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Everything posted by Alex

  1. @Leo Gura Fun Fact: Peterson has actually done Mushrooms At: atound 54:40 minutes he confirms it I can also recomend this video, Petersons konwledge and Insigth into the Topic is more deep than one migth presume at first.
  2. Maybe a career as an Vipasana instructor or yoga teacher would be what you should aim for, but there is nothing wrong with becomeing a monk, you can go to nepal or India for a Month and spend your time meditating in a monestary for 12 hours+ if this is what you are looking for.
  3. Has anyone tried meditating in symetry and if, what results have you gotten?
  4. How does the Kundalini experience manifest in your life? I am just curious.
  5. -How is fear related to aggression? , is all aggression based on fear? -Are enlightened people fearless, like Jesus christ? - Why do we fear ultimate reality/God so much?
  6. Well that is actually mindblowing, tough wilbers colouring sytsem is still easier to remember.
  7. Since the dawn of time Scientists of of all domains have been absolutly horendous at nameing things, which intern made it an horendous task for students and average people alike to get into these subjects, by memorizeing a bunch names or connceptions that can't be derived anywhere else. Great examples for this is the marvoulous Redox Reaction wherby an element or molecule gains an electron by REDUCTION!!!!111!! So to make learning Spiral Dynamics easier for all comeing generations of humans I would sugest useing the following colouring system (as pioneered by Ken Wilber) which matches all Stages with an colour of the rainbow.
  8. @XYZ You are probably rigth about the homeless issue it would be a tromendous aid for them if basic needs would be taken care of, In my homecountry Germany we have an homelesnes rate of 0.072 % and anyone has the rigth to get 424€ per month and get basic housing. Homelesnes is still an issue here, but it seems to be not the fault of the government, but more of the homeless people not beeing able to integrate themself into society (or vive versa) or being on the streets by their own choice. (punks or drop-outs) Atleast if you lose everything by any misfortune you dont have to fear for your survial here, but dealing with the bureaucracy is an hell in of it self.
  9. @Leo Gura So Einstein was wrong, and God does play dice.
  10. Beeing yourself is the key to see betterment in your anxiety and depression, also verbalizing or wrting out how you feel will help to sort thing out. Chances are you are not very well in touch with your emotions which likly causes your neurotic symptoms. Also go easy on yourself especially with implenting new habbits or eliminating bad ones focus on 1 maybe 2 things at a time otherwise you will likely fall back into your old patterns. I wish you well my friend!
  11. Holly shit what a great compilation, thx for the effort brother! I would encourage you to apply the research standart you put into the Keagan framework to the rest of the models. I think you are onto something with you comperative model.
  12. Have you ever noticed how the stance from people around you on certain issues seems to change almost over nigth on a large scale? Take for example Weed legislation a few years ago being pro weed legislation was almost untenable and got you weird looks from the average Joe and now it's an stance as common as being for higher quality education. Why is that? Well in part it can be explained through the Concept of preference falsification a Concept that the Economist Timur Kuran came up with to explain how people flip flop their preferences after for example an regime change. Preference falsification basically means that you pretend to be for something in public, but internally hold another stance for fear of the consequences that come with presenting your real stance in public. Going forward with the Marijuana example, if you worked at an average office five years ago and told your coworkers about the vast array of benefits weed legislation would do to society, you would probably get weird looks and they would brand you as an stoner that just wants to justify is weed habit. On top of that you could be involved with criminal activitys (even if they are mild) which would justify in your coworker group to ostracized you even more. So to avoid all that many people sacrifice their intergrety to fit into the group and falsify their preference on the given issue. Today you can easily hold this stance without fearing any ridicule from your peers because there are examples out there that proof that your stance is rigth and depending on where you live Marijuana is seen as less as an dangerous drug but more as medicine or an recreational l vice. But what implications does this have for you as an conscious citizen? Well it means that your stance counts more than you think, the opinion you hold on any given issue can serve as a precursor for other citizens to switch their stance on any given issue. It also means that being brave enough to hold unconventional opinions is never a lost cause because if enough brave people stand up for their preferences they will inevitably drag the whole society toward their prefered position, this is especially important for minority issues ,E.g. Gay rigths, because most people just don't care enough to drive political progress forward. If you want to learn more I suggest you listen to the Following Podcast where Timur Kuran lays out his theory more in depth.
  13. Basically the more progressive Parties are more conscious because their circle of concern extends farther than centrist oder concervative parties, meaning they care to address Issues that concern more people and even the Environment. However that doesn't mean they have solutions that are effective, or that they are the right party to vote for. You have to make up your own mind if their policys serve you or solve the issues you care about.
  14. Did the same thing 4 years ago, life is alot better ever since.
  15. @Cody_Atzori Doing a retreat at home is mentally very demanding and most likely doomed to fail hence it is too easy to just fall back in your old habits. What can also serve as a kind of retreat is going into nature by yourself and camp there for a couple days, which is quiet inexpensive.
  16. @Solvinden What is your Job and what kind of work are you doing?
  17. @Quaker Alot of their advice in spirituality is legit, however they draw it from the most mainstream sources out there. You could also listen to Eckhart Tolle and get at least as much out of it as an rsd video.
  18. Sounds interesting, I wonder if in a couple of years my country (germany) would be ready for a different approach to politics after the last votes it seems more and more that the conservative establishment is running out of steam and its ideological foundation becomes more untenable in the Post-modern Era. Problem is just most of the voters here are dust old and vote conservatives out of habit. People above 70 years have twice the voting power as those under 30. I wonder how it would be possible to reach an older demographic when, they have already made up their minds decades ago.
  19. @ElvisN Your not enligthened my dude, you most likely just experience that you are not you, but actually concioussnes/nothingness/infinity etc.. A more apropriate label for this is Samadhi.
  20. @Aeris Seems like they aren't interesting for you at the moment. I have it sometimes that I watch only 10 mins of a new video and get bored because I am not interested in the topic, however weeks or months later it becomes relevant for me and I can watch 2 hrs trough easyly.
  21. 1. Judge people as little as I can 2.Taking LSD 3 perusing higher education instead of an Job 4. Getting rid of bad habits while installing good ones. WIP 5. Comiting to radical open mindedness and the persiute of truth. (probably the most important thing )
  22. What are the advantages of each substance and is one surperious to the other in regards to inner exploration?