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Everything posted by Alex

  1. William James has some interesting views, on your questions. Check him out.
  2. I didn't have an full blown enlightenment experience but I know this depressive mood too well. What helps me getting out of it is working with my body. Taking cold showers, deep breathing like wim Hof or going to the gym.
  3. Ethics is an ever evolving game that can also unravel when it serves the times exp: warfare, crisis, emergency. I like to think of it in relation to spiral dynamics. That the game always changes according to the level of concern and consciousness the members of an society profess. Therefore there can't be an absolute ethics, because the societal terretory is always in Flux.
  4. Can you explain how 300ng is different from 100ng of lsd?
  5. This pattern in you life could be induced my numerous things. You have to investigate it by yourself in order to find out what caused it to apear. Sometimes things that happen very early in out childhood/infancy can leave an long imprint on us which is very hard to get rid of. - This video helped me uncover some of my past neurosis. This could be a good start for you, there is also an workshed attached that can help you further investigate what caused you to adappt this pathern.
  6. @FredFred My friend my honest and geniune whish for you is to be well, therefore please seek professional help, you migth be in the process to develop some sort of mental illnes. If you can, consider laying of all non percription drugs rigth now, they will most likelymake your condition worse.
  7. Making music can also play an elemental role in you self-actualization journey and deepen your understanding about reality itself. This is true for every skill that takes dedication and deliberate practice to master, (wether it's martial arts, drawing, geniune scientific inquiry or any spiritual school)
  8. Conciousness is the bedrock of reality. You are fundamentally conciousness! So is everthing else before and after you. The container is always the same just its content changes. Reincarnation can be understood as all beeing that is outside your personal experience, contained by the same bedrock of conciousness.
  9. You went quiet deep on your first trip. I'm happy it worked well for you.
  10. Probably the most advanced intellectual of the last century in regards to the spiral.
  11. @AleksM What the hell is this even suposded to be?
  12. @Serotoninluv I meant that more technical, in that more LSD is better to break barriers. Otherwise I totally agree with what your saying feeling like your dying sure isn't something that anyone wants to experience on their first trip, except when this is excatlly what you're after.
  13. 200 ng is enough to go as deep as it is possible, but more is always better to break the barriers. If you feel comfortable with higher doses go straigth ahead!
  14. @Surfingthewave As far as I know it means getting back to the oposite of you previous position like: Belive in God->Atheist->Belive in God. Having Meaning->Nhilism-> Find new Meaning
  15. If you look deeper into thae axioms of materialism it all falls apart. - Matter doesnt exist there are only probability fields. - No system can provide prove for its own validity, hence truth is always bigger than prove . - Conciousnes isnt material or a product of matter hence materialism and its conceptions of matter ocur in conciousness ther woud be no matter without an embodied concious beeing, because there is noone that can destinguish the relative from the absolute. - There is no such thing as objectivity except the absolute. I think of materialism as an usefull approximation of the realative constant elements of the universe, which we can observe with our senses and instruments, compared to us humans. But most Scientists aren't aware of these "facts" or dismis them, the reasons for this are numerous. - The need to know or to have an explaination is for them more important than truth or genuine not knowing - to much attachment to ideas and concepts - dismisal of mysticism, spirituality and transpersonal experiences - lack of awareness - dissmisal of subjectivity togther with the belive in the illusion of objectivity (which is actually collective subjectivity) .and many more In these Videos Leo deconstructs materialism very nicely from 3 different angels if you are more interested in this, I recomend you the work of Stanislav Grof and Ruper Shelldrake
  16. Its nice that you want to drop the Porn. I would sugest if the urge is to strong to redirect your sexual energy to dating women and getting to know them (most woman a facinated and very open to spiritualiy but maybe not the way you are). Otherwise masturabting without porn will automatically make you mastubate less and only if you actually need to, furthermore the unrealistic expectations it instills in your mind will slowly fade away. I recomend that you watch this Video, was very eye opening for me
  17. Its a very mild Dose if you take 1,75 grams, but very well suited for a beginner. I am very sure you will be fine, hence you managed to meditate for 1 year and must have build some capacity to not identify with your ego. You will get some nice glimpses on what psychedelics can do at this dose, but it probaly wont be too profound. On the point of dealing with you neurosis that can happen but is very unlikly given your experience and dose, but if you set proper expectatins maybe you'll get soem insigth on how to deal with it or let go of it. On the 3rd point, it would depend what you want to get out of the trip, I personaly can work better with the psychdelic when I am alone, but haveing someone, with you especialy if they have prior experience can be helpfull if you want to talk abount things that come up that puzzle you, or they can help you if your trip starts going bad (which is very unlikely). What is very helpfull no matter what is discussing you trip when is over and on the next few days to contextualize, integrate and work out what you experienced (which is the most important part). On the 4rd poitn, it is unlikly that you will make major strides toward this in one low dose psychedelic session. I myself have done arounf 26 session 22 low or micro dose (few gramms of mushrooms or 8-50 ng LSD) and 4 medium-high dose trips (250 ng ALAD, 3 times 100 ng LSD) and still suffer from alot unececary anxieties and limitations, alotough I made some good progress compared to the past. Overcoeming these is also reliant on what you do to eradicate them. Fear for example can only be overcome trough confrontation (psychedelics can also confront you with them), Whatever you decide to do have a nice Trip my friend!
  18. @Salvijus How can you say that it is random with such confidence?
  19. @7thLetter They are pretty much corpses from back in the day. He used to post on them whenever a new video came out, but stopped doing so awhile ago.
  20. @Tony 845 oh yeah been doing this already and saw Leo's video. I was just confused about the short version of that word. Thanks for the reply though.
  21. Basically I want you to tell me about your experience with meditating on different times during the day and on which time you experience the best results. Personally I only meditate before going to sleep, because it fits best into my schedule and out of habit (on and off mediator for 2 years now,) I am looking to switch things up a little bit in the hope to get more consistent with my meditation habit and increase the benefits I gain from it.
  22. That's the best one for newbies, learned that technique 4 years ago in The Power of Now and still stick to it because it is so effective.