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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat
Rafael Thundercat replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
There is always the option to change the speed of the video. Btw, thank you to clarify why I was watching Lex content and not knowing why I could not stand it. The pace of speaking is really a thing. Xanax kkkkk -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I like the takes on the topic in this short talk. A online Avatar, mainly one that can influence young minds have impact. So there always resposability. Because everything one do and say creates ripple effects in the field. Influence is something people take to ligthy. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
No comparasion between Mob from that time with the Mobs followers from Bolsonaro in Brasil. I had one-to-one talks with supporters of Bolsonaro. Minds so walled that is impossible to jailbreak with reason. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Some people cant just accept their favorite puppet lost the election. And knowing the mindset of some of my brasilian relatives I am not impressed with this event. Of course Bolsonaro herd would not accept the results. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Hahahaha I thought the same when I saw it. And the amazing is how everything can be rationalized. The sneakyness of rationalization is amazing. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I instaled TikTok on purpouse to become aware of the hype and in the experience I forced myself to consume it remembering how my 14 years old mentality was an checking how it would affect me. I think degrading attention is the exact term to describe the effects. But apparently millons love that, and millions love their Wokist ideias and some Love Actualized content. Furtunately there is variety in the world, otherwise we would not have even this Forum. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
One question I would do for myself to check if a man would be a good role model ( even knowing that this can be very subjective) is: If I would travel for 6 months and I would need a men to take care of my Wife and Kids and manage the house for this time in a way that when I get back I can find everything well. Would I trust this in this mans hands? I am even taking in consideration that maybe my wife would need to receive love, emotional and physical. And this guy should meet the requisites to give as much love as I would give myself to her. So in this way of being, first and foremost I need to be the rolemodel of what kind of men I would chosse to give my family to be taken care. So, anyone in his sane mind would trust their beloved to Tate to take good care? -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I will give a thougth experiment for you guys: What if you would enter in this house they call in the video TheValt, and your mission would be to help them to understand some high Self-Actualization ideias. Well, before hand first take into account that you would need to get them to pay attention. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Some times is difficult to see outside the box of to solve the 9 dots challenge. As far as I see not only online but in my day to day life is basicaly the difficulty to transfer meaning to each other in a way that the other side feel that you understood him and he understood you. Today I was watching this serie, such a gem found in the ocean of foolishness that YouTube seems to be. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Tyler Robinson's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The concept of Figments of consciousness is one among many that is being practicaly usefull everyday. I am rigth know using it by being cosncious that the phone, this words,my fingers writing the room where I am writing this from the feeling of my feet in the ground, my breath, the pause in my mind trying to come up with something else to write and me finishing this sentence including this sense of me being a me in time and space. All this figments of consciousness that I cant and dont need to get rid of, I just this experience rigth now. Is so simple but so profoundly good at same time. When you are in peace with all there is. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to no_name's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In the past I was a member of the Mórmon Church, so one day I just decided to visit church, just because there was this ideia in my mind if I would be able to be in the middle of that vibe again and be unaffected. True, I was there and was fine. But the same 2 hours you spend with people and topics you don't connect you can spend in meditation, reading something for your own interest or even watching a nice Netfix movie or else. The point is, not spending time and energy with someone just to prove yourself you can hang out with anyone. I ready declined invitations from friends that do weekends drinking Ayahuasca just because I don't go along with the vibe of the group. There is nothing wrong avoiding certain people, the same way you avoid some food that you know don't fit your dietary needs. Simple like this. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Speaking about different voices on the topic here is it: Is not explicitly touching on the Tate event but on the overall cultural topic of relationship area and the mentality around it. And by the way Chris also was part of a Reality Tv Show but was able to choose a different route of how express his creative energy. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62917588 -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I cant avoid paying attention to the way Teal breath while she speaks. Is not even about the message but the Breathe pattern. Girl, please, just breath. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Apparently people can use Twitter in Jail. or is a paid social media manager. https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1612035223662764034?t=y7GnKZWH1OC8H0YN79koBQ&s=19 -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Victor van Rijn's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I had a weird experience with this. I came one day after a 5 day retreat of Ayahuasca, and inside the retreat you are inside of such a bubble of high consciousness that you cant compare with anything else. In the group everything flows, you are going around doing your shores and arrive in the places in the rigth time to hear something important from somebody or help someone in some activity. Is everything syncronized as an well oiled machine. When I came back to the "world" it felt like I was coming back to an old Era in time, felt like I came back to 1970. A real feeling of Time traveling, felt like I was in that movie where you enter in a car and goes back. So this experience it gave me the insigth to don't conflate your level of consciousness with the level of consciousness your society are. If you get higher, be ready to become patient and compassionate because you will see a lot of unconsciousness and sometimes just watch it and accept as part of the growth process. And is normal that this happens, because most part of people in this world are not engaged in doing inner work with or without psycadelics. I have a brother that don't read a single book in years. Is not a surprise that my communication with him don't flow. There is no judgment, I just choose to be a reader. Some people are stuck in lower levels of personality development, and is both a individual problem (Lack of self-relfection) and a structural one ( as Leo said once, Society don't give praise if someone declare he/her is in a Mission to become Self-Realized) You can't make a song from your phone play in a Atari console. The Atari dont have Bluetooth yet. And you cant fit a VHS tape in a DvD player. Is like my capacity to express myself in English. Any one who have English as a native language can spot that English is not my Mother language. I simply don't have the software fully instaled so I try the best I can with my level of English. Same with many levels of consciousness around the world. Some things simply don't compute for some people. Not enogth Bandwith. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
First world problems. Survival 101 -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Is also very healthy to become a role model to oneself. For me I dont feel the need to be any like any Goggins,Hubermans,Rogans,Tates, and even Leos. Anyone must be engaged being themselfs (instantiations of consciousness) and trying to overcome their own limits,bias and so forth. Of course some can serve as inspiration for change. For me, the best moments are those when I am alone, either walking, swiming, reading, having a breakfast, watching a stand-up comedy, playing drum,harmonica, signing, or looking inside in a psycadelic journey. Those characters griffters or not are doing their own thing as well collecting the consequences of their actions. This constant chase for role models is riduculous. I understand the need for it in a community level. For me personality if I listen a guy speaking and the way they behave online I just ask myself if I would enjoy to pass a day with the guy and if it would be fullfilling? Same with a woman, if you be honest you know if you connect or not with someone. If I feel it would be a waste of my time I try to not spend time online with this guys. Anyway, I follow very little people, and unfollow the ones I feel BS without thinking twice as soon as I smell lack of Integrity. But I know not everbody have a trained nose for horseshit. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Maybe they lack Requisite Variety https://www.actualized.org/insights/requisite-variety-and-creative-laziness -
Rafael Thundercat replied to DocWatts's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is somehow related with this topic about Masculinity. Judge by yourself the validity of the content to your inner work. And wishing that we as men can more and more communicate as this two guys in the podcast. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5qLk6lhc93r6uTRhH12pqd?si=BMYoWy6ZQu2LwNuWb0OriA -
Rafael Thundercat replied to DocWatts's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
My personal experience on this topic is as far as I remember. I found online stuff as Incell, MGTOW and similar lines of thought only after a breakup with a girl I used to date. I that times I used all that narratives to downplay my mistakes in the relationship and make in my mind her dark feminine aspects more prevalent. In the end she was as ignorant as me on how our dynamic was not balanced. I had overcome that insecure self and had many quality Intimacy with more mature woman. But I can see clearly that in that state I was I was a easy target to buy into ideological distortions of female/male relationship. When a man is happy in his own body, making his thing, eating healthy, reading good stuff, resting, going on healing retreats or meditation retreats, he will very rarely fall pray to bullshit. Is easy to make every boy receive healthy environment that sustains all his potential? Yes and no. And honestly, by that times I was so in pain that no amount of advice could help me get out of the hole. There are dark nigths of the soul that a man need to gather forces to lift himself up alone, even if he use some external sources as books, masters etc.. there are times he need to go deep in his inner being and drag himself up from his pit of self-pity. And I am thankfull I found stregth to do the moves necessary to save myself from myself that days. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Matt23's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
If he was Dave Chappelle he could say whatever he likes. Comedy is a great position to speak freely. But even Chappelle had his problems. Oh world. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
There is a Guy Called Chris Bale with a Podcast called Awakened Intent. Very powerfull takes on intimacy and masculinity. But as we all know, some people are unable to have admiration for guys like Bale, Calm, Stable, Direct, Clear. Birds of the same feather flock together. -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimetic_theory "Man is the creature who does not know what to desire, and he turns to others in order to make up his mind. We desire what others desire because we imitate their desires."[2] Mimetic theory posits that mimetic desire leads to natural rivalry and eventually to scapegoating - Girard called this the scapegoat mechanism. In his study of history, Girard formed the hypothesis that societies unify their imitative desires around the destruction of a collectively agreed-upon scapegoat.[3 -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I was watching the documentary "The Spider's Web" Britain's Second Empire, that deals with tax evasion,Fiscal Paridises and How the whole scheme is built i a way that nobody can stop. And of course this kind of structural schemes and dudes like Andrew are just material to study how survival works and can be sneaky. Andrew moved to Romania to make his bussiness easy, but this "off shore" move was not taking in consideration other factors "the ruthlessness of the cops" Somebody in the comments said that he was impressed of how people in this forum could care about such low consciousness shady character as Tate, and my opinion is that at least for me is very important to study not just the Senecas,Socrates,Budas,Mahaviras but also the whole gradients from the top to the bottom, the same way in a forest we have jaguars,snakes,ants,Macaws,Monkeys and a whole interconnection of holons, in this jungle of society we also have many levels of players, each with their way of surviving as an Identity. I was reading Seneca book "On the breviety of life" this week. And is amazing how that man knew a lot about all specie of leaders and their ways of living more or less wisely. Being able to see throughout the drama show online and extract the lessons is for me an amazing exercice of contemplation. We can learn from the ligth but we can learn observing the shadow too. Since young age I see people, family members giving praise to smartass criminal people that are able to make money with elaborate schemes and get away with it. But when the victims of schemes are themselfs them there is no celebration and admiration for the criminal intelligence of the conartist. I think I heard this one from Nassin Taleb " If you see fraud and you don't shout "Fraud!!, then you are a fraud" -
Rafael Thundercat replied to Onecirrus's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events