Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. @Someone here brother, If you cant have acess to any psycadelic I just wish good luck trying to achieve it via you baseline state. For me even when I am under effect of some good doses is difficult to overcome the biases, knowledge base and constant backstories of the mind over reality. And when I am in my normal state I prefer not even trying to hard because I know that I don't have bandwith enogth to get over the tendencies of the mind. I am not saying is impossible, but is harder. You can self-decept yourself with or without psycaledlics. But without is easier. Sometimes we need dinamite to lift up a Mountain. And the conceptual entanglements are like a Mountain when you face it. And of course is all of your own doing.
  2. In the post say: Iraq's Secret Sex Trade October 10, 2023 The human mind's capacity to bullshit itself is infinite: Don't kid yourself. Your mind is doing this same level of bullshit on you. Just in other areas. And that is why people never realize God. Question: What other levels of bullshit my mind is doing similar to the bullshit these guys are doing by justifying sex trade using religion? I mean what related areas the same deception happens?
  3. Is extremely difficult to reach the awareness state of Oneness if more to maintain it. Daily chores demands forgeting all oneness and working for survival. To wish or hope to keep this oneness awarenes is another trick. If I could be in the states I reach after strong psycadelics it would be very hard to drive at nigth for example. But sober driving I can contemplate of how every movement I do with the car is me trying to keep surviving as the particular I that I am. There will be infinite time to be Oneness, or to grasp instants of Oneness.
  4. Leo you had visions of a cartoon Wolf of you ceased to be yourself and became it?
  5. Is just because my Sun is in Leo and also Thundercats was a cartoon I use to like a lot. Even the sword that gives vision is somehow symbolic to me. Apart from that I created the name without thinking to much. But yes, if I could choose an Alien universe to live it would be one where cats are people and they use swords. Hehe
  6. I think sober cant be done, since when you are sober all your consciousness is busy in the complex tapestry of construction of this present reality that you see around you, your solipsistic bubble. I got curious with leo post because I also trip with cartoon visions. I so far as I remember had triped Mickey Mouse,Woodpeacker, Some weird Cartoon Network style characters and recently a sort of a bloody story where a bear attack a boy, all in cartoon style in visionary states. For me there is no surprise this sort of phenomena can happen since consciousness can and will experience all it can possibility experience with no limits. Plus, after my cartoon states I increase my capacity to draw cartoons. So all that sprout in one state reflect in the base line.
  7. Well, I actualy had a dream one day where a weird man keep coming in every piece of the dream and finally I speeled him away when I called the Name of Krishna. But of course, I was dreaming. So, Yes, Jesus can Save you, In a dream of your own creation.
  8. The family of a US man who drowned after driving off a collapsed bridge are claiming that he died because Google failed to update its maps. This news probably are all around. Reminding that blindly following maps built from others can lead to terrible consequences. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66873982
  9. The Integrity of a person who enter in the Forum of another person and encourage the members to dont participante is laughable. Imagine me going to your Mayan Friends community and telling ceremony participants to go home because following Ancient traditions is illusory and losing time? Why even take the effort to write a message in a Forum if you could just go and proced living your life happy with the wisdom you got from your Masters.
  10. Just because God Allow self deception inside his own permutations don't conflate that God Deligth into realizing its own Truth, Selflessness, Infinity. I could not listen the whole video. For me videos like this feels like watching kids cartoons comparing with what one attain when consciousness get enough bandwith. Let Penrose do his own thing, but lets be aware of the limits of his and other scientist bias. Mainly, aware of our own Bias.
  11. Is consciousness and also is naiive to say that "is nothing but lines and yada yada Is something powerfull that can have radical consequences depending how.is used. Is a Sword or knife or tool that can ne used to creativity or to destruction. Even if in the Absolute language is useless, is not wise dissmis such a tool and overall language exist so if it is a possibility and is present is worth to expand and refine its use with wisdom
  12. How Survival shapes who you are episode.
  13. Is a gift to be able to observe evil without judgment of it or endorsement of it. Just pure observation for the sake of understanding. As Leo points somewhere, the ones who goes on a trip to remove all evil from the face of the earth end up being the ones who make the ball rolling.
  14. i watched a very Romantic movie days ago. Is called " The Arrival" an Alien Movie with a nice psychological twist with emotions, memory, Loving something or a future hard situation that you even allow it to happen even knowing that is not fully fairy tale and roses.
  15. I was just watching the episodes on Understanding Duality part 1 2 and 3 and in the last minutes of part 3 Leo may say something that fits with this Atitude you have now. It takes work and hope that "someOne" else will do for You, is ready starting with the wrong foot. Leo content is just to sparkle the flame to go and go balls to the wall yourself. Sometimes people pay attention to the content and forget the final warnings. For me everytime Leo remind that I need to contemplate by myself that is some of the best insights I can have.
  16. If the Aha moment can happen in one instance so the possibility of Ahas need to exist in all instances. Maybe the day of your Awakening or one of your many awakenings didnt came yet, but if one day it comes or you have an aha one day, that very instant have to be possible, otherwise would not be happening. Same with every bit of experience your are having rigth now. The image of your mobile phone, your hands holding it, your eyes reading it, your capacity to read and understand, the whole bubble where your body is inserted and of course your sense of all this being happening to an "I" that you call "me". Anyway. If an aha is possible in one moment it means every moment is an oportunity to ahas, as far as there are consciousness enogth to realize what this very moment is.
  17. If Leo pass 6 months with no Video but finally release the Courses he is working and the Book I can wait. Even one year.
  18. Check Videos like The power of not knowing. There is a point crutial that I ready had a direct experience in a psycadelic trip and now I carry with me every day. The very moment of knowing something is already being, is existing as well as a vision,a smell, a feeling. Knowing just Is, the very figment of your having an Aha moment is Being, if was not Being you would not having the moment of acknowledgement. But as far as your direct experience shows you came to know something, even if you came to know that the name of that X object is "flower", the X object and you naming it as flower, flor, blummen, whatever, this very moment is existing Forever, if it would not exist you could not having it. Rigth now I am listening drops of water making noise in my toilet. This knowing is existing.
  19. So consciousness dream that is dreaming to? Is not that a tautology?
  20. Just imagine doing this meet up while all participants are under effect of some psycadelics, for example some dose of Mushrooms.