Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. Mouth service heheheh, is what she wished
  2. What if one feeds Praire dogs language into ChatGPT. it would help to understand Praire Dog better then the actual observation of them? "Then there are words where there are no corresponding objects, as for instance, the hare's horns, a barren woman's child, etc.--there are no such things but we have the words, just the same. Words are an artificial creation; there are Buddha-lands where there are no words. In some Buddha-lands ideas are indicated by looking steadily,in others by gestures, in still others by a frown, by a movement of the eyes, by laughing, by yawning, by the clearing of the throat, or by trembling.... ... in this world such specialised beings as ants and bees carry on their activities very well without recourse to words. No, Mahamati, the validity of things is independent of the validity of words." Source Lankavatara Sutra chapter II Link: http://fowap.goodweb.net.cn/news/news_view.asp?newsid=55236 An then we have the mimetic ones.
  3. True, as long as a machine is feed with human semantics the machine will be limited by what is feed, you cant give 5Meo to a Bot, it is simply a advanced model of a Vacumcleaner, to see what is inside of a vacumm cleaner one just need to check what is inside:Dust. The vacumm cleaner can learn to organize the dust inside into coherent clusters of dust but in the end of the day is just very organized dust, a dust that humans can understand the meaning.
  4. I usually dont watch Tv, YouTube is where I watch stuff, but there I prioratise education vídeos. Just looking for great channels for to be informed of the main stuff. Suggestions?
  5. I think this thing here worries me more than ChatGPT.
  6. @LastThursday Yeah, the need to keep Reminding actuality is what saves me from forgeting that one thing are this conceptual house of cards an another is this directness of being. Luckly is enogth looking to the hand once in a while.
  7. I notice this with me, sometimes everything is clear in my mind, like a well writen book where all the concepts fit perfectly, a book that when you read you feel at ease, no cognitve dissonance at all. But after talking with some people, relatives or just interacting online with people that communicate in a disordely way, can make my mind get a bit cranky for a while and eventually in meditate, center back in actuality and is again in flow. So my point is, is not the case that sometimes many of our problems are caused by a misuse of our language? I see language as a tool or as Jonh Vernaeke say "psyco-techologie". But imagine you give a chain-saw to a 3yr old child, the child maybe can try use it to cut a tree, but the power of the tool overpower the capacity of the child to use the tool, so or 1) she misuse it and get poor results in cutting trees or 2) she get injured or even kill herself. Is not language a tool that evolved faster that the capacity of most of its users to make good use of it? This question I also want to connect with the problem of the confusion of how the scientists communicate their findings and how the layman understand it or misunderstant it. I take myself as a example of it. In the past I had this Taoist book and I had no clue what all that stuff means? In my head there was a semantic confusion, what was the meaning of Shen,Ki,Jing, triple burner and so fort. And still I there is a lot that dont make sense. Another example was me for long time trying to have political conversations with relative just to realise that they don't have no ideia of what is Conservative,Liberal, left, rigth, and many other words connected with a vast array on meaning. So that itself created a lack of ease and even productivity in the conversation. When one read so much and study so much one need to awake up to the fact that not everyone do the same so better get ready to talk YWZ with people that are still in ABC. With time I am much more chill about non understand everything and not being understod since you never know exactly the whole semantic building that one person carry inside, apart from what they reveal here and there in conversation. But still I keep looking for ways to alling more and more my language and eliminate semantic errors. Do some of you know good sources fordive deep in this topic?
  8. This was the conclusion I got. If a biased human creates a golen the golen will carry by definition all the biases the creator have. Thus, we will have an AI as a digital parrot regurgitating all that is feed to it via language back to humans A=A
  9. So basically he thought: Man if I had a pussy I would skin guys alive and take all they have. But shit I dont have a pussy... wait, I dont need to have one, I can use other pussys and train them to skin those guys for me. Pimp.
  10. If Hoffman is really talking with AI, even if the answers are human data driven is still amazing to have a talk with Internet instead of searchin for info in a search box.
  11. Do like me, watch all. The ones you feel you could not listen properly with open mind and no getting triggered watch twice after contemplation about the content.
  12. Maybe Leo could open a new categorie of post called " Speculative questions about Leo's live" If the guy want to accept or no donations is up to him. Jesus, he is not Kim Kardaskian or a celebrity to keep recieving this constant questioning about stuff that are personal. What the brand of Toilet paper do you use Leo? Why This personality cult all the time. Most part of minucia Leo say in the videos I just ignore. Sometimes people focus on one hair of the elephant and miss the elephant in the room.
  13. Was the first thing I thought.
  14. I had simillar experiences with hyper-foucs. I was interesting but consciousness can be applied to more than looking at a dot and not move. Because soon or later you will need to move, pee,shit,make food and go back to the normality that you call frustrating. For me my deep psycadelic moments make daily life more fullfling and not frustrating. Also, trying to reapeat an experience is like trying to dream again the same dreams I had tonigth, or watch the same movie again and again.
  15. https://positivepsychology.com/hedonic-treadmill/
  16. Ask her what do she mean with Safe? Physical,Emotional,Financial, Existential? She dont want you to cheat on her? This desire for safety can be genuine and natural or sometimes result of the attachment style of the person. https://bjornsbooklab.com/quick-review-attached-by-amir-levine-and-rachel-heller/ Is nothing new but is interesting to study this. If you a secure attachment style you can go along with the 2 other not so secure ones. Relationship is life study.
  17. I realise that asking something to ChatGPT is as good as asking people here. This is what it gave me concerning Semantical Confusion: Semantic Confusion Semantic confusion refers to the misunderstandings that can occur when people use words or phrases with different meanings or interpretations. This can lead to confusion, miscommunication, and errors in understanding. Semantic confusion can arise from a variety of sources, including: Ambiguity: When a word or phrase has multiple meanings, it can lead to confusion as to which meaning is intended. Vagueness: Words or phrases that are too general or not specific enough can also lead to confusion. Implicit assumptions: When people make assumptions about the meaning of a word or phrase without checking for understanding, it can lead to semantic confusion. Cultural or linguistic differences: Different cultures or languages may have different meanings for the same word or phrase, leading to confusion when people from different backgrounds communicate. Technical jargon: The use of technical terms or jargon can also lead to semantic confusion, particularly when the terms are not well understood by the listener. Recognizing and addressing semantic confusion is important for effective communication and decision making. To avoid semantic confusion it's important to define words and phrases clearly, check for understanding, and be aware of cultural or linguistic differences. Additionally, it's good practice to ask for clarifications when something is not clear.
  18. Dont Worry, this Guys are ready taking care of it. Sorry but JP for me is just a old Grumpy man blabing about the very stuff that will turn him obsolete. I cant even hear he speaking for 1 minute.
  19. Therapy https://www.kvcrnews.org/2023-01-19/therapy-by-chatbot-the-promise-and-challenges-in-using-ai-for-mental-health
  20. Writing? Take the advantage that English is you mother language. I know how to write English but is not my main language so my learning curve is bigger.
  21. If it was glaringly Obvious for everyone that all "others" are dreamstuff of their own minds, how would the world be? Is the world giving any indication that Solipsism is Glaringly Obvious for all to see? For most people only starting a conversation that this is all a dream they are creating to justify their existence makes most getting triggered and deviating the topic to something more pratical like topics of making money, daily shores, sex,dating and so on. I tried a couple of times having this talks, and even putting simple questions as " Why would be something bad if is all a dream?" And people don't want to talk about it. Keeping the boudaries of dreaming at nigth and wake live during he day must be firmly set, otherwise, what would happen, if the distinction is fully broken? If anyone get even close to break that distinction stuff start getting scary. Like what Datura users experience, or can even drive one crazy. The deleted Solipsism video itself. For me there was a point was making no pratical sense to listen it again and again. I thought with myself " make no sense listening this and not actualize this for myself" I never heard anyone speaking in that way, never. I got more curious that scary. Curiosity killed the cat hum..
  22. nuance - noun : a subtle distinction or variation Nuances of flavor and fragrance cannot be described accurately …—Scott Seegers … these terms have certain nuances of meaning …—Ben F. Nelms : a subtle quality : NICETY … the nuances of an individual's voice …—Michael Swaine : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value) … a performance of remarkable pliability and nuance.—Irvine Kolodin So by all this, nuance is infinite, gradations are infinite, infinite variations, infinite meanings.. but still there are something that can be called good semantics or bad semantics? With gradations in between. What Alfred korzybski and other linguists were trying to achieve anyway? And this nuance in language can have this kind of implications. Maybe mostly on the internet: https://iddp.gwu.edu/identifying-nuances-fake-news-vs-satire-using-semantic-and-linguistic-cues Quote. " The distinction between fake news and satire carries implications with regard to the exposure of content on social media platforms. While fake news stories are algorithmically suppressed in the news feed, the satire label does not decrease the reach of such posts. This also has an effect on the experience of users and publishers. For users, incorrectly classifying satire as fake news may deprive them from desirable entertainment content, while identifying a fake news story as legitimate satire may expose them to misinformation. For publishers, the distribution of a story has an impact on their ability to monetize content. Thus the implications of semantic confusion, a message lost it's intrinsic value, I want to mean X and the receptor understand Y.
  23. About creativity and being a creator. I love this guy Rick Rubin. Well, there is so examples of living a great life that I don't know how people can complain about lack of examples. The problem is as Leo say, people dont listen and just want something easy. For me life is interesting exactly for not being easy. To easy is boring, yes to difficult can be challenging too. I play Drum and everytime I play I discover a new way to play.