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Everything posted by Jawor

  1. @Pallero I used to have a similar problem. At that time I would feel guilty when I watched tv for 30 minutes or went out with friends just to hang out and not do anything productive. It stopped after 1.5-2 years or so, when I got into deep spiritual stuff. And then my answers to simple questions like "what is the purpose of all my work?", "Is it really the life I want to have?" gradually began to change. At this point in my life I'm still working hard towards my goals and my desire is even more authentic. I love working. Also, I love hanging out with others and wasting time. I love everything what happens to me. The discovery that the world is deterministic was some sort of a breakthrough for me. Have you seen "Free Will vs Determinism - Does Free Will Exist?" by Leo? It's not about your inability to relax, it's all about mindset. You can work on yourself as hard as you want but you have to know WHY. Your desire must be pure and authentic, and then workaholism won't be a problem anymore.
  2. I tried them only a couple of times right before some stressful or important moments to put myself in a better state. Worked pretty well, but it's not something I would do regularly.
  3. @ZenDog Also, visualizing what you want might be extremely powerful.. you can do it simultaneously
  4. @werlight "You just probably have a wrong idea of what it actually is." Maybe. Leo mentioned a couple of times that Enlightenment is basically getting rid of ego - that was more or less my definition of Enlightenment. Perhaps I interpreted it wrong/too literally..? I'm not sure now. I'll keep on searching!
  5. @Galyna, I'm not entirely sure. I'm still looking for the answer, this is why I posted here, but so far the non-existence Enlightenment seems the most reasonable to me. If you convince me, I'll change my mind. The fact that this is an empirical experience doesn't really matter here because I'm not able to experience it now. I can only believe it or not. And again, this is not about how much work I put into it to deny it. Okay, I can say "I don't really know".. How do you know, then? Why are you so sure? ----------------- @cetus56 "We agree that the ego/mind is a very ineffective tool to defeat itself." Exactly. What other tools do we have? Other egos/minds are equally ineffective, thus, I don't agree with the metaphor, in fact, I didn't agree with it the first time I heard about it from Leo.