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About koops

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  1. Yes and no. 95% is shit. Use the Internet with INTENTION. Filter and forget everything you dont like. Focus on the few things you are interested. -Meet like minded people. -Make money. Achieve freedom. -Learn. -Get inspiration. Use the internet as a tool. Dont let the internet use you.
  2. Oh yeah. You are right. Watched more and is more advanced that I thought. Very interesting guy.
  3. Sounds cool. Remind me of this quote from Rick Rubin's book.
  4. Wow. Im binging now. I was starting a one man business and I resonante with almost everything he is saying. Good healthy orange thinker, with bits of green and yellow.
  5. Blueberries! REAL honey Oranges and kiwis Grass fed steak
  6. @TreyMoney @integration journey You're welcome!
  7. Sounds like a great journey! I had a similar one. Girls, business, failures, meditation, awakening... I also relapse into shitty habits like social media or youtube, but is like meditation. Getting distracted and getting back to focus. And with time the distractions are less and less. Hope the best for you in your journey!
  8. You are welcome! Yes, those are 'basic' things, but at the end of the day are foundational for a good live, and is easy to fall off. But as they say: 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Happy you are in the path!
  9. Are you still doing the work? I get it. Some of you just got your cute elections. Happy with the results? Sad? Nice. Its over now. Your complaints are not going to change anything. So.. why not get back to work? This post is just a reminder. I feel the forum (and Leo) are moving more towards political topics and moving away from spirituality and personal development. And I get. Leo probably feels he needs to move on to another topics, but YOU? Are you still doing the work? - Do you have the results you expected 1/3/5/10 years ago? -Awakening? -Financial freedom? -Great relationship/sex life? -Life situation? Hobbies, fun, travel, home? -Did you got rid of your addictions? -What about your life vision? Your 5 year vision? Are you close to it? -Are you happier on a day to day basis? Or you just got distracted? By Israel, by Trump, by porn, by the new thing, by Diddy, by solipsism discussions, my mental masturbation? Are you trapped my media, the urgent, the shinny object? Be careful! REJECT current events. EMBRACE the ETERNAL (meditation, clean eating, high quality reading and relationship, fulfilling hobbies, spirituality...) - Are you meditating daily? - Do you have planned an alone/meditation retreat? - Are you eating clean and exercising? - Are you investing in your long term-health? - Are you trapped by the screens? Should you do a 30 day digital detox and revaluate your life? - Are you reading high quality books? Are you implementing what you learn on those books? - Are you following a routine and doing DAILY your 3 keystone habits? - Are in your path to mastery or just dabbling with life? Are you just letting life pass, or are you making high quality decisions? - Are you actively eliminating distractions? - Are you living by your values? - Are you having weekly/monthly checks on actions-goals-vision? - Are you meeting high quality / like minded people? Are you still doing the work? Some people are here for ‘socializing’ and being less lonely, but for the ones looking to work on themselves and to improve their lives… don’t forget this. Make a sprint toward the end of the year and achieve those goals you had set for yourself. Don’t get distracted by the shiny current thing. Much love, koops
  10. Guys come on... 1) Don't put people (specially online people you don't personally) on a pedestal. 2) Maybe you are not more developed that X person. Who is confirming that you are more developed? Is that a story you are telling yourself to feel good? 3) Ponder: Maybe you are not the good guy. The 'other' guys say you are the bad one. So... who's right? You are missing something, they are missing something, and based on that, you think you are 'above' the others. Be careful and have some humility and understanding. Remember, when you point your finger at someone and say: 'you are a devil', you have 3 fingers pointing at yourself.
  11. You sound smart and ambitious. Go full on your max potential. Is amazing how life can change for the better in a few months.
  12. You dont really want to do it. Otherwise you wouldnt explain it so good. You know you want to do certain things in your life. You only need ONE THING: MOVE OUT. I know is easy to say. But.. that one thing is the key to starting a new good life. Make a plan on how you can leave and act on it. Think on the future. Visualize yourself 1-2-5 years from now. Things are going to be GREAT 😉 If you want some accountability, you can count on me.
  13. Maybe it is necessary. If they dont do it another guy coming from behind is going to do it, take advantage and steal market share from them.
  14. @WillCameron a theory of everything, or a 'brief story of everything'?