about girls but mate don't do something stupid. You'll regret it for your life.
  2. @AION Leo Gura is such a rare gem. His political takes are amazingly incredible. I appreciate his advice on more down to earth domains like dating, business and health. His ideas of more abstract and spiritual stuff shouldn't be swallowed blindly. As he advices his teachings are grist for your thinking/Contemplation mill not gospel. His ideas are radical and incomparable which make it very tricky for us to inquire.
  3. I can't force others to be more mature and wise about their use of this forum. Admins can do that.
  4. Why Not? This is exactly what I expect to get here.
  5. We expect the forum to be a place aligned with values. Not a chit chat space for sloppy theories. There are other platforms for that. I assume that is a special niche platform for serious philosophy and serious Spirituality.
  6. This place sometimes stink because of low epistemic standards. One would hope for high quality, well thought posts but also there is this point that most members are young and immature so what could be expected more. And for god sake speak more with less words.
  7. I only have extreme risky sex stories.
  8. I do pull ups, flying squats, diamond push ups, push ups and jogging.
  9. Well,,, It's a crocodile doing its thing.
  10. Islam is an Ideology. Ideologies are limiting. Think for yourself. Think from scratch. Use information for thinking not acting. Act on your original thinking.
  11. Can't agree more, I have watched this video many many times. It's the best video Leo could have put out for young people. The Joy of sober Living.
  12. They only get sus about my faith when It's Ramadan and I'm not observing fasting otherwise I'm a good actor
  13. I don't get why you need to follow the religion. If you want to for the cultural or deep seated conditioning reasons even then you don't need to follow every thing. You can use your own mind right? Even consciously practicing religion in a nice way will create an identity which isn't healthy in a long run.
  14. @SQAAD It seems to me that you have been under some bad manosphere influence.
  15. Brahh, what have you been doing all this time? You should have approached right then. But, it's ok. It seems you still have the shot. As you have said she is giving signals that means attraction is there. You don't need to try anything silly. Half the game is already won. Just go tell her that you like her and would like to hangout with her. If she's into you, anything would work untill you do something very silly, don't overthink, don't overwork
  16. Not worshipping him. Just collecting powerful insights and learning. By your logic, you shouldn't be then watching his videos and should be thinking for yourself from scratch.
  17. Like what qualities or behaviour make you so?
  18. 30 pull ups yesterday 50 pull ups today. I also did 50 elevated slow push ups yesterday and my routine workout. I dislike Abs exercises but they are important too. I do flying squats. I can do 40 flying squats in a row. I can do 2 pistol squats. I see progress. I get lazy sometimes and want to skip working out. I can motivate myself to do it anyway with bad feelings and half ass way. I'm also lacking discipline for my work and not putting nearly enough efforts. I'm struggling and not feeling good overall. Lacking vision probably. Getting cynical lately. I contemplated today for 1 hour. But I feel like I use contemplation for scapegoating real problems. I know what I should be doing. But not feeling to do it. Feel tired, unmotivated and stressed. Maybe I should meditate and do affirmations to get into positive state of mind. I'm skipping today's workout. I did pull ups in the afternoon. I'll binge watch GOT and then wake up in the morning feeling bad about yesterday and do bad at work and cycle repeats.
  19. Hi, Getting more serious about calisthenics. I workout regularly. I'm fascinated with amazing calisthenic skills. I'm thankful for great health and genetics. Although I can't afford to nourish my body and mind to the fullest but I'm amazed still how resilient my body is. I'm working on increasing my pull ups. I can do clean 5 for now. I can do easy 40 clean push ups in a row. My goal is build skills like full planche, muscle ups, human flag. I basically love the idea of being able to control my body masterfully + having insane level of strength and endurance. I'm for sure very passionate about fitness. I plan to create a youtube channel around fitness once I get to a more advance stage of my journey and maybe make a living off of that. But not sure I'll be persistent enough to make that much progress. Lets see how it goes.