Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. Let say the truth, the man is a joke but he is convict of himself. Even some people from the Truth and Love communites doubt themselfs sometimes but the old joker is resilient. This what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil?
  2. He say we need bring our country back to sanity? Confusing man
  3. For sure is a paid service but maybe someone here have some crazy stories to turn into comic and have money to invest. https://blukokoro.com/comic-books-ai/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYQJC4e89j77vPCLCXeC-sEPfcE3dCn-mz1bi7pjZaohie-vYV-ODR5mGU_aem_ZgRSyTmmSJ_3HkSM69wppg Creativity is infinite
  4. https://decrypt.co/242822/flux-ai-image-generator-review-midjourney-sd3-auraflow?amp=1 I still will test it. But the review sounds great.
  5. Yes I assume I am a thinking mind because I think, but the thinking process and me exist in simultaneous so for example while I write this I am aware of me making choices of what words to say to be able to convey a message to another mind out there and to be carefull in the word choice so that the other mind can understand it. Even I need to write in this language called English otherwise I sense the such other will not grasp the meanings. At same time I am listening my own voice in my mind while I write a silent voice.
  6. When you a girl grab your dick and is about to suck it. Why you dont show resistance? If was a Bear doing the same why would you resist? In the end is running for pleasure and running away from pain, one you assume will give you life and other death. But what if the girl would end up cutting it out and the Bear would just blow it. I could come up with a ligther example but I used this to make explicit the urge for pleasure vs pain.
  7. Good to keep Objectivity on this Topics since Bias is behind why this events happens.
  8. Another good source of essays about rationality and being less biased is this one https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/bJ2haLkcGeLtTWaD5/welcome-to-lesswrong By Eliezer Yudkowsky
  9. As a side study, I am trying to collect the history of Females who attained high levels of Awakening. I feel we need to integrate this side. So I am realing some books and making research. Help is accepted for those who know a bit about it. I know from study that the Oracles of Delphi were woman, and many Woman were Prophets,Priests and Magicians in the Past. In the Modern days we have woman shamans, Maria Sibina,a dn many others so I found this Tibetan Important Being called: Yeshe Tsogyal https://www.shambhala.com/the-secret-life-story-of-yeshe-tsogyal.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeshe_Tsogyal known as "Victorious Ocean of Knowledge", "Knowledge Lake Empress" attained enlightenment in her lifetime and is considered the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism she began studying Buddhism with Padmasambhava, who became her main karmamudrā consort She is known to have revealed terma with Padmasambhava and was also the main scribe for these terma. Later, Yeshe Tsogyal also hid many of Padmasambhava's terma on her own, under the instructions of Padmasambhava for future generations Is with the concept of Terma that I need a second opinion. Because we have the concept of Karma yes, but Terma is a Nebulous thing, sounds like a sort of Revelation that can be hidden is a object or even in space or maybe in Akashic records. So imagine you are able to acess the field as a libary and download information from there or even up-load wisdom in there. of course when I say there I am using dual language but for any of you who had acess to some frequency realm you know what I am talkig about, is not Physical at all. Ok back to the concept of Terma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terma_(religion) Terma "hidden treasure") are various forms of hidden teachings that are key to Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhist and Bon spiritual traditions. In the Vajrayana Nyingma school tradition, two lineages occur: an oral kama lineage and a revealed terma lineage. Tradition holds that terma teachings were originally esoterically hidden by eighth-century Vajrayana masters Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal, to be discovered at auspicious times by treasure revealers known as tertöns. As such, terma represent a tradition of continuous revelation in Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhism. My interesst here is in the topic of TERTONS. since is via ternons that the continous revelation are channeled. And what the possibility to become one of this channelers. Again about the Importance of study Females Awakened beings the Wiki say this about her " "In the body of a woman As to the question of the place of female practitioners in Tibetan Buddhism, Yeshe Tsogyal has been an important role model. When she herself asked about "her inferior female body" (a common theme in the biographies of female spiritual practitioners), Padmasambhava advised Yeshe Tsogyal that far from being a hindrance to enlightenment, as was generally accepted, a woman's body is an asset: "The basis for realizing enlightenment is a human body. Male or female, there is no great difference. But if she develops the mind bent on enlightenment the woman’s body is better." After many years of serious study and meditative practice, Yeshe Tsogyal's level of spiritual awakening, enlightenment, was equal to that of Padmasambhava. The body is the vessel, the Veichle of Attainment, must be clear this for anyone, even for the ones who claim that the body is just a dream as everything else. The truth is that If you going to use any techinique to Awaken you will use the body structure as the Trampolin. ShamanicBrething,Bandas,DMT,5MEO DMT.. ETC.. All demands a human body. and a trainment of the mind to make the breakthought. The Terton is someone who channel Wisdom, so, I keep thinking how much Termas or "Hidden Treasures" there are hidden in Tibetan Valts? Just a curiosity. Would demand a travel to Tibet and somehow acess to the Books there to know. But why make the physical effort to access treasures if all the wisdom even gatherered from any human mind came from the same iNFINITE source of Intelligence? But again, about the writen texts, there are acctualy tresure hunters in this world that have passion to find out this lost sacred texts . check this : https://himalaya.socanth.cam.ac.uk/collections/journals/jiabr/pdf/JIABR_01_10.pdf On the tab Terton on wikipedia is decribed about Khakyab Dorje, 15th Karmapa Lama The 15th Karmapa Khakyab Dorje of the Karma Kagyu Lineage was a tertön. There was a prophecy from Yeshe Tsogyal that he should take tantric consorts. Initially, he wished to stay a monk, but his health was failing. Meditation masters told him he would die if he didn't fulfill his functions as a tertön. In 1892, he was convinced to marry when he was 20 years old. By the time the 15th karmapa died, he had accumulated 40 boxes of termas, texts and objects This bit make one ask is the path of celibate is really functional for all. What if engaging with a consort may be a way up to increase the advencdement of spiritual awakening instead of being a hindrance? See in this particular historical case the guy would die if he keept ignoring the destiny of his soul path. That is something that I admire in Traditional Lineages, in this Traditions there are a whole clan of wizards around that can sense who is aimed to certain paths. Even is Amazom Tribes the boys who the Shaman see that have a call for the Craft are selected and trained since young age to become a Shaman himself. And from oral transmision, those guys have no books, all they know is transmited by Songs To finish about the Necessity of a Consort to be able to be a Terton: Tertön practices Consorts, with whom they practice sexual yoga or karmamudra to accelerate and enhance their capacity for realization, are thought to be very important to tertöns.[6] Fremantle (2001: p. 19) states that: One of the special requirements for the discovery of termas is the inspiration of the feminine principle, just as it was necessary for their concealment. The great majority of tertöns have been men, and generally they are accompanied by their wives or female companions (who need not necessarily have a sexual relationship with them). Alternatively, something representing the tertön's complementary energy, whether male or female, must be present. Yet, even very realized female practitioners bring forth terma, sometimes with an living male consort and sometimes alone. Dakini Sera Khandro is a notable example of a woman tertön. Although the authenticity and value of a terma may be questioned or debated, tertöns are exempt from being judged according to their behavior and lifestyle, with Guru Rinpoche having cautioned that "hidden enlightened beings appear in uncertain form" and, by contrast, "fool-deceivers are great hypocritical mimics of the dharmic practitioner".
  10. https://integrallife.com/pre-trans-fallacy/ quote Beyond Romanticism Both The Atman Project (1980) and Up From Eden (1981) represented a major new phase in Ken’s work—the shift to Wilber-2, marked by a transition away from the retro-romantic idealization of the past and toward a new evolutionary view of increasing goodness and wholeness. Ken describes this period as one of the most difficult theoretical transitions he has ever made in his entire career, not only because it initially seemed to flip some of his earlier work on its head, but also because it cut against the prevailing view of human history people had at the time. This view was shared not only by the religious, but also by academics and anthropologists who would often glorify primitive cultures and portray them as idealized “noble savages” who eschewed warfare and lived in perfect balance with nature. In other words, that we are born in an enlightened state, then lose that state somewhere along the way, and then have to work to get back to our original state of enlightened purity.
  11. Luckly we will have Meta-Rationality Academies to couter-act this Degeneration of Truth.
  12. Very needed. As we see, rationality is under siege.
  13. We dont need to be against Rationality or Intelect. The inteligence of the Body is the signal that this Existence or what we call Universe have as it base a Extremely Inteligent Being,call it God, but not as a Centralized,Separated Inteligence, is a Infused Intelligence, Ingrained into every bit of Itself,every cell, not just human but living in all. Your very skill to read this words and make sense of it derive from it. Is Intelligent and Loving. Only a Loving Being would create such Intelligent Creation. When we fall in Love for Intelligence this Being Respond like Firework inside our Being. Is not a bug in the system,is a feature. Why? Intelligence can only expand into more Intelligence, Love into more Love. Forever. Limits are simply human prejudices and fears. People actually Fear Death, because we fear Infinite Love. The limited fear the Unlimited, the Finite fear Infinity,the drop fear to dissolve into Ocean. But, here did "you" came from anyway. There is no Out-there in a Infinite Whole. You was born inside your Self. One sperm+one egg and Boommm!!!
  14. There is a whole book on Meta-rationality. I have a feel that this is something that match the way I am starting to look at things. When the world goes Irrational or get stuck in Rationality the way is to go all up or deep into Meta. Meta-rationality: An introduction https://metarationality.com/introduction Because meta-rationality operates on rational systems, mastery of at least one such system is a prerequisite. Because it selects among systems, or combines several, understanding the distinctive rationalities of multiple fields—ideally several quite different ones—is a plus.
  15. I am reading the book from this Youtuber Ryan A Bush. And also watching the few videos. From my last insgths in psycadelics I agree with what Leo once say is one of his favorite things in life. To built your own mind, to explore all its corners, its workings, and capacities. Last nigths I was able to see that even certain specific words have the power to make the Mind expand. I was in a inner talk full of cheaptalk, criticism,negativism. And all of the sudden I sent the intent of Creation, Procreation and imediately the Mind exploded in fireworks, almost like it was telling me "yes,yes..this is what I love. So, sometimes if you feel dull and low energy, pay attention if maybe you are doing the energy blockage yourself by the entretaining of low consciousness thinking.
  16. https://metarationality.com/stem-fluidity-bridge
  17. One of the main points of the book is to be able to own your own cognition and percive reality as clear and precise as possible and develop a functional nap alligned as good as possible with the Territory. The guy dont preach a death to the ego or the I, it posit the need to be sovereign and practice mindfullness to be the designer of your mindscape instead of letting it by default. The default is entropy.
  18. It is connected to the need of prediction of danger and the detection of oportunity too. In the operative system in order to survive there is the necessity to be accurate that one is able to very fast acess if a sound,sight,or even smell is a threat to the integrity of the system. If youn are sleeping and is not able to hear your door being opened by a burglar you may not have time to act. Sometimes when I am in Sleep Paralisis I hear weird sounds, and of course this sounds have nothing to do with any real danger, are just my mind freaking out. So when this happen I send the intention to move my toes, since it brings me back to wake state. But look the interesting trick here. Even in my sleep Paralisis I can escape the Ideia that there is a "Dangerous" "other" out there to protect myself from. Imagine a baby inside his mother belly, hearing sounds, movements, noises around from his mother intestines and heart beat. The embryo is in a situation where there are something unknow outthere, and the embryo dont even have rationality or dicernment, even after birth, will take time to that baby realise that Mother is something other than itself, more time to reach the point to intuit that others have their own minds. It is a mammal thing. mainly for Social Animals. Is Survival of Course. Most Behaviors are Survival, if was not for survival we would not need such capacity.
  19. haha.. Go firgure
  20. @integral I understand, sometimes we notice we cant control everything, but the state of defetism dont help at all. Universe have a tendency for Participation, Engagement, and not just engagement with no Intelligence, is about an Intelligent engagement, otherwise would be better just to sit in front of a Tv and watch Simpson Episodes forever and eat Pizza. Yes that is an option, surrender control and let Entropy reings. But do you want that for your life? Is for that God created you? Or in a non-dual fashion: Was for that that you created your self?
  21. If you follow some keys speakers on the world situation and Sense Making I recommend following this guy. Sometimes his communications are diffucult to understand but at same time I like the challenge and perspectives. I could add him is the side of Daniel Schmachtenberger. In the article he use the narrative of Avengers to explicate the Cognitive Dissonances on the Political,Economic and World Views that are being propagated in the peoples minds via Movies and why not all Media. Quoute " The aesthetic shortcomings of Avengers: Endgame reflect disturbing trends in politics and society. Worse, the film is a propaganda and indoctrination vehicle for those trends. I’ll explore three of them here: the shattering of causal connections and holistic understanding escapism into delusions of restoring a heroic past and the descent into a virtual reality of image that seems to excuse us from the laws of material reality All of these have profound political implications. https://charleseisenstein.org/essays/making-the-universe-great-again/ other quoute "To Make America Great Again requires some kind of reference point. Great in respect to what? What exactly is it about the past that Trump and other national chauvinists around the world seek to restore? While Trump might harbor erratic non-interventionist tendencies, these necessarily collide with the ugly truth of “greatness” in an imperial system, where great equals dominant. Supremicism requires someone to vanquish and subjugate. this link may interest too, since the point of Charles is also about the Society of Spectacle, where narrative and propaganda takes more relevance than Truth and Coherence. https://hyperallergic.com/313435/an-illustrated-guide-to-guy-debords-the-society-of-the-spectacle/ " In the context of theater or fiction, the audience must collude with the storyteller in order to uphold the story. The same is true with the Spectacle put on by the dominant powers of civilization today: the public has an interest in suspending its disbelief. In particular, the affluent classes in affluent societies do not want to know what their affluence is built upon. They have a vested interest in a narrative that obscures the real workings of the world: the exploitation and ruin of people, places, cultures, and ecosystems, even the planet itself. The world we live in today is tolerable only because so much of it is hidden from view. In the political realm as in the personal, the dupe gains temporary benefit from the liar’s lies. The parent unconsciously agrees to believe that the teenager is indeed studying with her friends. Liar and dupe collude in maintaining the lie. Do we really want to know the truth? ----------------- the article ends like this: This is not to suggest that we put an end to the human drama. We are story-making animals. Stories and symbols, that say who we are and what is real, are a fundamental way that human beings create the world together. Today though, we are stuck collectively in a story that does not serve us and does not serve life. For many this is true on the personal level too. At such times as today, we are repelled by inauthenticity, posturing, and pretense, and we want to come back to the real.
  22. You got the spirit of it. For me when I find someone who is teaching about anything related to mindshift,neuroplasticity etc.. I already know that they will use material from others+their new version of it. What is great is to be able to enjoy new perspectives, even to feel happy and admire the way one person use to elucidate an ideia. Many things Leo Teach in his videos I already knew from Psycadelic Direct experiences, and to hear he talking only helped me to register that human mind is able to achieve some similar points. So the term Re-Sonate fits well.
  23. I was contemplating in the destruction of Alexandria Library, and many other Erasings in History. What a good way to mess up with Historical Truth, burning the records so we have a Gap that can be filled with anything the Survivors decide to be. There are actually a way to trace History and its interconections in a way to understand how did we came to the World Situation as we have today? Alexandria stand as a mark because imagine if there was some records there that would make us understand the whole drama of Christianity in a diferent view? What connections were lost? What about other hidden Valts of Records like Tibet,Vatican? Others? With Data important to unveil possible Historical lies? We see how even today with Desinformation in Mídia and Manipulation of News how much Conflic and Corruption are the consequences. So How much of the History that we came to know are accurate? Even the Data we have about our own life story? I myself cant remember everything and when I recover some data from my personal story I can see that I understand myself better due to remember that part of my story. So what if many of our civilization problems is due historical Blindspots, by accidents and also on purpose.
  24. We can see that Fundamentalist minded people have something that lacks on more peacefull oriented people. Fundamentalists are Passionated. Ignorantly Passionated. If my cat look some fool drunk person walking in the street,he just will try to avoid such fool and move to a more tranquil area. But a Dog may bark a lot and even attack the drunkyard. Fundamentalists are barking dogs, with different degress of agression of course, some more passive-agressive others lashing out. But some cats can be agression loves too. The woke lefts.