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Everything posted by Alex

  1. @wk197 Probably a bunch of bitter young guys that don't want their imaginary potential girls to get snached by more mature and developed old guys. I mean it's their loss If they complain instead of becomeing more like the guys they envy. Besides that the hard border in the us for sexual intercourse is very misleading and not to be taken as dogma, atleast if you consider the Nuance of sexual relations.
  2. @Nickyy I feel you and have to ultimately agree with you. Shadow work can be done more patiently and less extreme, but if you are impatient and want to see results you can't help but learn out of getting burned. Your first comment just sounded like cheap spiritual advice (you still a have a good point tough) and is unhelpfull for People that look for quick results or are not quite bought into shadow work or spirituality in general. Besides that @PlayOnWords wanted to get hit hard! The guy is a warrior.
  3. @Tom T I've also been through all of this and end up with too much time what would be helpful is to invest some time into learning new skills that you are about for the sake of it, like dancing, painting, playing an instrument or just start reading books you find interesting (no self improvement). Time will just fly by once you found something that is meaningfully engaging to you. Every time I have some spare time I try to watch one movie of the IMDb 250 list because I just love Cinema. Its not really that productive aside from what you get out of the movie. But I just love absorbing those masterpieces of cinematography for the sake of it.
  4. @PlayOnWords Integrating the shadow is not something you just do, mostly you are forced to do so by your circumstances, because it is super stress- and painfull. You usually come in contact with your dark site in dealing with other people (especially with your partner and with guaranteed after an breakup) and by paying close attention to your interactions and other peoples reactions you can catch glimpses of your dark site. Once the part you got conscious of shows itself you can start to work with it and finding a use for it. E.g. a tendency for aggression can be moldet into assertiveness or can be used to fuel an ambition of yours. As for technique's mindfulness and meditation are good ways to go about it but probably won't get you too far in in the short-term. Journaling about your internal life migth bring some stuff to the surface, especially if you work with an book on shadow Integration. What is also usefull is dream journaling and dream reading, try to write down your dreams and look for paterns and symbols that are meaningful for you. The themes of your dreams can point you to things in your unconscious that you usually suppress. But what I found most usefull for shadow work is radical honesty with yourself and asking close people around you painfull questions about yourself, like: when am I an asshole? Tell me the last occasion I was inconsiderate? What is the cringiest thing you saw me do lately? Have I failed you lately? Good Luck Buddy
  5. I am getting into both of these Topics and got alot out of them. As of lately but I find it hard to find Ressources that are not diluted by New Age mythology and try to get me to eat blueberrys to cleanse my throat chakra or tell me to get christals or essential Oils help me heal my Energys. (which is obviously some kind of marketing scheme) Here are a couple good things I found in the past Months, feel freemto share some of your discoveries with the forum: Great overview of the Basics: Some Context for Westerners by Carl Jung: Comperative Metamodel that uses Chakras as an Developmental Lader (like Spiral Dynamics):
  6. Hi, community I am curently stuck in an shift working job where I basically package goods into boxes all day, the money is good and I have to work this job for 6 Months to acumulate capital for my upcomeing degree. I was wondering if any of you have some advice to better deal with monotonous work or how to make the best out of work time while also doing my Job. With best regards Alex
  7. @Raptorsin7 Check out the Buddha at the gas pump podcast, there the host interviews many experts on meditation and spirituality.
  8. This guy is just a fear mongerer, what is so bad of letting go for a couple of minutes from your ego? There is much more to anyone of us than we can become conscious of, so why not embrace it.?
  9. @Zak I feel ya man, I startet this journey 4 years ago with 18 I am 22 now and now some fruits of my Labour start to show, even tough things went far from optimal. There is a nice quote for this ,, people overestimate what they can achive in 1 year but underestimate whar they can do in 5 years". The longer I stick with this work the more profound it becomes. Change doesn't come easy and you will learn it slowly and painfuly there is no way around it of you go to the Gym you'l know what i mean. Also your Habits and the Conditioning from society sit deep and you have to decondition yourself one item at a time, the best move one can make is to deelte all social media and consume as little video games, modern Pop/Rap Music (it makes you sublimaly a slave to consumerism), youtube-nonsense,TV and news as possible. (If I feel like slaking off I watch a Dokumentary or a very good classic movie or just listen to a good Album) Start slowly to instal good Habits that allow you to slowly get controll of your life, read, go to the gym, meditate, study for school so you have more choice on the job market, whatever works for you and makes you stronger. If your friends are drinkers or smoke weed let them go they are lost in their own worlds and will be washed around by the curents of culture, its better to be a hardworkeing loner than the king of the loosers. Your current Ego was conditioned for something like 18+ years, to unravel that mess and construct your life on your terms will take time and dedication, but its 101% worth it. I can see where I would be today if I didnt find Actualized and Self help in general, one of thousands desperate nihilstic doomer adolecents, don't let resigantion be your fate! Keep and open mind, be humble, and walk towards the Light!
  10. I wanted to share this with you guys, this speech makes one painfuly aware on how ignorant most of us are.
  11. @Chakra Lion Yeah good discription, I agree with this chart and it matches mostly with my personal understanding I would just add a few things
  12. @Zak Be the change you want to see. ;P
  13. Wouldn't it be a much better question to ask whats the purpose of jokes or comedy in the first place? Restricting Comedy by makeing it more inclusive, while ironically makeing it exclusive toward people that do non incluseve comedy kinda misses the point. Comedy gives us the ability to make us aware of the absurdety and paradoxes in life, if you corrupt it with alterior motives it stops beeing comedy. The most holistic thing one could do is to take oneself less serious and learn to laugh about his own shortcomesings and flaws.
  14. @7thLetter If you a have diverse healthy diet they are just a waste of money. (except for D3 ) Vitamins don't improve health you just need a decent saturation of any given vitamin in your body so it can perform certain chemical reactions. Think of them like the Oil or windshieldwater for your car. It doesnt improve the Performance of the car in any way if you fill up the tanks half full or fill them to the brink, you just need enough so each thing can serve its function.
  15. I give a shout out to my man Hamilton Morris he gives a very based and scientific view on psychedelics and drugs in general also I highly recomend anyone who is interested in drugs to watch his documentary series Hamiltons pharmacopeia or his interviews on the JRE.
  16. @Gnostic Christian Acknowledge the material world for what it is, if you pay attention and detach from it long enough you migth trancend it altogther. ;P
  17. @CreamCat The more interesting question would be what exaclly AI needs to be to generate something as intrecate and complex as an Human Ego. Don't forgett we are the result of 3 Billion years of biological Evolution which is depending on your perspective also an Inteligent process that takes place from the micro level (Genes and Cells) to the macro level (Culture and Nations) all interactiong and generateing new memes, new combinations, new relationships while utilizing every ressource we can get our hand on. If you ask me silicon based life forms would be way to clumsy and inefficient to replace humans becuase it really doesnt get more efficient than biological life, also until a human has something like a functioning self reliant ego (that still needs peers and culture in order to stay sane) he needs to interact with his environment and other humans for atleast 14 years and I dont see AI bridgeing this gap any time soon.
  18. Fallout New Vegas for me , the story is very engageing and the fact that everything you do has conesquences for the world of the game and how characters in the game relate to you makes it a great learing experience, that teaches you that everything you do matters. I also have to go with Minecraft becuase it alows for infinite ways to express your creativity.
  19. Fun little fact you can cut out any major part of the brain (cortex, amigdala, even one hemisphere) and still be concious just the content/ filter will be different, from that we can atleast infer that conciousnes does not reside anywhere in the brain just like it doesnt reside in your body. You can easily compare it to you missing one or more limbs while still experiencing almost the same reality.
  20. @remember Well someone has to find out if it works I supose . Onion and Banana Juice Meagthreat inc...
  21. I am reading "toward a psychology of beeing" by Abraham Maslow now, I can not recomend this book enough. It is one of the major inspirations for, because it layed out the theoretical framework for Self-actulaziation.
  22. @Jkris Cannabis can act as an full fledged psychedelic if you take it in edible form, tough I would not recomend somkeing it because it is bearly usefull as a psychedelic in this form and can lead you down the road of becomeing a stoner.