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Everything posted by koops

  1. I ment as a society. As I said, local population are declining, while islamic population are increasing and getting into power political positions. In 50-100 years can some woman/gay/trans rights go back as western values decline and islamic go up? That was my concern.
  2. @Hatfort As I said earlier. Immigrants, who are generally less wealthy, living in this 'orange' countries, are having more babies than local people. Is not just about the money/living conditions. Green values are a significant factor for people not wanting children. Can people in red/blue adapt to an orange/green society? I highly doubt it. The immigrants that adapt better are the ones more developed (blue-orange) and the ones who speak the language.
  3. She has a point. But a lot of guys are blowing this out of proportion. Jealousy (even from the past) is real. Is hardwired in our system. A women with high body count, and a woman who lost her virginity at early age is not ideal for a great marriage. Don't mean is 100% impossible. There is some wisdom in tradition. But times change. And we have to balance sexual liberation with building healthy families. Tough to do with the narrative that sleeping around is empowering for women. LOL Just ask women if they enjoy having casual sex. Most of them would say no. I heard a few stories of women that stop having sex for months after a bad experience in a ONS. Most women complain about how guys don't know how to satisfy a woman (especially in ONS). Most women need connection to let go and have better sex. So they usually prefer sex with a partner they know (even for men this is true). Sexual liberation was a good thing, probably 95% of men didn't even know what the clitoris is before the 2000s lol Sex was probably crap for women in the past. But is going overboard. Is something to ponder, and parents should talk about it with their kids. About the good and the ugly aspects of casual sex, so they can have the full picture, not just the short term one.
  4. @ZenAlex Check out the graph I posted. The poorest people, countries, and continents are having the higher number of children.
  5. I also prefer a green society rather than a orange one (yellow + really, but I guess it won't happen in our lifetimes). I won't say I'm threatened, but yes, I have a preference on one culture over another. I consider western culture more evolved than most muslim and latin cultures. I don't really care which god you like, which holy book you have besides your bed, if you do ramadan, if you pray 0 times a day or 5 or the color of your skin. I care that you are a good human being and respect the rules and laws of the country you are in. I care about the decreasing level of development of a country. And a lot of people coming in Europe are against women rights, gay rights, trans rights... not all, but is obvious that this is happening. Is like some green ideas (full open borders, accept everyone) are against green values (lgtb/women rights, more crime). It sounds good. And I hope that could be done. But is not realistic in this day and age. And in some countries and some cities, is becoming a problem. I agree that were are not green enough. The problem is that a lot of people feel that because the toxic green is very loud.
  6. You are confusing the relative and the absolute level. In the relative and survival level you are an Homo sapiens fighting for resources in competition against other homo sapiens who also want to survive.
  7. mmm people are not having kids because is too expensive? I don't think that is 100% false. I think is a half truth. And culture influences a lot. It seems like having kids and having a family is a thing of the past for a lot of stage green people. If the main reason is economic: How immigrants (And gipsys for example) in western countries are having 4+ kids when, on average, they are earning significantly less money than the standard western couple? How the birthrates are higher in less developed continents like Hispanic America and Africa? There are more reasons than economic problems or being to expensive. Culture has a lot to do with it.
  8. That sounds like a real problem. Watching porn even in a relationship is not that weird. But paying women is another thing. Don't pay for sex. And is not even sex! Is a bunch of pixels scamming you. Imagine that girl laughing at you. And his pimp too. Imagine Tate laughing at you for paying for that shit! 'Look at that poor little guy, he is paying for my new Ferrari and he's not even having sex; good work girl' Keep the porn. Don't pay a single dollar of your hard earn money to a bitch that is laughing at you. Use that money to take your girlfriend to a nice dinner and fuck the shit out of her.
  9. Feminism is stage green. And a lot of women in developed countries don't want to have kids in their 20s because they want to sleep around and focus on their careers. To later regret in their 30s. I have friends that don't want to have kids because of the carbon footprint... Also family is not as valued as before, at least in Europe. Is almost seen as a negative thing. This trend started just 5-10 years ago. Thats pure green. Ofc economic growth (orange) is part of the deal. Is not black and white, but half a century ago (stage orange with almost no green) people were having more kids. Maybe I didn't express it clearly. I meant that we are trying to evolve to healthy green (with good things like women rights), but some green policies can backfire (lots of immigration from stage blue-red countries that are against this advancements). Or for example, stage green women are so open minded, that in the name of tolerance, can't speak against muslims beliefs even if the totally disrespect women. I don't have the data, but I not sure about that. The number of people of lowers stage of development are increasing. Thats an undeniable fact. And thats my concern. Are we so openminded that can backfire if a few decades?
  10. I see one big problem with the spiritual path. Is so abstract and so overwhelming especially y in the beginning, you probably don't even know what to focus on or what to do. For example, my first contact with spirituality was reading 'The Power of Now' 10 years ago. I started meditating and read a few more books on the topic. Got great insights and good results from my new understandings and from the practice of daily meditation... but until last year I never even occur to me the idea of doing a 10 day solo retreat. Until last year, I didn't know about most practices listed below like Kriya Yoga or Self-Inquiry (ofc my main focus wasn't spirituality this last decade, I just focused on it for some stretches of weeks-months, just reading theory and doing meditation). Most newbies don't know what practices to do. The low hanging fruits are a few minutes of meditation, conventional yoga and reading theory. For sure that can have some benefits, even big ones, but most people are not going to get deep enough. And a lot of time can get be wasted not knowing alternative/more powerful methods. Most probably are going to quit because of it (is like trying to get jacked, and spend years just doing pushups and bodyweight squats, without even knowing what a bench press or a barbell squat is) So I made a compilation of spiritual practices: -Meditation -Contemplation -Neti-neti -Self inquiry -Solo retreat -Vipassana retreat -Psychedelics -Kriya yoga -Conventional yoga -Spiritual autolysis -Connecting with nature -Gratitude -Theory (reading, videos, live gurus/mentors) -Breathwork -Shadow work I know there is a debate on the forum about meditation vs psychedelics. Everyone is different, and the path can vary from one person to another. Thats fine. And thats the point. To have different perspectives. So the idea of this post is twofold: -Have a ranked list of spiritual practices in one place that can be tried and tested, especially for newbies. -You can share your personal tier list of your practice (so people can have a sense of what are the most useful overall) Here is the tier list link: https://tiermaker.com/create/list-of-spiritual-practices-15731211 Feel free to add some practices.
  11. Is quite normal to have this problems in the beginning. Most guys don't recognize it but is real. My tip is that you learn to eat pussy like a pro and learn to make a girl squirt. Ofc is not ideal, but is a safety net. I had that in the past. Couldn't get it up but the girl left with a few orgasms without even penetrating her. And she wanted to meet again. Also, if you can't get it up don't start apologizing or take it too seriously. Don't justify yourself. Play with your tongue, fingers, or just chill with her in bed for a few minutes like not big deal. And go for it later.
  12. Maybe the point is not to avoid suffering. Maybe our focus should be in the pursuit of something that is deep inside you and suffer if its needed. If you have a higher purpose, something meaningful to fight for, suffering is more bearable. In fact, when you are young, you should try to put yourself in situations where there is a potential for suffering. Traveling alone to an undeveloped country, going out with that girl that can end up breaking your heart, starting that business that is likely to fail, go to that party alone and try to pick up girls sober, trying psychedelics, go hitchhiking... Suffering is what make you grow the most, probably way more than meditating and reading Eckhart Tolle. But is not one or the other. Everything has value. The fear of suffering can be worse than suffering.
  13. I get that. You are the judge, but my point is: if you know nothing you need good references to start with. For example, I respect Leo, and he advised meditation, contemplation, self inquiry and kriya yoga. Now he says that the real deal are psychedelics. Cool, thats great info, and a valid perspective from a person that tested those practices, and now we can have nice reference points. For me is not about copying someone, nor going 100% by yourself. But to reference and test what other successful people in this area have done and implement/discard based on how you are wired/life situation...
  14. I read a few posts of him talking about 20 day solo and yoga retreats and loto of practice. Why is that wrong from your POV? Which alternative do you recomend in order to raise ones level of consciousness and/or awaken?
  15. What do you mean? Im pretty new on the forum and dont know the members
  16. One of the best out there. I dont find any contradictions, and I have read/listen to the book dozens of times. Dont just read it. Read 1-2 similar chapters at a time and contemplate on them. Find ways to apply them. Look for your blindspots. With time and life experiencie, when your level of consciousness increases, the things that confuses you now will seem obvious. Happened to me. When I read it the first time 6-7 years ago only got a small porcentage of the real value of the book.
  17. You got decent results, so there is nothing wrong with you. You know that if you did it a few times, you can repeat it. I had my time when I used routines because I was very shy. And that gave me confidence. But leaving them behind... was tough, it was like starting again almost from scratch. But is the good move long term. If your focus is your LP or exploring psychedelics, go for it and forget about girls. Listen to your inner voice and go with it. Is tough to balance 2 or 3 big things at once. But be sure you are not changing your focus as an escape.
  18. Sure, I get that, but how many people woke up without any previous practice? How are you even going to realize that your eyes are closed without ever reading a spiritual book, or attending a spiritual talk, or without trying meditation or psychedelics? And then, if you realize that your eyes are closed, how are you going to open them? - Yes, you can't plan or 'schedule' an awakening the same way you can't know which water drop is going to finally break the rock, but drops have to keep dropping until it happen. Ofc 99% of meditators or pshycedelics users are not going to awaken, but 99'9999% of people that dont have any practice are neither going to awaken.
  19. Was thinking the same lately. My perspective is that spiritual work can help dealing with painful situations, and reducing suffering, but not pain. For example, if your wife leaves you, you are going to feel pain. 100%. Thats how we are wired. Even if Tolle's wife leave him or died, he is going to feel pain, cry, and grief. We have an animalistic side. Like you said. Im sure Osho wanted to get out of jail as quickly as possible. His animalistic side wanted better survival conditions. The problem with most people is that when something bad happens they are going to create a narrative that will bring more suffering in addition to the real pain: 'We were meant to be together for a lifetime', 'life is never fair to me', 'Im unlucky', 'my life is going to be misery now', 'I can't live without her', 'I won't find another woman like this', 'why bad things happen to good people?... and so on. Spiritual work makes you realize that those are all made up stories. Periphery. Ego. So the attachment to that stories brings suffering. And that is more or less avoidable. But pain is not going anywhere. Becase in a relationship, for example, we are attached to that person. Like it or not. There is always attachment. Healthier or unhealthier, but there always is. To the body, to the business/job, to our family, to our partner... So there will be pain if there is a breakup, or if your business fail, or ir a family member dies, or if you have health problems. The question is: can we let go the attachment to the STORY we made up?
  20. Damn, that was bad. I went to a Derek free tour a few years ago. Didn't like the guy, but I liked rsd, especially Tyler's old videos (2012-15), so why not go? Holy shit, what an awful experience. First we had to keep our phones out of the room. I have no problem with that, nowadays people get distracted and can be better to not have your phone with you, but then I realized the main reason they do that is that you can't record and upload that shit show. The free talk was around 1hour. NO-THING of value. Tyler rants are fine, I liked the old ones. But this... so bad. I remember nothing about it. The he proceeded with a 2 hour pitch to a bootcamp. Old students in the audience start to talk about his transformations and how great it was. He kept pitching aggressively and disrespectfully. During this 2 hours people were signing in for it (I think it was 3000€ for 2-3 day bootcamp, mostly run by coaches). More than 10 people sign in, so the coach-student ratio was not going to be very appealing and you won't be getting real value time with the main coach (Derek). And in the end... The new students, and all the previous students of him that were there get up on stage. So there were like 40 people standing on stage, and like 7 of us still sitting. At that point I decide to just enjoy the shitshow. It became kind of funny lol He told us to sit in the first row, and almost start to insult us haha A couple guys started to justify themselves on why they were not taking the program. After a few minutes talking down to us like we were 3rd class citizens and realizing he wasn't taking our money, he just 'let us go' with a high level of disrespect. Inside I was laughing. I just was laughing inside. It was preposterous. And the worst thing is 'who wants to be like that guy?'. Who wants to be coached but that guy?. Watch some of his content on youtube. If I were in a Julien or Max free tour, I could consider taking a hot seat, maybe even a bootcamp. They look cool, like guys you can emulate if you are young, at least in this seduction area; and friends of mine went to Max hotseat and say it was great, but this guy Derek... damn...
  21. From the top of my head: -Is not about your you. Is about them. Fall in love with your customer, not with your product. -Don't sell an app, a program, coaching... sell a better version of themselves. -Your copy is not meant to make the reader understand. Your copy is meant to make the reader feel understood. -Good marketing is about telling how great you are. Great marketing is about making your potential customers understood. When they read your copy they have to be saying to themselves 'yes, yes, yes... this guy gets me' -Understand your customers problems better than them -Dont tell them, show them. -Always join the conversation happening in your ideal customer's head. -Offer what they want, deliver what they need. -Product > Marketing . And the first paragraph of the best book on marketing/copy, Breakthrough Advertising: Let's get right down to the heart of the matter. The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself, and not from the copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears and desires that already exist in the hearts of millions of people and focus those already- existing desires onto a particular product. This is the copy writer's task: not to create this mass desire—but to channel and direct it.
  22. Black and white thinking. The pendulum in society is moving so much towards casual sex that this looks that an overreaction (stage blue aproach). People tend to think: Casual sex = Superficial and meaningless Sex in relationship = Profound and meaningful Ofc is usually like that, but you can have deep profound experiences from one night stands or sex with fuckbuddies. The problem is when you over do it. It can get meaningless quick, I agree with that, but is not black and white. Also some people are wired for committed relationships, others not so much. And one more thing. I feel Peterson can't accept the good things about ONS or fwb, because it wouldn't fit his life narrative. Like the person who is having casual sex till his 40s would have a tough time accepting the good parts of having a long time relationship. Is a way of protecting your identity and feeling good about your choices.