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About DonKateru

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  1. I wondered whether to post this here or not, but I considered that this is not just pure abstraction but has implications for spiritual life, and I want to hear the takes of people who have walked the walk spiritually, to see if this could make sense, or if their awakening experiences do not support this. So, in the spirit of Leo's own words, I'll talk about this as simply and clearly as possible: We know amnesia, dissociation, and memory alterations happen, just like we can forget where we put our car keys or when we go under anesthesia or deep sleep, even whenever we move our eyes (saccadic movements). We know that the universe can only be one consciousness, one mind, and it is our own (just as Leo says). We know that, even so, other people we observe act as if they had a mind of their own, and that the world seems to act independent of we being aware of it or not. My proposal is this: what if everyone does have a mind of their own, but it is, actually, only our mind. What if we do everything in the world, from the perspective of each being, but we simply don't remember that we did, just like we may forget our experiences of dreaming when we wake up after a night's sleep. And whenever there is a switch in personality within infinite consciousness, the whole perceptual field and sense of self changes accordingly, and personal memories and skills too. Time and space don't matter here, because time and space are purely mental. And this could happen very frequently, all throughout our day, and, just like how anesthesia feels, it would feel like nothing to us, as if didn't happen at all. As some sort of cosmic multiple personality disorder. One mind, many alters. This idea has been proposed by philosophers like Bernardo Kastrup ( and by physicist Bernard Carr ( So my questions are, first, and more importantly, can this be compatible with the awakenings you guys have had here (which take priority, as direct experience)? Second, is this compatible with Leo's teachings? Third, do you guys think this idea can change the way you approach the world? I'm really curious as to what you guys think, and I would love it if Leo himself could respond.