Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. I agree that there is not easy answers because is a tacit learning, something done in the field of life. And no amount or reading, forum sharings, and vídeos can help when one is in a raw relationship situation where no previous old experiences apply. But learning with each other is the only way if we are truly open to listen to the the other side. Deep listening is a skill taken for granted nowadays, so a lot of Misunderstandings.
  2. True, I used to think proximity would make us closed, but life is counter-intuituve. If you sleep with her every day in the same room, smelling each other farts(hehe) and basicaly being in her energy is not healty even to her. The proximity and distance ratio in a relationship is a nuanced dance that demands honest communication, and if you two just decide to set the pace of the relation after the honeymoon phase passed then is to late. You need constant iteration, talks, adjustments. Not so different than managing a bussiness, if you dont take care you end up broke.
  3. Sharing a different way of seeing this topic, because bussiness corruption apart, one of the things implicit in this issue is Sex and the way man and woman relate, the darker aspects, the polarizarion, the shadow aspects of men and women in sex and relationships. As a man I know I have some tendency to dominance, and desire to ravish a woman as David Deida show in his writings, You guys know is amazing to be in your masculine power in bed and women love to see and feel this when is autentic, they can say what they wish but this desire to surrender is there, is just difficult to find a man for who she can feel safe to let go fully. And then there is the woman trickery that can be from a small display of little brat to being to much roller costery, waters that not all sailors are trained to navigate, I dont know how to make my point but you guys know what I am taking, when the Kali enter there and you better be Grounded and Present to it. Anyway, I am gaining a lot from hearing this Chris Bale guy. Not putting him in a pedestal because sometimes I disagree with some stuff he say, but, you dont need to agree fully with someone to learn some from him. Even Tate can teach us usefull lessons, even if learning how not to be. Link below: The epidemy of Bad Sex Part 1 . https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUKcmcIDn3/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  4. I am normaly a calm person exactly because instead of exploding i a big vent I make daily little ventings when is necessary. You need to be aware when is necessary and when better not botter at all. When I see someone is acting out of triviality or blantly lying I don't get extremely angry first, first I try to understand with diplomacy what is the situation and if the situation proves that the other is just being provocative from a place of childishness( unless is a actual child) I will respond from the level he or she choose himself or herself to play. If you are communicating as a sober adullt I will talk with you as an adult, but if you drop into the child role stubborb,tantrum and so on, then someone need to be the adult in the relationship. But overall as someone said above, while you have a body you will have emotions and triggers from living among others with their dramas and process. Better be awake and observant every second of the feedback loop in relationships. Not paranoid but paying attention.
  5. Oh dear, this Circus is more spicy than one even dream. How much Shadow Work still in the future years, maily in the Woman and Men Arena.
  6. I feel is a question of the deep sense of resposability and accountability and this varies among people. Some people go speaking anything willy nilly like spiting words in the air not knowing that all language carrie meaning and although is seen as a non physical element or "just air passing in your mouth" is not the case, words can have different effects in different people. And I see in the example of Leo when in some videos he say he was planning to release X video long time ago but he wanted to have extra care to check a Insigth again and again to make sure he would not mislead his audience. Anyway, some videos will be misinterpreted my fools no matter how clear one speaks. For me especialy I notice very fast how the speed, rytm, and other nuaces of voice say about the inner state of a person. Today I friend shared he is going for 6 months study with a Taita in Peru and he sent me a video of the shaman. I was listening close to a girl friend of mine and without looking she said: Wow, such a calming voice, let me see this man" Is the video below. His message is beautifull too but we can catch this naturalness in the speak. We can feel the health in it. But when I hear Tate, JP, and others I can sense the energy behind the words. Sometimes what is not said in words is still there, and I know this whenever I catch my own voice speaking something but the emotional energy that goes with it is not coherent with the message. Just the voice can be healing or create a orgazing effect in the body, a sexy voice can arouse, a anxious voice can cause axiety and so on. For me there is Samba voices, grovy voices etc..
  7. This is a another amazing study of confirmation-bias. If you look for patterns to confirm your present worldview you can find it. There is not lack of resources for keep maintaining a certain Indentity. And as the mother below claims, if I was a father of boys I would be carefull of what kind of "Infuencer" is spiling his ideas in my boys in development minds, in the Absolute level make no sense of caring about how the mind of a kid is influenced but in the Relative is fully important and also in the Absolute because that influenced mind will need to descontruct all that shit before it get free to reach highe levels of development. So taking out of the scene this kind of social virus is important in the long run cenário for individual health and woman and men relational health.
  8. Is this a photoshop or is Mikaela with Tate? I never would make the conection of who is this Gaston guy? Since I dont watch Disney movies
  9. Ido Portal Movement Pratice This guy below organized his Ido ideas on Movement very well. But Ido is more active now on YouTube. https://antranik.org/the-floreio-project/
  10. If in person I follow intuition, verbal, non-verbal clues, vibe etc... there is Human Desing reason why I flow better with some and not with others, but is hard to make the Human Desing profile just by intuition, but I can get rigth sometimes.basicaly the radiance or lack of it shows a lot, and when the person open his or her mouth they expose what they are, by words or just the breath smell hehe. With writings and video is also possible to acess . For me instead of trying to categorise a character i simply acess if I need to skip the minutes in a video or the pages in a book, I am unapologetic about it, If a movie dont match you why keep watching it, same with books and videos. Life is short to shitty books ,videos and companies, and there are plenty of options today. The only exception I open is when I want to give the person the chance to reveal more of himself because I may have a biase to break ,and that person appears in my field to help me break it, so easygoing people and difficult people can serve for growth. I say this because I feel implicit in your question the "Why" would I want to acess someone character? And for me personaly would be to check is there is some space of growth in this relationship or not, or even the danger losing time or even get involved in unecessary stuff. One day I didn't read well a person and that was almost costing my life. Long story but was a man assalting the hotel where I was receptionist and I opened the door for him confusing he for a costumer. So, knowing to acess fast people can save your life. Ask the girls who got involved in Tate Scheme if they could smell the rabbit Hole they were going into.
  11. @Bojan V In Portugal most people accepted the rules with no fuzz. Some ranting here or there but not in the level of descredit to the government quarantine rules. In the news of course people give their contrarian opinions but in the street level the commom citzen followed what was requested as a necessary unconfortable way to avoid more spreading. Different places have different ways to react to this events, Spiral Dynamic Reasons and culture. For me the Covid was chill psychologicaly speaking, I was going to many spiritual gatherings, Estatic Dance, even Contact Improvisarion where people touch each other in dance. Where I live there are plenty of communities doing permaculture and very flexible, so I was just Lucky for not being in a big city those times. Sometimes is just this: Pure Luck.
  12. Ask a Cult Leader, Are you a cult leader? No, I am not a cult leader!! Ask a scammer: Are you a scammer? No way, I am not!! My product is legit and pure gold.
  13. In the rigth beggining of this Movie, the man Who is the architect of that crazy bank robbery rationalize the reason for him to do the assaut, second to him the question of Imortality was something that was in human mind since the beggining, and because as soon as humans realized nothing remains after death, they started to find ways to Imortality like having kids, writing a book ,building a pyramid, doing art, and his favorite way " Raid a bank". So in his mind that was a way to become imortal. To leave a mark in the history. And somehow if in Thousand years all the Netflix series stay intact in a hardware future generations will be able to See how in the past this group of guys made a dramatic assalt in Argentina. Today I was reading Miyamoto Musashi book , the Book of Five Rings, about Martial arts using Swords. For me especially this sort of Legacy is better than the Legacy of a video of me Buring myself in a video with all the risks calculated. But go figure, people have all sorts of ideas of what constitutes a good legacy, million view or eyeball in their shity content. I am aware that as Leo say, what for me is evil for another is his survival strategie, not only physical but the survival of his persona, as a youtuber an so. I prefer the way of pusruing Imortality proposed by Leo and the Method he proposed, and I made this purpouse my own so hard that miraculously a good amount of 5Meo came into my hands. To use wisely of course. Any other small purpouse for me is just secondary now, every accomplishment have its own value,but for me no amount of Money, Fame, Sex, Views etc.. can compensate losing the oportunity of being In this body and not using the oportunity to deep realization. And that nobody can help me or give confirmation of when I reached the accomplishment. Is easy to talk online and speculate about death. Second time I used 5Meo one person in the ceremony died, gone. So, speculation and funny comments are easy on interviews, but when the storm is in your door, there no time for thinking about views or being a influencer yadayada. There will be not even the point of thinking about MrBeast.
  14. What I think , is that although one can make sense of Leo without doing some resposable use of psycadelics, for me at least some teachings will make no sense unless the person hearing it dont make his work with or without psycadelics. Is like listening lectures about sex with neven really engaging in real sex. The person simple freak out because the lectures start to trigger something in the person and the person never actualize it. Actualized.org just made sense for me because with it I was am I am doing spaced experiments with psycadelics. Otherwise would make no sense.
  15. This people suporters of Bolsonaro are more like MAGA , and the Fatass gun shop owner is a style of guys I used to find late back when I was living there. Same talk, same Pitbull dogs, and same ideia that people should have weapons. And he say " The people from the rigth who I represent are not violent people, including people who own weapons" and then he poses with a big gun as he was holding a Violin. Hahaha. My question for him would be " Are you going to Hunt elephants where with this? We dont have elephants in Brasil. Jesus save Brazil. Oh, I forgot, many Bolsonaro supporters are Evangelics from the noise shouting Mega Churches. When a see all the fuzz people do about elections,I understand why because I was a bit like this when I lived in Brasil, but now I feels like I am Watching Sims characters unable to see the the Emerald Diamond floating above their heads. And There is always this close connection of Football and Politics.
  16. I can make a connetion at what JP is complaining here with the situation Harry and Megan claim they were having by being followed constantly by the media. Dude, you made yourself famous with your work and now that the spotligth is upon you you will complain that the ligth is to strong. Sometimes I had put myself in huge ceremonies, 75 people together drinking ayahuasca, and when the noises and distractions started I was like " Shit, what Fuck I am doing here" and I give my self the most honest answer ," Well Bro, you put yourself there, You knew that would be intense, so now enjoy the trip and try to make the best of it" When you put your hands in the wasp nest don't expect butterflies coming out from there.
  17. I will not say in what part of the video below you will get a Insigth revelant to this talk but I can see that what we are doing here is not different than Forums in Athens were doing. And I belive we can with time become much better in it The Whole series from Jonh are amazing.
  18. I was ambiguous about this in the Covid times. I was the "my body my choices" guy and " nobody can force me to take the Jab" I didnt take the jab, but I got the virus, was not so bad but as I said to Mr engineer in the Woke Topic, I just can brag about passing covid times without the Jab because I am alive to tell the story. What come to my mind is when we see in nature what happens when a virius attack certain species,like fungus that attack trees or virus that attack Rabbits. In their case, one virius can put the specie in the brick of being erradicated from the system. I remember in Brasil I think the Cacau trees got infected by a fungus and was a hard work to save the crops, but just because there was humans involved in the saving, what if there was no humans invested is saving them and containing the virus? I found the data about Cacao Moniliophthora perniciosa (=Crinipellis perniciosa) causes one of the three main fungal diseases of Theobroma cacao (cacao), the source of chocolate. This pathogen causes Witches’ broom disease (WBD) and has brought about severe economic losses in all of the cacao‐growing regions to which it has spread with yield reductions that range from 50 to 90%. Cacao production in South America reflects the severity of this pathogen, as the yields in most of the infected regions have not returned to pre‐outbreak levels, even with the introduction of resistant varieties. In this review we give a brief historical account and summarize the current state of knowledge focusing on developments in the areas of systematics, fungal physiology, biochemistry, genomics and gene expression in an attempt to highlight this disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6640444/ When survival is in cause, no amout of woke ideias can save you. I prefer to be alive than to win an argument. Because while death there is not even need to arguments and debate. Just to be clear, when I say no amount of woke ideias can save you I am refering to the biases of woke or unhealty aspects and not saying anti-woke is good. When Bolsonaro said "Is just a little flu" I could see clearly he was blind to what was happening and was just trying to play contrarian. But he got ill. So for me to be anti-vax is not to be awake but is to be stupid. I didn't take the vax but I was not preaching around that who took it was a obedient sheep, for me they were only scared as anyone in a epidemic could be and they bet into survive. I took my risk of not taking the jab and I could not be here to tell the story.
  19. I get it, you have good visual memory. I am sort of this too, bad with names. But the guy in the videos is good stuff. Bald Guy 666, I never heard of that one.
  20. Truth is, you only are able to be ranting all around here, because You Survived. Death people can't argument online. Hope to see you here after the next wave.
  21. Take a look in the last Post on Leo's Blog That one is for you. Hehe
  22. Brasil is like a shop that every 4 years change Managers and every Manager need to fix the shit the last manager spread in the walls, including the Staff from the last owner wire that will still work in the Shop and Hate the new owner, doing what they can to Sabotage the new Manager. What happen with the old adage?: "Give back things better that when you found them."