Cobblestone Prince

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About Cobblestone Prince

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  1. anything in tablet form is loaded with toxic fillers, FYI. Try some of the tinctures from Dragon Herbs. Much stronger and no toxins. You'll probably feel even better. Take a higher dose as well.
  2. Teslas are the worst cars in existence. Purely for safety reasons. Hundreds of them have caught fire. Multiple times people have died because they were trapped inside the car while it was on fire because the electric door handle would not open. What a terrible design flaw. They give off the highest amount of EMF radiation that is detrimental to the body. They have the most biometrics of any car. They constantly scan your heart and brain waves and sell it to big data. They are a giant cancer causing monstrosities.
  3. probably the same way you fell for the covid scamdemic. We live in a world of lies. (I'm not attacking you personally here. I just know billions of people fell for it)
  4. I work in alternative medicine. I have real world anecdotal evidence of the dangers of glyphosate, vaccines, wifi, cell phones, etc. This forum is highly uninformed about the true causes of ill health. I can't say that I blame you guys tho. The propaganda machine and big business do a fantastic job at selling the lies.
  5. if you think these fires are caused by climate change, you are delusional. These fires were clearly started by chem trails, weather modification and Direct Energy Weapons. I can post tons of evidence supporting this, but you will still reject it so I won't waste my time
  6. 100% of school shooters were on some type of psychiatric drug. Wonder if this person was different.
  7. I've been doing this for years and I can tell you it is quite powerful. It helps in the beginning, at least for me, if you eat a bunch of LSD and go see your favorite band live. It makes it easier to let go, tune into the music, and as Leo said, feeling the music and just move to the feelings. I don't do psychedelics anymore but I still dance this way when I listen to the greatest band on Earth, STS9. When you move all spontaneous and erratic, it was natural at first for me, to fear that people were judging me for being weird. But the act itself is so fun you get to a point where you just don't give a shit. Then people start like your authenticity and energy. I usually get 1 or 2 people come up to me during a show and say they like a certain move of mine. Not really a move in my opinion, just something I was doing at that particular moment. Great blog post. Highly recommended. also STS9 is highly recommended. Check them out, their live recordings, not their studio albums.
  8. climate change is a hoax. don't worry about it. It's a fugaze to implement a carbon tax. Just another way for the globalists to execute Agenda 21 and total control and enslavement of us. Why waste your time worrying about that? unless you want a carbon tax? you should just send the gov money every time you eat a steak
  9. because we have eyes. we aren't voting for a husband. we're voting for a president. The only question that matters is, was the country a better place to live under Trump or Biden/Harris. If this isn't extremely obvious to you, you are blind and in denial.
  10. I wouldn't trust anything Elon makes. Teslas give off the most EMF of any car and are loaded with biometrics. I wouldn't live in one of his cheap houses for health reasons and privacy reasons.
  11. So Trump's "insurrection" disqualifies him in your eyes. Yet Zuckerberg admitting him and the FBI colluded in the 2020 election means nothing. That's all fine. Cheating is so democratic
  12. You actually believing that was a real insurrection shows how easily you are manipulated by propaganda.
  13. Leo, you didn't answer my question. You answered with, Trump did this... What do you like about HER? do you like her letting illegals in the country at record pace? Do you like the current state of America better than Trumps term? If so WHY? I don't consume much mainstream media at all. Albeit some. I have eyes. I know what the last 4 years were like cuz I lived through it. It doesn't take a genius to see how bad this country has become. If you won't admit that, then why? why was it better under Biden. I AM open to change. But I can't change if no one gives me an argument. You guys in this forum are clearly bright minds, much more advanced in spirituality than me. I respect your opinions. I want to hear your side. I could be missing something. Just cuz I have an opinion doesn't mean I'm chained to it.
  14. I've done 9 days before. It was easy, FOR ME. There are so many nuances to consider when fasting. Everyone has different metabolisms and will handle it differently. The more you do fasts, the more metabolically flexible you will become. That being said. I would do 3 day fasts first. Get 6-10 of those under your belt first. Then try a 5 day. Then try a 7 day. Then try a 10 day. If you want to go for 30 I would not do it alone. I would go to somewhere like True North Health Center in Santa Rosa California USA. It's medically supervised with doctors. Even when I did it alone I was testing my blood sugar. On day 9 it was at 45 so I ate some goji berries to raise it. Also I would recommend not just water, eat MCT oil shots for calories, drink bone broth, or teas, use the empty stomach to take the best supplements in the world through water. you can have a fasting mimicking diet, 500 calories a day, ans till get the majority of the benefits of fasting and not feel so weak. If you do water only you need to be lying down and resting a lot. you will feel weakER, like 80%, but you get a spiritual high and lightness. You are living in the moment easier. Do your research and ease into it. good luck