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About Sandhu

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  1. Man, you can't be more misguided. Don't assume that these things are anyway necessary for you to start approaching girls. Satisfy your intimacy needs and see how much better you'll at other things. It is false to think that you need to be financially well, social skills blah blah to be confidant to attract girls. Man, you just need the mindset that you want the relationship. And what you need to do is dress good, look good, small good, have confidence and believe in you, have your strategy and go out and pick up a girl. Just that. I'm telling you based off my own experience. They don't know or care about back story when you attract them, they care what they are seeing, hearing and feeling.
  2. Sometimes I study these things and they don't seem to resonate and apply to my culture and my people. And I feel I'm consuming half-cooked dish.
  3. He sometimes speak poetically and metaphorically. By these type of posts, his aim isn't to shame people less-developed but to point out obvious shortcomings of people that they should be working on. You should never take it as personal criticism. Take it as pointings or guidance and try to read between the lines.
  4. Well, you basically have fear of conflict. Here's what my strategy is when I feel the fear of any scanario, it works magic for me. ----- Imagine the most probable worst case scanario that can happen when you get into a conflict with him. Remind yourself all the past difficult times you had gone through but you managed to eventually win over the situations ( You alive = you Won). Realize that you can face and bear any difficulty and challenge, Because you have confident that you will win. ---- Don't be a pussy and bullshit yourself that you must avoid conflicts bcause you're a good person. You're not.
  5. Contemplation is not about accessing some bit of useful information from your memory. It's about accessing sharp insights that can't be doubtful for you. Contemplation is when you get a thing.
  6. Original, meta, Paradigms free
  7. The fault in our stars God's crooked lines
  8. @Magnanimous This is a very good piece of advice. Your core focus in life should be Self-Love. 99% people chase things they believe will give them that love which only they can give themselves. I'm not trying to judge you. Maybe becoming most charismatic is your true passion and life purpose but most probably it's not bcoz it lacks meaning.
  9. What do you do for work?
  10. Get in touch with the hard historical reality of humanity. It helps make better understanding. This is what humans are capable of:
  11. So what do you suggest for Leo?