Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. James Cameron is releasing the new Avatar Movie. Is he using devilery to reach that goal?
  2. Give a read on this. About Blame, Victim and Abuser Dynamics and a Big Picture View https://derrickjensen.org/endgame/isolation-and-blame/
  3. So Traps are Contextual. It can be a Trap for someone and not a Trap for Others depending in what developmental stage they are. A 5 to 9 job can be a trap for some and a great thing for another.
  4. @Joshe a video for the Future Generation Laugths. Well I am laugthing ready.
  5. @Shane Hanlon he have another episode on the archetipe of Monk. So in that context he is trying to say that there is a stage where we detach from socialization or from to much care for community in order to connect more with our core essence and there is time to go the other way and simply dive in the mundane world of life and enjoy it as much as a retreat. Like one friend told me another day: Built a life from where you dont even need to escape to a retreat. Or not being a retreat junkie at least.
  6. From a Email Recived from Integral+Life https://integrallife.com/an-integral-metatheory-of-conservatism/?utm_source=Integral+Life+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ec098655bb-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_11_18_08_59&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-ec098655bb-736305095&goal=0_de2cfb3770-ec098655bb-736305095&mc_cid=ec098655bb&mc_eid=4c45fd4b39 Is about a Meta-Theory of Conservativism. Or seeing how it fits in the Whole scheme of Things.
  7. Compost Toilets and the Whole Off Grid and Permaculture Movement. With compost toilets I half Agree. All depends of how is built, in cities would be a disaster. Smell like shit.
  8. Answering my own question. I think Stage Green Mega Thread is a good place to find examples of what this quote points.
  9. @Brittany good perspective. You said what I was trying to explain to my self for years around this dilema or Tracendence vs Imanence
  10. Where you go find this stuff man? You surely have time.
  11. Ok Leo, with this last post one you have explanatory work to do. Yes it make sense, but a video about this would be put on fire a lot of self rigtheous activists I know. People that from their perspective are doing the most truth and compassion alligned work ever https://www.actualized.org/insights/actualized-quotes-087
  12. This woman made Anger the work of her life https://www.ashleyvelvetfrost.com/aoa
  13. The image of the end of the Movie Blade Runner ( New Version) came to my mind. That movie may be a little depressing but who to say that the future need necessarialy to be Brilliant? What the Future looks Like to Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis? Well, no body can answer,they are gone
  14. Will check that. Why you say that anything that takes down the Hegelians and Wilberians is a win? Wilberians refers to Ken Wilber? I checked Delanda Book on GoodReads and sound like a good perspective to see History. This is what I like, new perspectives, because here and there one researcher will eventually have some bias, maybe one forget to take something or other in consideration. For exemple in the Book New Dawn of Everything the writers talk about Bones found in Burials and This specific are decorated with many precious laborious ornaments. The question the writers are debating is if this sort of Burial shows that there was a sense of superiority in this people to be buried like this, so this would be a trace of inequality in pre-historic times. But the writers are aware that we tend to speculate and make our theories fit the findings so they reframe the question: Is not that this burials where special, the questions is that, if was a commom habit, why not to find every one buried like this and not just some rare ones? Antropology is hard work, because there is little material and lot of silence, trying to give voice to bones. Hehe
  15. Integral Life Practice Book. Read apply and see results. Forget the Trancendentalists. You can Trancend existence, is existence all way down,up,left,rigth,ligth,dark,emotions,...keep including add infinitum
  16. Interresting , connect that with the insigth of the Book The Dawn of Everthing- A New History of Everything. Book by the studies of an Archeologist and an Atrophologist. The Narratives of Historical Stages were influenced by the Bias pf each Historian. Some more Hobbean others more Rosseurlian, but the findings in the field are more weird than any linear system can say. Humans in the past had more flexibility in their organizing lifes or economies. Some eras of Anarchy other Eras of Tyrany, etc... Difficult to explain, check the book. But nice video anyway
  17. Well, I still trying to undersrand if this guy make sense, since every perspective is partial. But is not what he say something we always hear from some Pundits, that we need more productivity and this is the why people have lower standards of living?dont this retoric sounds like slave owners telling slaves that if they produce more one day they will be free and prosperous? What you think. About the Growth of Inequality vs the Growth of Richness to the already Ultra Rich.
  18. Actually Claude made a good Index # Introduction: The False Dichotomy - Defining terms: What exactly is "woke" and "anti-woke"? - The historical context of social justice movements and their backlash - Why binary thinking about complex social issues fails us # Chapter 1: The Fundamental Paradox of Anti-Wokeness - How anti-woke movement often exhibits the same behaviors it criticizes: - Identity-based grievance politics - Cancel culture (from the right) - Moral panics - Hypersensitivity to perceived slights - Demand for ideological conformity # Chapter 2: The Intellectual Poverty of Pure Reaction - Why being defined by opposition is inherently limiting - How anti-woke positioning often lacks constructive alternatives - The difference between legitimate criticism and reflexive contrarianism - Examples of anti-woke figures contradicting their own stated principles # Chapter 3: The False Nostalgia Problem - Examining the mythologized past anti-woke advocates want to return to - Historical amnesia about previous social justice movements - Why social change is inevitable and resistance is often futile - How moral panic about "wokeness" mirrors historical moral panics # Chapter 4: Bad Faith Arguments and Tactical Dishonesty - Deliberate misrepresentation of progressive positions - Cherry-picking extreme examples to discredit entire movements - The "anti-woke" grift: monetizing outrage - Double standards in critiquing "woke" vs conservative extremism # Chapter 5: The Self-Defeating Nature of Anti-Woke Politics - How anti-woke backlash often accelerates social change - The Streisand effect in cultural politics - Why younger generations are turned off by anti-woke messaging - The diminishing returns of outrage politics # Chapter 6: The Nuance Problem - Why both "woke" and "anti-woke" positions can be wrong - The importance of good-faith criticism of progressive movements - How binary thinking hurts everyone - Finding a path forward through genuine dialogue # Chapter 7: A Better Way Forward - Moving beyond the woke/anti-woke binary - Principles for constructive social dialogue - How to critique social justice movements productively - Building coalitions across ideological lines # Conclusion: Beyond the Culture Wars - Why we need to escape the outrage cycle - Practical steps for depolarizing social justice discussions - The future of social progress beyond current divisions # Appendices A. Timeline of "Woke" and "Anti-Woke" Evolution B. Case Studies in Failed Anti-Woke Backlash C. Glossary of Terms and Concepts