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Everything posted by Eyowey

  1. I don't know what this means. I'm assuming you mean masculine energy or social status.
  2. It would be cool if on the homepage there's a button next to forum that says dating. And if you click on it then you're asked a bunch of questions that determine your level of consciousness. And then you get matched with people who are on the same level as you.
  3. Taken is a good one. It's about a father who tries to get his daughter back from abductors.
  4. I would never use slurs but I don't see them as more evil than bad mouthing a member of your own race.
  5. Age only ''exists'' to facilitate discrimination and segregation. I will never ask anyone's age.
  6. Try gazing into someones eyes for approximately 4 seconds. Pure positivity must be beaming out of your eyes. There can be no negativity whatsoever. If you feel something coming back at you then you have an entanglement. After that you can make them think, say and do things by visualizing it. I've had some success with this. But they can use it against you so be careful.
  7. You have to be shameless and intrusive. Boldly increase your visibility wherever you can. But just being visible is not enough in most cases. You have to have some kind of skill to show off.
  8. Aggression can be used for good and for bad
  9. Men who masturbate are sweet because they want nothing from women. They are already satisfied. When a man stops masturbating he becomes aggressive but he also gradually loses his addiction to sex. When the sex addiction is gone he's able to see woman as more than just sex toys.
  10. I'm not judging couples who have sex every day but there's a risk that you'll get bored of each other. I would suggest that most people want an emotional connection from sex because they have mommy issues. They want the lips and the breasts because they didn't get enough of that when they were young. It requires emotional independence to be able to fuck a girl without needing her to love you. I'm not there yet. I very strongly desire to give and recieve love from a girl. But whether that's healthy I don't know.
  11. That's a side effect of masturbating. If you don't quit you will continue to live in hell on earth. If you want to quickly improve your mood and energy try using your computer while standing. Stand for at least 2 hours every day. https://ramtarak.com/13-crazy-benefits-of-celibacy-on-health-spirituality/
  12. True. That's why you should have sex only once or twice a month. Even then you might get bored but you can spice things up with different outfits, wigs, weight gain, weight loss etc.
  13. You can tell by the way she's doing it. But you definitely don't want to talk to women who don't smile at you is my point.
  14. There's an ocean in between us. So light a candle in the darkness. I keep trying to swim towards ya. But I'm only treading water ♫ lol
  15. I had a girl on my bed once. We were playing a video game. I did not want to fuck her because I knew she had already been fucked. I only want virgins. I still get crushes on girls who are not virgins but I know that I will never be able to sleep with them. If I somehow do end up sleeping with a non-virgin then it will have the same vibe as sleeping with a prostitute. I will not be able to get deep fulfillment out of it. I curse god for making this world as it is. May god burn in hell forever.
  16. Nobody cares about the other side. So arguing / debating will never work. Only physical war works.
  17. Ideally you do the best version of everything. The best version of sex is vaginal sex without a condom while she's laying on the floor. Masturbating is the equivalent of eating cheeseburger flavored chewing gum. It tastes good but it's not the best experience. Tell that to the priest.
  18. It would make a difference if ''earth'' is a bunch of continents with worker slaves and there be uncolonized continents outside of it.
  19. I see him as an influencer. He's trying to get you to think and behave a certain way. He wants you to smoke, drink, not eat breakfast, work out so much that you're half dead, avoid sushi (and by extension other raw foods) and treat women like dirt. Extremely bad advice. You don't have to treat women like dirt to convince them that you're strong. You just have to look strong.
  20. @A_v_E English is useful for navigating the internet for sure. Most of the internet is based on language which is very limited. I'm mostly interested in going beyond language. Beyond humanity. It seems like Leo is doing exactly that so I'm sticking around for that.
  21. People's dependency on the internet is a greater problem than censorship. It's what allows censorship in the first place. We think we need the internet for education and entertainment but name one thing you've learned online that you can't live without. If a teacher can figure things out on their own then so can you. We really don't need the internet. The internet prevents us from using our own mind and body. I'm still gonna use it though. A little bit.
  22. I like the idea of doing a bite sized version of everything that can be done. Every day. The only reason I don't do it yet is because I fear success. Success is terrifying.
  23. I used to like sodas and tea but now the only hydration I get is from eating watermelon, grapes, oranges and eggs. Soda is one of my biggest regrets in life because it damaged my teeth quite a bit.
  24. If I truly need a release then I will automatically get a wet dream. I had my first one a few weeks ago. It was hot as hell.
  25. Without horniness men would never leave the house. Don't underestimate how big of a problem that is. I personally plan on never masturbating again. I want my seed to grow in as many wombs as possible.