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This kinds of videos... https://www.instagram.com/p/DGfJrKvsJnE/ The poetry. The music. The paintings. Automatic shift of consciousness. I filled my ig with this kind of accounts: https://www.instagram.com/shams_of_tabrez/ https://www.instagram.com/razispoetry/?g=5 https://www.instagram.com/mewlana_rumi_poetry/ Enjoy. Also check out this long playlist for reading, contemplating or just being.
Full energy injection
Of course I feel Im in a better position than them. I could be wrong, there is no way to measure that. If I see a homeless guy, I feel bad for him. Or the guys in AA. I feel bad for them. I didn't want to be in that situation. So yes, I think Im in a way better situation now. That doesn't mean I think Im a better human being. The same as watching Leos videos. I watch them and apply them beacuse I want to improve my life and try to be in a better situation than I was before. The same with meditation, gym etc... Comparison is inevitable. I also felt bad for myself, when I was lonely, broke and weak. Thats how things are. their decision to do what they choose. Free will aside... do they really chose that? Or is a default pattern (unconsciosness)? Or is an addiction? If thats the case, is not a choice. Is a trap. Is @TruthFreedom, the guy asking here choosing to drink, or is he being trapped? Is not that simple. Its a real struggle. Not drinking is a higher perspective/consciousness than drinking (specially when you want to quit and you cant)
Digital detox is one of the best things to try. If you enjoyed yours, check out Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. He talks about how to implement it long term. Can be a life changing book for the people who takes it seriously.
You can reframe everything as slavery. If you quit alcohol for 1 year, you are a slave of alcohol. Or with sugar. After I went to AA, I didn't quit cold turkey. I still drank from time to time, and I even got drunk a few times having a great time. Just the last 4 months I went to 0, since my gf and I decided to quit indefinitely. spiritual people think they're any better than those who aren't Again, is not feeling better than. Is just being able to cut through the unconsciousness of drinking. When I see people drinking they remind me of my past self, and I feel grateful for being able to quit and live life on my terms. ''I'm any better than'' There you go again haha
Which addiction? I live a pretty normal life now. Of course Im making a distinction! How could I not? I have a mind, and it rates my life now higher than when I was drinking solo at home almost every day. Yes. Is a bias? Yes. Totally aware of that. ''people who drink beer and are enjoying life'' how do you know they are enjoying life? ''not being free to do what the hell you want'' I do what the hell I want. I chose to have some daily/weekly rituals which make me feel great. And I do them. Easy. ''spiritual people think they're any better than those who aren't'' I didn't say anywhere that Im better than anyone. You said that. Careful with your interpretations
I had alcohol problems and went to AA also. AA was so depressing (fight club style) that I had to walk away in the middle of the session. Young men in their 20s talking about prostituting themselves and robbing people to get some money for drugs and paying debts. I was shocked. I didn't want to belong there. It was a crude awakening. (I also had some REAL fucked up stories from my close friends involving alcohol). Dont underestimate the problems alcohol is going to cause you mid-long term. It can get pretty wild quick, and you wont see it coming. I mixed that negative motivation with positive motivation. I came back to self-help and spirituality and started to watch, take notes and implement seriously Actualized.org I bought Culasada's book and started meditation following his steps. Tried 1 day solo retreats. Started intermitting fasting Tried cold shower (this just one month). Did a 30 day digital detox (Digital Minimalism book). And I was inspired by Leo, his self-actualization videos and the vision of being a sage (totally incompatible with drinking). I created a lifelong vision, 5 year vision, 1 year, and started to chunk it down to seasonal goals. You need to pick values, references (people you admire), and lifelong goals that are in antithesis to drinking. And doing it in a way that reaches your lizard brain. This last part can be hard but you have to test, test and test until you get it. You need to reach a point where you don't get why people drink. It happens to me now. I go to dinner and see people drinking beer. I feel disgusted by it. I really feel bad for those people. I want to be healthy, agile, wake up fresh, mentally sharp, emotionally estable, be able to meditate, to enjoy life with high level of mindfulness; but hey, they don't have a reason to not drink, so they drink, because is the default option) Also at that time, I stumbled open the movie 'Gandhi.' It was a shock. It made me realize my untapped potential. Made me realize deeply that life is not about bodily pleasures and just enjoying oneself. Is about purpose, passion, spirituality! here is a good account you can follow for daily remaindere: https://www.instagram.com/jamesswanwick/
Sounds great! Enjoy it
Seems that you are not satisfied with life right now, and you are using travel as an escape. That can be a trap, because you are going to come back after traveling and things are going to be the same. And maybe worse, because now you at least have the hope of traveling and mixing things up, but after that... what? Be careful arranging just external circumstances, instead of inner ones. Logistics are important for traveling. Can you quit your job and travel for 6 months? Can you get another job when you come back? Do you have savings? Can you work online? Can you build a side online business? Those are important questions. Tim Ferriss talks about this in 4 hour workweek. And nowadays there is a lot of info on this topic on youtube, so you can look for more info there.
Depends. I simplified it thinking like this. There are 4 types of traveling: -with family -with girlfriend -with friends -solo So, if you are going solo, to be honest, banging chicks was a big one for me. I wasn't that interested in volume as I was in variety. I wanted to taste all the flavours. I didn't want to be 40, with my wife and kids walking around the beach, seeing 2 young hot latina/black/asian/slaviac chicks, and thinking 'damn, I wish I'v tasted that'. No way. May seem superficial? Who cares. Was something burning in me. So I did it. And if felt GREAT. I loved it. Partying? Yes. Is way different partying solo in the the other side of the world than in your hometown with your buddies. A whole new different experience. Also, I had some specific places I wanted to visit, like Bali or Thailand (solo), or Vegas. And with my gf: Paris, Italy (Venice, Rome, Florence, Amalafi Coast). With my friends: Amsterdam Think about yours. For me arriving and being in a foreign country always excited me. Even looking at the subtle differences in the airports, the ads, the airlines, the stewardesses, the way people dress, the vibe in the subway... Even planning the trips. Searching for the best airbnb that was typical from that specific place. I enjoyed it a lot. Sometimes I planned a lot. Other times I improvised. You will learn to flow, to adapt to unexpected situations, to different cultures, different ways of doing things. You gain insights into different worldviews. You will see your hometown/family values not as the standard. Just one way to look at the world. You meet a lot of new and diverse people.
The fact that you are asking this is a big tell. And the fact that you use words as 'dull' 'stuck' 'normal' 'sad'... If you have this itch, maybe you have to scratch it. I traveled a quite a bit in my 20s (4 continents) and I don't regret it at all. Now in mid 30s Im not really interested (I burnt that karma). Now im focusing on building a life in 1 place, 1 business, 1 woman, 1 family. Starting to think in decades. But if I didn't travel I know for sure I'd would beat myself for not doing it. 100%. It was a high high value for (travel, exploration, expansion, growth...), but ofc this is very personal. I have friends that almost never traveled and they have no regrets. They valued more stability, and now some of them have bought a house and have a couple children. There are some trade offs, but usually you have time for both type of lifes. Travelling is very exciting, but the 20th country you visit is not that exciting. Is the law of diminishing returns. What you talk about your friends traveling and then settling down is very common. Is the theme of going full circle. And some kind of hero's journey. You end up 'the same', but totally different at the same time.