Rafael Thundercat

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Everything posted by Rafael Thundercat

  1. Some may ready know this guy. I heard from him by a old friend that was deep in Martial Arts. and was always great to make gym with that friend cause he had this mindset of exercise free from categories. For me was liberating to realize there is no rigth way to exercice or move. I was never a gym guy, I prefer go my own way to the forest and beach and do the movements and exercises that I feel serve me more. For anyone wishing to explore movement, I recomend checking Ido Portal. As far as I know, I think he is coming back to spotlight now and will work with Andrew Huberman. Is for me very important to balance all the psychedelic work and Abstract work with physical practice, so with this I also am open to suggestions, books, links to what you guys are using to fulfill this area of self-actualization. For me at least 2023 is a year to focus in deep in Optimize Body Health to the maximum since I have a good amount of 5Meo to experiment so I am Aware that with a half-ass body health there is no progress in this work.
  2. I was thinking in the same way, whenever there is a gap in the Rolemodel arena there will be an offer to fill that gap, similar to the demand/offer economy stuff but in this case with Rolemodels.
  3. Tate is very good in Ranting but he offers no Strategic Solutions. How can you have a good conversation with someone like this?
  4. "I dont belive in things that take power away from me!!" Romenian Police: Are you sure?
  5. For me are Integrity Toxic Life Purpouse How God Forgive All Evil What is Devil Self-Bias Solipsism How to avoid Scams How everbody acts with good intentions.
  6. I am not surprised at all, I only watched one video of the guy and I could smell the criminality in his style. The butthurt followers of him? They could smell too, but instead of felling repeled by the character they felt atraction. Bees collect polen flyes gather around shit. Arrested by pizza boxes. I will wait for the Netflix documetary on this.
  7. I used to have a dream jornal, but was to messy and I was Missing days. So I will try restart again, but now using this platform in 2023. Yesterday I became aware of how long I didnt have lucid dreams, yes I had many crazy ones but not lucid. And tonigth it started again. In my lucid dreams I'am breaking the ideia that you can only sense vision in a dream. Tonigth was the time of the feeling of cold and wet in my hands. Is was walking down some sort of rock stairs in a forest, and was raining, I could see clear every drop of water hitting the ground so I got down and touched the muddy earth that was acumulated in a pound. I felt not just the cold and wet mid but the texture of mud. Amazing. I found not so far a small river and I washed my hands shaking it in the water, I could feel the flow of water ,cold etc... So, this ideia that what physicality diferentiate dream from reality is not a very accurate ideia. I another dream I was hugging someone and the feeling of hugging "something physical" was also very real.
  8. I arrived at this lecture from Naval Ravikant book "The Almanack of Naval Ravikant" Is an Essay made to Scientific Researchers but it can be applied to more domains. is a classic on how to be efficient. Is a relatively long video but if you check in the comments there is a summary someone posted like 7 years ago so you can take a fast look on what the video talks and if it is interesting. You and your research.pdf
  9. I cant understand all the tech involved in this kind of experimentation, but what puzzles me, is the constant morph aspect of it. As the character moves the whole structure of the scenery change as well. Similar to the dreamscape at nigth where sometimes by only thinking about something it just comes into existence. This topic of universe creation is one of my favorites. For example, did watched last Avatar sequel and also Pinochio making of new movie by Guillermo Del Toro. There is a big effort and intelligence to create great pieces of art. Universe enjoy this creative endevours.
  10. This is a german Serie on Netflix. Dealing actually with the topic of all being a Mind construct. Same creators of Serie "Dark"