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Everything posted by koops

  1. @TreyMoney @integration journey You're welcome!
  2. Sounds like a great journey! I had a similar one. Girls, business, failures, meditation, awakening... I also relapse into shitty habits like social media or youtube, but is like meditation. Getting distracted and getting back to focus. And with time the distractions are less and less. Hope the best for you in your journey!
  3. You are welcome! Yes, those are 'basic' things, but at the end of the day are foundational for a good live, and is easy to fall off. But as they say: 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Happy you are in the path!
  4. Guys come on... 1) Don't put people (specially online people you don't personally) on a pedestal. 2) Maybe you are not more developed that X person. Who is confirming that you are more developed? Is that a story you are telling yourself to feel good? 3) Ponder: Maybe you are not the good guy. The 'other' guys say you are the bad one. So... who's right? You are missing something, they are missing something, and based on that, you think you are 'above' the others. Be careful and have some humility and understanding. Remember, when you point your finger at someone and say: 'you are a devil', you have 3 fingers pointing at yourself.
  5. You sound smart and ambitious. Go full on your max potential. Is amazing how life can change for the better in a few months.
  6. You dont really want to do it. Otherwise you wouldnt explain it so good. You know you want to do certain things in your life. You only need ONE THING: MOVE OUT. I know is easy to say. But.. that one thing is the key to starting a new good life. Make a plan on how you can leave and act on it. Think on the future. Visualize yourself 1-2-5 years from now. Things are going to be GREAT 😉 If you want some accountability, you can count on me.
  7. Maybe it is necessary. If they dont do it another guy coming from behind is going to do it, take advantage and steal market share from them.
  8. @WillCameron a theory of everything, or a 'brief story of everything'?
  9. Seems legit. Still, go to the old school guys first. Eugene Schwartz, Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, John Carlton... The OGs of direct response marketing. Then check our Hormozi, Sam Ovens (his programs are top tier, and his youtube one of the best) and Russell Brunson books. You should have the basics down with these guys.
  10. Osho is great. Just listening speak puts you in a higer state. Which ones do you consider his ‘higher consciousness books’?
  11. Id say yes. Its not really a psychedlic. It gives you that love and connection sensation. My tip here: if you have a gf, and she is into it try it together The hangover? For me only happened when mixing it with alcohol. The last time was intense. Couldnt even read one page of a book. It felt like anedonia. I kinda understood how depressed people may feel. So there is even a learning there. But a few years back, just slept 5 hours that night and hit leg day in the gym next morning. And all that day still felt much more conected to music, like the high was still there.
  12. So its a language problem? In the forum I see 'awakening' as a peak into the nature of reality, while enlightenment as a permanet thing. I get your point. But still. Im not having an orgasm right now, but I know what it is (from memory). Not being permanent doest invalidate the experience. For example, Leo talks about this topics from memory, that doesnt make them wrong. What kind of distinction do you make there?
  13. Mmm cant you attain that genuine wisdom from a temporary experience? Lets say pshycedelics or a satori/kensho.
  14. Its from The Mind Illumitated, by Culasada. Yeah, the 'no suffering' is doubtful. If one of this gurus was forced to work for 40 years at Waltmart, with minimum wage, living in the hood, 1h commute everyday... would he suffer? Or if he was in jail... And, even if true, how many people realistically will achieve it?
  15. The problem in Eurpoe wont be Christianity. Will be Islam. Just wait a couple decades.
  16. Interestelar overrated? UNBELIEVABLE movie (specialy in cinema)
  17. So if you say that kind of awakening means nothing, what do you consider to have value?
  18. The point is not being so negative. From your POV, which atre the next steps after an awakening?
  19. @Javfly33 dude, the guy just said he had an awakening. LOL Thats a huge fucking deal. Imagine you get to the NBA and say: "Daaamn I just score my first NBA points! This is crazy" And I tell you: "so what? you you think you are Jordan or something?"
  20. Yep, I had a similar experience last year. Smoked a lot through my life, then stopped for a decade, and one day smoking and watching one of Leos video... BAAAM! How are you integrating it now?