Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. I can't belive nobody in this Forum simply dont want to know more about this claim. Just the consequences of this single statement can have repercutions or could have if a lot of people could understand why is the case. So, I am curious. How is possible that Jesus is a social Construct?
  2. So help us to make sense better Lol
  3. Direct Moment to moment experience or your rigth now is here you stand before any sensemaking. When I read a book with some sort of lens about reality I read it from the position of being in my here now point, even if the book speak about time and space being illusions I still starting the book and ending in a certain time and space. To change lens you need first to have the normal eyes where you add senses to see from another angle. Keep coming back to this ground otherwise nothing make Sense anymore. Senses, see,hear,smell,taste,touch...
  4. Why not make use of someone that applied their life-time in mastering some skill or topic in order to upgrade your own? Is not what many here including me are doing when we listen to Leo content? Of course every thing you listen from Leo or any Mentor will need to become your Direct Embodied experience but the truth is that Leo an many other Masters helped me to clear my path to new understandings, I would take life times to understand what I came to understand via Leo Work.
  5. Sometimes one way I have to get myself out of numbness is to stumble on crazy people. Not idiotic crazy people but uncommom people. Like this guy https://michaelgarfield.medium.com/dont-optimize-your-life-b6c516710c36 People that speak or write or make art or whatever in a total opposite fashion than everyone. Is like going to sleep and sending the menssage to your subconcious " I wil have an wild dream tonigth, that will shatter my previous dreams and sparkle my curiosity. Of course I dont need to do it. Is just that I never let my boring times kill the hope that tomorrow something may appear that will make me regain Awe or new A-ha moments. Pray for an Ephiphany, again and again. Your pray may be answered.
  6. I had already recived it from indigenous many times. Both of my arms are filled with marks of the dots. They disapear with time. After recieving from them and observing well I had one day the courage to apply on myself alone. Since that day I always apply in myself. Now I dont do it more that 2 times a year. Is not good to the body to have to many resets or intense Purgings. Kambô frees the body from the Yellow old acid from stomach, a little bit of the excess of fire energy from the liver, what makes you agressive. So after Kambô we feel more Joyfull, Sharp on our Thoughts and Solid and Vivacious. Kambô acts maily on the Suprarenals but also the components it have acts on other levels, emotional and Spiritual too. I apply it to some friends that already knoe how to hold their process. Never apply to novices because is to risky. If you have heart problems better not do it. If you have problems with Low pressure is risky, Kambô will make your heart beat rise a lot and you feel like a strong fever for some minutes. You drink about 2 litres of water that will come out and this can make the pressure go low. So in my opinion is a medicine that clear he body from old energy that my making you feel lasy and stuck. Indigenous use to do Kambô before go hunting in order to get lucky in the hunt. Actually it helps to get lucky because they have better energy to hunt and clear vision. It have amd effect with attracting woman too. I notice that after Kambô woman get very confortable next to me and even Flirty. Again is because you get clear from energy density and this is actractive. Hope this helps. Any other questions?
  7. There is a concept that had Pop up iny mind from nowhere another day. I Think I was hearing a relative commenting a fact and for me that comment was simply a fake knowledge or just something she got from her Facebook group message and the term " epistemic pollution" came into my mind. So I made a mental note to go search later what epistemic pollution is all about. Here is the academic dealing with this topic https://academic.oup.com/book/38980/chapter/338218717 Also if one look for the term Epistemic Violence I think it also apply in certain ways with the spirit of Israel or what Israel in a sense do towards Palestine. No only Israel but the whole colonialist mindset have this sort of intention of enforce one way of knowledge over any other ways. Epistemic Pollution and Epistemic Violence. Is not true that this two is a little bit of what we see rolling not only now but since the dawn of times? I dont know.
  8. Sometimes ideias from Old Folks like Napoleon Hill can still be handy. Starting a Master Mind Group. Not this forum of course here is more distraction than accontability. I mean a offline face to face one with likeminded people. https://mastermindbetter.com/
  9. Ideia. Create a Note Book, black cover with the Name Fenix Book. Fenix is the Fire Eagle that reborn from the ashes. Symbol of Restart from zero, Ressurection. In the book add all that feels like would be reminders from Higher self said to the lower self. Of course better if the reminders are writen when you are in your Resourcefull mode. From my experience, the notes I take rigth after going high or deep in psycadelics are the ones the reignite my Soul to not quit in low seasons. Is almost like sending a safeboat to the future for myself. Because the Eagle we look for save us will not come from some Other Savior that Ourselfs. Even Quiting the Idea of being saved by some external force is a good reminder. Sovereignty video and What is Authoroty video in Leo YouTube deals with that. Of course to have some Mature Friends to ask for Help is also good. Good not to denie all external as unecessary, we sometimes need community to give some help, but in the last sense we need to turn into our own Inner Reserves to lift us up times to times.
  10. Good analogy. Also it is like having a special mushroom on your path that if you eat it your clothes turn White, you get bigger and faster, like Mario when he finds Special Mushroom. So Microdosing could be a solution. In the Game of Life for every checkpoint there is a Big Boss to defeat. If you find a way to craft that Reminder Eagle that take you up in times of confusion you solved not only a issue to yourself but many. Our challenges are not particular. If you have this one probably many people have the same.
  11. And now thanks to this Construction Oklahoma will have to pay for all the Trump Bibles for the Public Schools. Contruct or not, true is that Jesus Brand is very profitable.
  12. I was reading the book " I am That" by Sri Nisargadatta, and truly the blablabla start making one very bored. My own direct experiences are much more good material to contemplation than words of any Advaita or Neo-Advaita. Pre-Digested knowledge is not good nutrition when you aim to go Direct.
  13. How to "show" to "You" if "You" Don't exist? This questions lead one to no deep awakenings. Die a little bit more.
  14. Systems to fall back? Like a safe net? This sound intestesting, like a parachute for when we end up in a free fall? you mean a physical, psychological or a blueprint of fundamentals to regain direction when you get off tracks? To the last question. This off track keep happening to me. Sometimes is negative or sometimes is just a sign that I exausted the work to do in one area and need to find new venues to deal with. Similar to what Leo said in his post that he exausted the reading of most Self Help Material so now is giving focus to readings on understanding worldwide topics. This maybe is the karma of being a Renassaice man or a Polimath, one get tired of being attached to only one particular aspect of Reality,one feel the Call to Explore all is possible. Of course for this we need time,energy and a certain pace. Sometimes my energy and time is low and I need to respect that, but sometimes I need to force myself to engage otherwise Complacency reings.
  15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. This Guy makes Sense https://www.skool.com/career-archetypes-community-6174/about I am not doing it yet but is in my list of courses to complete.
  17. I dont know if I trust opening it. Any one here opened it? Is safe? Hehe
  18. Is not possible that what you take as a rut or down is just you reaching a plateur. Or in other words a stage of stagnation where you are know habituated with all sorts of techniques,ideias and passed so many times through the same pathways that feels like there is no space for newness? I am just speculating because part of the problem is being able to elaborate of what the problem really is or if is even a problem. Sometimes I feel this Death Peace. Is peaceful, but not a fulling peace but just a tedious felling that there is nothing to life anymore. An of course is not true. A trip a new book, new interessts, even meeting a girl with a very good femenine energy can awake you up. Of course hendoism tent to level up and you need more dopamine to feel like pursuing some new thing. Oh dear, the irony of God infinity, there will never be enogth exploration cause its infinitly curious about its on internals.
  19. If is voice based make Leo voice into a Woman beautifull voice.
  20. Ok Leo, this one you hit a point I was trying to put my finger on for a long time. For example, long time ago I was in my begginings of knowing the Ayahuasca Retreats culture, a outsider totally new to the ways of doing this ceremonies. After 8 years going to many encounters I desmistify many of the things new comers are normally confused about. Becoming an insider made me realize that this work is not all light and joy and there is a lot of Cult patterns that people create that are not necessary,but of course everytime people gather in groups there will be some dogmas as irracional rules created. Is truly hard to avoid paradigm lock when one is involved with a group,Ideiology,nation,countercultural movement, religion,company etc... to be part and still observe apart from it is a herculean task. I think a whole episode on this issue would be amazing. So I am bringing the blog topic here to gather collective wisdom into it. Let see how objective the comments will be. https://www.actualized.org/insights/the-paradox-of-knowing-social-systems Also I am for a long time planning to enter on purpose inside some system, even a fundamentalist religion to test myself in how much I can keep objectivity at same time I participate of a very different mentality bubble group. I was ready into a Religion Cult "Mormonism" and now can see that even Shamanic groups can have suble cult vibes too. Maybe I will need to move to a totally different contry like Africa and join a Voodoo Culture. Something truly Alien. Anyway. We are all Biased by Nature. With Nature I mean the root origin of the term Nature "Birth" . Just by being born as a human form, being raised in a specific family,geographic region,religion. There is really any hope of Becoming Zero Biased? Or is just a question of Alligning all Biases with the best truths one can realise?
  21. Rainbow Rudolph apparently also is a Social Construct
  22. Drink one glass of 40ml of ayahuasca. Meditate, drink after the effect of the first is lower another 40ml. Drive your mind into talkative gosssip mode. See they coming. Of course you dont want those weirdos in your field so drive your thought to deeper topics and questions, the frequency of your thoughts will atract to you spirits of the same frequency. You also can connect with spirits of plants. Simple. While under effect of the medicine, hold a plant in your hand, be aware for it dont be a poison one, every plant have a energy patter and the fragance of that plant will show up as visions for you, similar of rattatoile rat when he could see flavors. One way also is to know the spiritual name of the spirit, thats why those Indians have those rituals of Chanting Kali Kali or Durge Durge or Shiva.. you invocate the Deity or Energy Pattern till it Fall down upon you. Call thos law of attraction or something similar. Birds of the Same Flock sing together.
  23. Fair enogth, I was expecting that answer.