Sherry Who

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About Sherry Who

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  • Birthday 09/06/1971

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    Cape Girardeau, Missouri
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  1. I hope I’m posting this in the appropriate thread. If not, I’m sorry. I’m new to this. My 79 year old mother told me that yesterday morning around 6:30 she watched me walk in her front door, past her where she was lying on the couch, and through her dining room and kitchen. She then told me I disappeared after saying hello. The only problem is that I was at home an hour away, sleeping. I had an enlightenment experience in January that has left my head spinning. Since this happened I have had some strange experiences and my mom seeing me walk through her house while I was in my bed an hour away takes the cake. Has anyone else had strange experiences like this after enlightenment? Again, I’m sorry if I’ve posted this in the wrong place. I’m just curious to know if this stuff is normal because it’s a bit scary.
  2. @Paul Simon Thank you for your help. I feel like this forum is going to help me so much. I live in a rural area in the Bible Belt and there don't seem to be any individuals who are working toward spiritual enlightenment in my area. St. Louis would be the closest but that's 100 miles from my home. I am very grateful for having found this forum.
  3. @Arik I listen to Alan Watts while meditating, as well! He was amazing. He had such insight and a deep understanding of this journey. I also like Eckhart Tolle. I've been trying a variety of different ways of meditating and I ultimately want the freedom of enlightenment/awakening. I want it to better our world. That's my main intention. I also want to be free. I'm tired of the suffering I've experienced and continue to experience. I believe that if when I was growing up, and more people had attained enlightenment in this world, it would've been so much better for everyone. I've combined sds a few times with do nothing and it was tough, but I feel like it's helping me rid my mind of so much past ugliness and rotten emotions. I still have a long, long way to go, though.
  4. @Arik Thank you very much for clarifying what is happening. I felt like I was very much in the zone when this was happening. So do you use any type of music or singing bowls/wind chime sounds while meditating?
  5. Hello! This is my first post to the forum. I just finished a 30 minute meditation while listening to Tibetan singing bowls through my headphones. I was really focused on the one tone that I heard no matter which note was being struck. I close my eyes during meditation always, and this time...I started seeing some faint fractals, vibrating discs, mesh that was made of light, I saw a few very light colors, and each pattern I saw was vibrating and changing. This has never happened to me before and I took it as a gift. I believe this will happen again and it will perhaps be more vivid and colorful. Has anyone else spontaneously had this to happen? This was so amazing to me! I've only been meditating for a few weeks and I sometimes have to force myself but I love doing it. If anyone else has experienced this, what are some things I can do to really "go with it" and possibly see more? Am I being a little impatient? Thanks so much for any help! It's nice to meet you all!