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Everything posted by 2xj_m
A Tofu Scramble Savory Oatmeal Chia pudding Beans on gluten-free toast Gluten-free Vegan Pancakes Not eating breakfast
My question is what even is a good match between two people? What is a bad match? Can a bad match be solved with communication?
I am a little bit obsessive when It comes to such things I need to admit. ? Actually I took a break from heavily pursuing my life purpose, in order to get my lifestyle in check. I've given myself 6 month to establish a baseline that will bring me lots of energy and health. In July I'll see which things from this lifestyle I'll be able to do and which will be too hard to do while being focused on my Life Purpose. This lifestyle here is an ideal version. Something to strive towards rather than a set in stone plan. However I am commited to make it work. @Michael569 I am very thankful for your input. ?
I want to get the most criticism I can. What are my potential pitfalls in this lifestyle? What could I be doing better or what should I change? Nutrition: - I follow a whole food gluten- & soy-free plant-based diet, due to ethical reasons. - Carbs:Protein:Fat = around 5:3:1 - Fiber = 86g a day - The only exception are: - Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Canola Oil (Maximum amount for both: 30g a day) - Rice Protein Powder & Pea Protein Powder (50g of each a day) - I get around 0.9 g of protein per pound of Lean Muscle Mass - Main sources of protein are legumes and lentils. - I hit every default micronutrient requirement on Cronometer - I don't go into red on any micronutrient. - Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio: 1:3.3 - The only exception is Vitamin D, which I get from sunlight. - I do 16 hour Intermittent Fasting every day - I start eating at 1 p.m. - I finish eating at 9 p.m. - Every month I will do a 36 hour fast during a stressful time. - Around 3 times a week I eat at restaurants - There I chose vegan options when possible - When not possible I go for meat rather than dairy & eggs (meat seems more ethical to me than dairy & eggs) - I drink: - at least 8 glasses of water a day - 1 to 2 servings of black coffee from freshly ground beans - I drink green tea from dried leaves around 2 times a week. - Diet Soda once a month, when I go to Cinema. - At parties (around 2 times a month) I drink Red Wine or Vodka - Maximum Red Wine amount: 6 glasses - Maximum Vodka amount: 7 shots - I never go beyond that and usually stay around 3-4 servings of alcohol - I don't take any supplements Fitness: - I do at least 8,000 steps a day outside - 2,000 - inside the buildings - 6,000 - outside <- this is where I get my sunlight exposure - I often get more than that, my monthly average is somewhere around 10,000 steps - I do full body weight lifitng sessions 3 times a week. - Starting with functional lifts ending with isolated movements. - 1st - Pull Emphasis, 2nd - Push Emphasis & 3rd - Leg Emphasis - Before every session I do 8 minutes of warm-up, which is running - My heart rate there is around 155. - Starting from April I will also stretch after every workout - Starting from April I will do 1 HIIT session, every 7-10 days. Others: - My stress levels are usually low to medium, with ocassional periods of high stress - I sleep for around 7.5 hours daily. - I wake up briefly 2-3 times a night, due to my partner. - There is a lamp close to my window, therefore I don't get complete darkness at night. But it's mostly dark.
@flowboy After I'd posted I've heard of the work of Valteri Longo, one of the leading scientist when it comes to research on centenarians & longevity. He suggest that 16 hour window isn't the most optimal. It's better to do starvation mimicing diet once every 3 months. IF actually increases your risk of Cardiovascular disease later in life, according to study. Here is a great podcast with him. My main reason for IF is the focus I can get for the first half of the day. It also helps me mentally when I am losing weight. For me it's like putting all your days hunger at the begining of the day, when it's easier to handle. I'll probably drop it after I'm done with a cut. When It comes to how it makes me feel this lifestyle is great. I get little to no bloating or other discomforts. I have great energy levels throughout the day. I only need coffee in the afternoon, when I have really draining days. Food is 6/10, but It could be worse and I treat it more as a fuel. I definately don't have to force feed myself. The best part is that meals are super quick to make and I feel light after eating them. I walk to my work and It takes me the same amount of time It would take me to drive, so steps are a byproduct, so to speak. I'd rate my overall wellness at 8/10. I'll definately work on those curtains and I don't keep any LED in my bedroom.
Could you give examples of such optimizations? I want to have things on my radar, even if it'll be a while before I can implement on them. I definately know that at certain point I'll have to buy all organic produce, as I don't have the means or aviability where I live.
@Devin So You are saying that 20 minute 3 times a week would be enough? I will try to incorporate it then on the days that I don't go to the gym, some time in the future. Thank You
If I were to add Yoga for example, how many times a week I'd have to do this? Would this be a replacement for stretching after workout or something different?
I was thinking of doing boxing HIIT. I will definately stock up on Sauerkraut and work it into my diet.
I purposely left it out of the lifestyle, because I wanted it to be judged mainly on nutrition & fitness merit, hence posting it in Nutrition and not in Self-Development. But I will be including meditation in June, and shadow work in the next few years.
About 3 months ago I finished Leo's Ultimate Life Purpose Course Here is how my purpose changed after I started to actualize it: Life Purpose: - I create cool visuals, that ignite passion -> I design remarkable products, which ispire deep love Zone of genius: - thinking analytically and creatively -> stayed the same Mastery: - Drawing -> stayed the same Ideal Medium: - Comicbooks -> Product & UX Design As I started to actually do my life purpose I realized that I don't really love to create comic books. My mind started to naturally gravitate more towards design rather than comic books. I've became more fascinated with the proces of contemplating what a well designed and remarkable product should look like. I know that Leo says this in the course that this can happen. I just wanted to post my example, that you will naturally align with your life purpose, but you have to start doing something.
@DieFree Yes, it's a great place to start in my opinion. After reading most of the recommended books from the course and doing the course. It's a great place to start, if you don't know where to start. It gives you a direction and makes you start moving, but where it will lead you still depends on you
I know that in order to achieve the best results I need to consume 0.82g per pound of Body Weight. If I really wanted to be sure, I should consume 1g to 1.2g gram. However on days that I simply cannot achieve that how little protein should I consume to not lose any muscle mass? I am asking, because I want to prepare worst case scenarios for myself, when my career/life purpose/life circumstances will be preventing me from cooking a protein dense meal.
@Jannes What if I want to build muscle, what's the most optimal way then?
Here is my workout regime, I usually add an ab exercise at the end Workout 1: Full Body (pull emphasis) Barbell row 3x6-8 Lat pulldown 3x8-10 Incline dumbbell bench press 3x8-10 Walking dumbbell lunge 3x8-10 Facepulls 3x12-15 Dumbbell bicep curl 3x10-12 Workout 2: Full Body (push emphasis) Bench Press 4x4-6 Overhead press 4x6-8 Chest-supported dumbbell row 3x8-10 Leg press 3x10-12 Lying leg curl 3x10-12 Lateral raise 3x10-12 Rope pushdown 3x10-12 Workout 3: Full Body (leg emphasis) Squat 4x4-6 Romanian deadlift 4x6-8 Bench press 3x8-10 Seated cable row 3x8-10 Seated dumbbell shoulder press 3x8-10 Barbell curl 3x12-15 Skull crushers 3x12-15
My deficit is about 500 kcal. I have about 28% bodyfat. I do weight lifting 3 times a week full body, with 1 day of push emphasis, 1 day of pull emphasis & 1 day leg emphasis. I've been training on-and-off for about 1.5 years, however not very optimally. I sleep everyday for about 7 hours. Stress depends on the time, due to me being a university student. I've been doing this for about 4 weeks and I've lost around 4kg of weight.
I think is mostly due to caffeine and the fact that in USA most coffee is consumed with dairy, sugar and artifical flavour. From my research there is a lot of evidance which proves that coffee by itself is actually healthy. You need to find the right amout and type of coffee for you. Otherwise you may end up depleted in magnesium, it can ruin your natural hormonal day cycle and prevent you from resting well. Don't drink coffee for 90 minutes after you wake up to prevent the energy dips. Test how many hour before going to bed you can consume coffee without it affecting your sleep. Don't drink more than 5 cups a day. When you get the jitters, drink less. You can also try decaffinated coffee.
If you are interested in gaining better creativity, perceptual skills and mindfulness to a certain extend, then I strongly suggest learning to draw. It will also connect you better with your right hemisphere brain functions, such as intuition. I highly recommend the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. This book will make you go from typical childish drawing to being able to draw realistically well. I would say this book is the best high-yield technique I've ever experianced.
Usually I drink one cup of pourover coffee in the morning and sometimes when I want to be extra productive I make myself a cappucino or an espresso shot in the afternoon, but It is always 7 hours before I go to sleep. I use coffee beans that were roasted in my town a week or two ago. I am trying to clean up my diet and I watched @Leo Gura 's video about shoping for healthy foods. He says that coffee should be eliminated from the diet altogether. Why though?
So before the New Year's Eve I want to compile a list of Habits, that I think would be useful. I am trying to install habits one or two at a time. Here is my list so far: January: Healthy Meal Planning + Going to Gym 3 times a Week + Increasing daily deliberate practice sessions to 1 hour February: Doing 10,000 Steps Everyday+ Increasing daily deliberate practice sessions to 1 hour & 10 Minutes March: Doing Fasts + Increasing daily deliberate practice sessions to 1 hour & 20 Minutes April: Mindfulness Meditation (15 min. daily) + Mindful Eating + Increasing daily deliberate practice sessions to 1 hour & 30 minutes May: Drinking Enough Water + Proper Sleep Schedule + Increasing daily deliberate practice sessions to 1 hour & 40 minutes June: Daily Visualizations + Increasing daily deliberate practice sessions to 1 hour & 50 minutes July: Reading One Article a day from my field of business +Increasing daily deliberate practice sessions to 2 hours August: Networking I still have 4 months to plan ahead and I don't know which habits might be useful to install. I am super determined to smoothly transition into a better version of myself this year. All this thanks to @Leo Gura's Life Purpose Course. The Habits I've installed so far: - Taking notes & implementing into my life one self-help book a month - Daily Deliberate Practice Habit - Affirmations - Life Purpose Contemplation - Daily Me Sheet Review
So recently I've been listening to a lot of art advice and very interesting theme I've picked up upon is that the better you are at observing and noticing things, the better you are at eventually recreating it and experimenting with it. Therefore I came to a conclusion that if mindfulness improves your observational skills then it will have a major direct influence on your art. At first I only though about it in the context of drawing. Observing different object and figuring them out will directly influence your ability to draw it. Now that I am writing this post I realized that it may also apply to other forms of art, like music, dance etc. Does anyone of you have any experiance with this? What do you think about this hypothesis?
As the title says, just curious if advancing on the Spiral Dynamics stages affects how funny you are? Have any of you who are Tier 2 noticed anything like this?
@Tyler RobinsonI understand the desire to not make your partner insecure. You care for him and wish for his happiness. That is completely normal. What is not healthy to me about what you are discribing is that his insecurities will dictate how you behave. With my method I never said that I am hiding something from my GF. There should be full transparency. Better way of solving this is actually having a deep talk with your partner about his insecurities, which come from either his low self-esteem or history of you cheating. First definition of flirting that comes up on google is: - to behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions.
Recently I had an interesting experiance when It comes to male-female relationships. I am in a 3-year mostly healthy relationship, from which I was able to do a lot of shadow work, as well as plain improvement such a grooming, etc. It's save to say that I love her and don't want to leave the relationship. On the other hand, I am still in my early 20s. Recently, I feel a lot of attraction towards other women, like a lot, a lot. I was doing early stages of pick-up, before I've found my GF and haven't really burned through that Karma in my life. However, due to a university major I chose (Psychology, 10% male; 90% female ratio) I interact with a lot of women. A lot of really pretty girls. Simply from interacting with them I have a lot of opportunities to flirt, make them laugh etc. Even though I am in a relationship I still try to improve my pick-up skills by doing that so I don't feel needy in a relationship, becasue of my lack of options with other women. I can see that they are attracted to me. Especially when I talk with them privately. It's a huge Ego-Boost, not gonna lie. Sometime ago I read David Deida's "The Way of the Superior Man" there he was talking about absorbing the female energy by simply being around women a lot. It seems to be working for me. I am also torn when it comes to ethical side of this. I always clearly state to these girls that I have a gf, even though I am escalating with them in non-sexual ways. I don't know whether It is fair when It comes to my girlfriend, but I still think that It's better than cheating or leaving her to pursue sex. What do you guys think about this method?
@Tyler Robinson Fair point, what would you do in such situation, where you are with a guy, but still feel attracted to other guys and want to just be around them?