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Everything posted by kavaris

  1. My dreams are a kindve, re-interpretation of sense making, and what each sense is, almost like a consciousness puzzle, and how you might feel isnt based on experiences with the rational object—person relationship, not per say, but its really like a breakdown of everything, turned up to 12. So, lets say i dream that im... iuno, in a room, at first... Thats just what i feel. I feel like, a presence (myself?) in an enclosure. Then i feel like im suddenly sliding down a tube, or what feels like im pooping, myself as the poop, but my feelings entact, in regards to what the idea of pooping once was like. As i slide down my own anus, i feel this pressure, like my own intestine, within my intestine. i know i have to relax, to get the poop out, which is myself. I relax, and then it starts coming (or rather, i start coming) Meanwhile, i start thinking about such questions as "what am i? am i a person?" Then i think about the word "consciousness" by accident, and as i travel down that series of thoughts, i wake up. Thats not the best example, but i couldnt think of any others atm that could explain the finite self as a very fine grain aspect, simultaneously feeling a higher level amalgam. And the fact that i was feeling both ends was just a bonus, as its often isolated, either as a higher or lower aspect. often, i play the character of a new self, who is leaving behind any notion of a higher self, or i am a higher self lost within a very abstract, shoots and ladders world, through all types of busy bus stations and whatever. I try to not get lost, but its like, if things arent going in the right, unidirectional, DC current sortve way, then its like, i just gota let it all go, cause itll spit me back out into some awkward scenario betwen people and stuff, and they are so annoying.
  2. Make a list called "Knowns versus Unknowns". At which point, you can know the boundary of which things you can ask questions about (things you know, personally, that you feel you know as a thing to question) Your askin' surreal, super unknown-to-experience questions, and they dont pertain to parts of your OWN experience, but as aspects of other.., such as people who have stopped consciously existing alongside you. You mine as well ask what it means for other to sit beside you, or why the grass smells like grass when your near it. Why do birds fly south for the winter, and why is the sky blue. the whole—trees exist when no ones around, and if dreams exist if no ones having them. And keep going with it, on and on, and hopefully it dawns on you now in the other direction, like a 'who am i, what am i'.. what am i doing that i could be questioning. Are the questions being answered, or is it existing answers that are leading to questions. What is known as a fact that you can answer 100%, as a thing that youve experienced, that you can know for sure? and then, proceed from there.
  3. People whove done DMT, have you ever had like, an aspects of consciousness communication (see ive not ever done it, as i more so using dreams & imagination to base this on) like say yous are communicating in this whimsical way like: "Heres a magical golf course + do a backflip + sing a jolly ole song" -"Si, yes kind sir. I know exactly what you mean" @{Thats the impression i get from what ppl have said on utube} And, they end up performing that whole sequence, and then, does it ever come down to like, "So, actually this is a certain part of you, and this is another part of you, Oh, and meet ShimShim, another part of you..", or am i just way off? To me, thats what i feel like is being said, when they talk about this "look at this, and look at this" thing. As i would be inclined to think of it like, "Go down this road, to meet ShimShim, go through this door to meet LaLa the toad, the soul survivor of the abstract war you misinterpreted", that sorta thing, like... Super abstract world/land.
  4. "How to think bout reality", if its: A) Gonna be, A neverending exp, reality, In some ways it remains half unknown, Some half tilt dream to which we do not know, And B) its not actually real?.. Or what that entails, Seeing as, call it New Reality tells a very different tale... Thats a line of questioning, you then might take, A possible point of re apprising that role of advocate, And tryina to get it, to where, you are the younger you, From a new perspective of old and young inter fused. Sorting out the undulating rhythms inside, Its becoming of a direction—of "once you decide".
  5. Contemplation in some sense doesnt even begin until youve cracked that nut, that your own brain is stuck on back in the LSD or magic mushroom experience (i cant speak to what is being experienced on DMT) So for that reason, alot of people dont find there to be any reason to contemplate. But a special few people do see that as an important invitation, beyond it being real weird, and that is who continues to contemplate (or are doing so on a progressive level—though this also crosses into a how creative are they territory, in regards to how progressive and what it means to progress) Alas, it sometimes means going through trauma to realize that it was the most important thing to carry on with thinking about, and not quite just remaining as the same calm or spiritual person, as we are speaking to an abrasive feeling—a noticeable change, stage/spectrum that, with more certainty & determination, t'which will be redirecting you (through a feedback mechanism between the parts of you who have a better vantage point) but another part of it is the guide, who makes sense of all of it and knows by which priority/vantage points should be the loudest, and which are dyadic chords that dont quite paint the full major/minor chord yet. So theres a strong element of programming that you have to do within all of that, else its not bound by any Earthly—down to ᴙþ foundation.
  6. I had this really weird idea, to start numbering threads and posts 1 — 10... 10 being the lowest perspective and 1 being the ultimate after null point or zero, which represents a mythical source point. So its purely opinion on whether or not you think its something higher or lower, therefore no one would be able to say whether or not it is or isnt that number... And so i had an idea about how: everyone here is anonymous, and which gives us a kind of interesting meta perspective on the relationship we can have, and do have. We all share in the mystery, whereby nothing between us is defined in a way that has clear meaning, or visual associations to it. We might think we know what someone is like, but that doesnt give any indication about who they are (the brain cannot record any further identity) not to mention that from a meta perspective we dont have an identity at all (ask; what is identity pointing to? nothing.) and/or a single thing that we can point to for "self", from the meta (anyway, thats going off track from what im tryina say here...) So the *anonymob* (as ive randomly rated it, is an "8" since its so external) it just represents the fact that we are all anonymous here, and thus have the freedom to swim within each other, changing who we are if we want, learning, transforming, living as everyone and anyone. And thats a superpower that people from prior centuries did not have. So... WELCOME, anonymob. I just thought i would share that with yous, as i often do provoke yous to think, and think. alas, its not my forte, to go on these long shpeels. Nor am i doing it for any reason at all. I just am always brought back by a simple question: "what adds quality to the world, even though it might be sacrificing time and energy, even though it could be a gamble since others might not want, or have the strength/ability to be awake, alert—as two or mòre wise men to witness each other..." I continue to take that chance. Anyway, i dont have a question to leave yous, or a common thread or topic, i only mean to activate the frontal lobes or whatever, and to get the brains pumping so that yous can go on to do productive things w/,whatever you believe may be productive.
  7. okay wait, going by what im seein , its then a little different then "insert belief", output action... Instead its like "the direction you just leaned is the direction that starts to unfold", which surely can be investigated. experimented with, etc. lota room to try things, in both a physical as well as a meta sense.
  8. Yes i get it everyone is right. But wait, someone had another comment in the thread, and i dont know where it is now. i mustve halucinated it, as i was buildin off of its logic (in the middle of constructing a message), and now its gone.
  9. - ColorZilla (i often need to see the hex color code for a given shade of color from an image/picture or some attribute of a website, therefore ColorZillas eyedropper is to pick up a color, a color wheel lets you scroll through colors, and you can of course store these colors-w/ what i thinks like a clipboard for color, as well a way to generate gradients, etc. though ive never used the gradient thingamajigger...) - Imagus (a way to enlarge any image, picture, thumbnail, etc. by hovering your mouse over, or setting it such that, e.g. pressing [Shift] would enlarge them - as its kindve annoying if everywhere you put your mouse was enlarging an image to max size... also, you can probably control which size youd rather have it enlarged to)
  10. @abgespaced This is one issue... "focusing on your breath" is a high level aspect to meditation, and unless youve been doing it awhile, your actually doing it wrong... If you are confused then it sounds like you need to learn from the beginning (alot of people dont know these things anyway, so alot of people are about to learn, not just you) You are doing it wrong.... Why is that? 1. When you focus on your breath you interrupt your natural breathing mechanism (the act of being conscious of, makes it such that you cant un-focus on it) however when youve been doing it awhile, this line between conscious and unconscious breath work gets blurred... If this makes sense to you, stop focusing on your breath. 2. If you breathe too hard then you are activating your adrenal glands (this is better for when you are cold or are in a situation where you need to do something thats physically intensive)... Nevertheless, it would be a mistake too try breathing beyond what you would be doing in a relaxed state (ask yourself, does it make sense to have adrenaline activated while you are trying to relax?) The key idea here is "being relaxed", and should be what you are aiming for. Not enough people know this, so when they are just starting, they get tripped up on simple things like this. 3. Theres actually some methodology going on, that you havent mentioned in your post beyond the fact that you've been focusing on the void, which leads to "moving physically towards the centre of the physical sensations", that is to say that (i have to assume) that you are still trying to focus on the back of your eyes on what you call the void. That is fine... You can focus on the void. Dont change this part... (edit: you shouldnt consider it as "focusing on the back of your eyes", but rather, its just that your eyes need something in front of them, and you are leaving them to look at either the back of your eyes OR, the room around you. Neither really are better or worse, and so you are just leaving your eyes to be with whatever they are looking at, as opposed to "focusing" with your eyes, if that makes sense) 4. What you do have to change is what you are focusing on (within the body) as you get "deeper or more comfortable", as it always begins as a kind of "settling into the body"... That is to say, you are suppose to start by focusing your energy on the "temple lobes"... or a region near the sides of your head, such that it builds up, wherein you would be moving all your focus towards the center of your head, or a vague area near that region (the focus you put towards the temples grows, so... it might also be considered a "growing of sensations" or activations within the head, via temporal (temple) lobes) Theres alot more, but... lets just start small so you can get the basics down first.
  11. Being right Not only is reality is filled with a whole lot of question marks (questions not alot of people give the time to investigate) it means theres a wide area, a pasture of questions that people feel the need to answer (a world of mysteries leads to questions, questions to answers) This ties in to an organic system/chemicals, and the internal dialogue, a self validation mechanism makes it feel like they are saying something right when it just is more of a feel good to say it, as opposed to "am i showing empathy to this persons situation as well as determing if im just flat out wrong...", or it could just be a random feeling, a stray hair emotion being cast out... whatever the case, that sentiment towards 'wanting to be right all the time' can be deepened to include more than the self, but to ask if/and when others are right, and if its showing respect/sympathy towards their condition, or if it is just assuming that they are a certain way. It helps to get to know the other person. Nevertheless, we take the "happy, happy am i right-" mechanism for granted, as many people dont know their entire life depends on it. That is, you would begin to break down if the seat of your throne was either dethroned or staggered between unhappy things (theres a balance of uptakes vs downtakes you dont know yous are doing everyday to keep yourselves straight/even) its both physical and mental, working together.
  12. Preface This might be hard to grok at first since it is combining physics/science or engineering in a storytelling/artistic or mystical—as well as in a self reflective and figurative way — ALAS, it is how i chose to blend these things together, in such a way as to make this problem more accessible and relatable to others — And from a perspective that makes three body sorts-of problems (as well as my own equilibrium snapshot version of...) a little clearer and relatable to normal physics, and areas o' math, and all these different things that i had said previously... Intro So by now, yous most likely may be familiar w/ the three body problem. Yous might also have seen or heard of what a juggler/entertainer is, who juggles three balls or bottles? I* only ask so that when i say *cascade*, that you understand what motion im referring to (as opposed to the "cascade" used in a general sense) This of course expands into lots of different fields and circular trajectories and different types of hypothetical objects in motion(s), however i only mean to start from a classical, physical description of,.. recognizing the "ideal scenario", so that, yous too may be able to have some idea of what would happen, and continue to try understanding it. Let us begin by assuming that these bodies or objects are of relatively the same shape, size, and traveling at a vaguely similar sort of velocity. Yous may read this as a story, as an instruction/guide, or as a formula, it doesnt matter in that regard... Part 1: C Approaching A and B In the beginning, A and B are in orbit around each other (this is a kind of simple prerequisite, that which isnt necessarily important unless we need more accurate numbers—math and/or physics equations for): A and B are gravitationally interacting, and we’ll assume their orbital relationship is stable for now. They create a system that could resemble a binary orbit or a close, synchronized orbital configuration. Their masses and velocities are similar, so neither dominates the other. Now C approaches from OUTSIDE the orbit of A and B: Body C approaches the system from a larger orbit (around A and B), perhaps from a more elliptical trajectory. This is crucial because if C were to approach directly from the center or in a perpendicular motion, it could disrupt the balance and either get pulled in too strongly or leave the system entirely. Instead, C needs to approach tangentially in such a way that it doesn't immediately fall into an orbit of just one body but interacts with both A and B. C’s path influences A and B: As C approaches A and B, its gravitational influence begins to affect their orbits. This could cause small perturbations, but these adjustments aren't chaotic yet. Rather, they slowly tweak the orbits of A and B, drawing them into a new interaction with C at the outer edges of their system. Part 2: Crossing the Center Once C is close enough and has been interacting with the gravitational influence of A and B for a while, it will reach the point where it crosses through the center of their orbit. This moment is key to the system's temporary stability and the formation of the figure-eight orbit: C crosses the center of the system: This marks the first real interaction where all three bodies are in a sort of direct gravitational feedback loop. The crossing creates an exchange of momentum and gravitational pull that "pulls" C through the center of A and B's orbit. In turn, the forces exerted by A and B on C change the trajectories of all three bodies, temporarily aligning them in such a way that they seem to follow a figure-eight pattern. To be more accurate, i dont know exactly how this plays out, i only imagine that it could eventually play out wherein each begin rotating around one another, however brief it could be... As C crosses through the center of A and B's orbits, it will also influence their velocities and positions. A and B might now adjust their own orbits to compensate for C's mass and momentum, continuing to orbit each other, but with an additional gravitational pull from C that creates the harmonic balance. Eventually This exchange of forces causes a temporary equilibrium where the bodies seem to perpetually "cascade" around one another, following paths that interweave and form the figure-eight shape, that is until those slight perturbations (or changes in velocity) destabilize the system, as over time, even small variations in velocity or position lead to a loss of this perfect harmony. As the bodies continue to influence each other, the orbits might slowly become more elliptical, or rather, the bodies shift into a more chaotic state. The figure-eight pattern will break down as the forces grow too complex and unpredictable, which results in irregular orbits and erratic, chaotic paths (they do of course collide too) But the "Thee Body Problem", if im correct, specifically means to name that difficulty of predicting their motion (from any such kind of scenario) given the non-linear nature of their interactions. p.s. anytime ive done psychedelics, i have always seen this very poignant motion or shape, portrayed as equi-distant circles in orbit with one another, and so i thought that it would make for an interesting narrative if described in the context of planetary orbit. It also got me looking into the overlap between rules that involve cascades, and rules that involve multiplicative properties and such... and the two most interesting/relevant areas that came up were called Exponential Growth / Exponential Decay (Multiplicative Cascade) and Coupled Oscillator Systems (Resonance and Cascade), both used in physics and electrical engineering. If you know about this topic, or anything thats tangentially related, or just anything you happened to think of while reading, feel free to post it here, as that is the reason that i created it, such that it can get your juices flowing, and brains working today or whenever youve come upon it. Also if you are someone who wants to try simulating this on a computer or something, and want to understand the exact initial conditions that lead to the *greatest resonance* and *longest equilibrium between*, id be happy to hear about it, or to even be apart of the experience w/ you.
  13. Underbelly versus Overlords The second two paragraphs are most important, imo, but some should maybe read the first parts too... Alot of threads are predicating things from a love & light perspective. Start from disaster, and work up from there, that way its reflective of the kindve-chaos situation we find ourselves in, and then we really wont have to argue (only a handful of us) assuming we get there... Beyond the fact, that we still want to try getting things right—which is another long complicated journey, cause we are faced w/ exchanging words, trying to get an idea of what thoughts feel a certain way, if they align w/ this person and not that—if theres more to a word, more to the story, more to a person, or if its better left unsaid (!!! that stuff is hard...) What i was tryina say is, that we should go through a list of words that are more specifically pointing to higher perspectives and the same for the lower ones.... I started yous with: ego, lust and impatience, for the lower perspective issues... That way its more of like, a primordial ooze of issues that slip through the hands, that we have to try making a gooey snowman or some semblance out of. We can build off of anything, but its just a matter of it catching or attaching to the web of ideas slingin' around. It might be easier to start with like, "things we kind of understand, but are like still sitting on the shelves...", like i wanna know what a psychedelic experience even is... however, that really doesnt quite help, because then we are asking about the interpretation... So its better to ask about like, "the language that psychedelics are speaking, and the ignorance that is then being draped over them...", that's ostensibly speaking, alot to unpack, but yous will figure it out... At some point though, its gonna be pointed out that, "only YOU" type thing.. Where, its like, if you dont grab your own imagination by the horns, its gonna run off to frolick in the fields and pastures without consent. and hey, we can only try our best—i mean, it would be weird if every message after, we just continuously said "only YOU", seeing as ppl might take it as a meme. Thats alot to digdug through, but i believe in yas
  14. Oh thats neat, i dont have any degree, but ive been doing lota computer stuff the last decade, and so im tryina find ways to make extra $ each m/o, w/ showin off some programming/design, even if its just a few dollars for now, on some like, you know substack, or like by starting some community, maybe making video, etc. as i have a secret project. hard to explain.
  15. A New Realm In Warhammer 40k, The Tyranids are controlled by the "Hive Mind", an all-encompassing collective consciousness. It is not a being in the traditional sense but is viewed as the ultimate force of consumption and adaptation. In the case of the Eldar (Aeldari) you have Isha, Kaela Mensha Khaine, Cegorach and Ynnead... Then there's Chaos Gods Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh. The Emporer (Neoth or Aman) is said to be the highest being of the Humans. And... In the Galactic Federation of Light: Ashtar, Elder Ikai, Council of light, The Prime Creator, and probably Arch Angel Michael, or the Pleiadians.
  16. I see, so you are looking at like, old school youtube type of psychedelic videos for psychedelics... You dont do cosmic frequencies and binaural beats/and pure tones for psychedelic?... That'll really help, cause you can eliminate one of your sense making apparatuses to focus purely on a sound field and getting closer to (what i presume would be more aligned with) a DMT type of visual experience that i believe is building the visual field from a different lens, if you know what i mean. It activates your brain from a different angle in other words. p.s. you might also mean, songs to listen to while on a psychedelic, by which, i wouldnt even know where to start out since its so personal
  17. I also invite anyone else, who might find this stuff interesting to either pm us or let me know here what you think, and/or if you have any ideas about this kind of "three body sorts o' problems" and other math/ or physics problems that might be similarly and make for an intriguing topic in this regard!
  18. @LastThursday This stuff is so cool, i like when it gets into a math, electrical engineering and ECE type of area, as thats where i would most likely enjoy going with it, if it were to come to looking at these kinds of ideas in a more deliberate sense.... Are you into mathematics and/or programming by any chance? You sound like you are into some kinds of physics and math atleast in some regard. And, I would be interested to talk more about it with you, if you have a discord or wanna join into mine... Do you know if people have tried simulating this kind of stuff, to see how and when, if possible, it can lead to a short duration of time—even just for an instance—where there is this kind of equilibrium between all three, such that they all fell into a rotation around one another...That would be so cool to see. Or even to know that its possible seeing as its such an exact thing (much like the very exact stability required to have earth habitable with life or whatever) although, im not like an expert, or even thinking about those kinds of questions... i think im more so just interested in it because of my recurrent psychedelic experience—that which has seemed to be very poignantly trying to show me the very same motion over and over and over.
  19. @James123 What you do get credit for is being the progenitor of this thread (which is a big deal if we bring each other CLOSER) had it not existed we wouldnt be able to come to this understanding. p.s. for the word or term to agree on, we can start out w/ something like only advance and just see what happens
  20. Wellll..... Not quiet, HOWEVER... WE should, and COULD be those who are on the same page, right?!.. And if we ARE, then theres something we need to do... We need to promise that we will only point each other towards the "source", or... towards some term or word that we all resonate w/, kinda like an only advance, or a realm without words —> the in-between space. BUT, that means speaking in a kinda way that feels like... errr .. a kind of... . intuition, but has some logic to it, or... it is not saying "walk into the fire" to people, does that make sense? Its like this: a little logic, a little intuit, a little down to earth... a little dreamy, a little fiery, a little "you are worth it"... a song By Kavaris, Hey i just came up w/ that! In conclusion, theres more to it, but now yas see what im sayin...
  21. its ashame *trumpery* is a synonym for "low quality".. not that i have anything against trump, it is what it is right... but thats such a weird coincidence.
  22. Help me understand presidents/ politics, as i often see alot of ya's mentioning trump, either in a negative or positive light, and i always want to add input, but i dont necessarily understand it, nor do i understand any of the other people in politics against him. I only understood it enough as a person who is to represent/or lead the world, and/or some1 to vote for, but beyond the voting booth, its beyond my understanding. Hey, if anything else, it gives yas the floor to speak on it, even if i fail to initially grok it, as i obviously specialize in other things, failing in others.
  23. im not sure i posted in this thread yet, though it might be an appropriate place to invoke this little segment of ideas i have, that which incorporates intuition in there... As, it sortve is like a little daily exercise i do, where i come up w/ three things/topics for the day that i find are either on my mind, or that have potential relevance (they are just general terms to make you think) Anyway, Leo had recently wrangled back that Low vs High thing—which is really just such a poignant divider to put on perspectives, and belief systems, and other such things... and in that sense, it makes it kinda frustrating when you have to shrink down to a lower perspective to get yourself in someone elses shoes, or vice versa, and so, i def see how often its like.. "Wait, now should this be a high lvl thing, or a low lvl thing... Ahhh" With that said, here are the words that i thought should go up on the bulletin board today... i came up with six, seeing as the larger idea was High vs. Low Words, and so i had to consider three for each... I also wanted to make sure that the low level words were somewhat interesting... High Intuition, Enlightenment and Source Low Ego, Lust and Impatience And in conclusion, the ego is something we aspire to shed, right, even though we still need it. Lust is like, something tied to our primal selves, something that may drive us, but at the same time its like, we dont have so much time that it can be w/ us every where we go... And impatience is interesting, cause its like, you have to consider what things make us impatient, and then, why... Why do we feel the impatience, what thoughts are we telling ourselves, right? so anyway.. thats all i had to say... You can of course ask questions/investigate the high lvl ones, certainly, i just thought i didnt need to mention it.
  24. Tripping is so weird that, its hard to even know what tripping is—during, and after, it has happened... cause its like, effecting reality as you know it. it should be just brain stuff except its more like touching the kitchen counter, telekinetically or watever, such that you can feel the surface of it from a distance... inb4 the crisscross of sensations, and that is all to say that, its hard to know like, what that even is, as its transcendent of what we even understand, or that i feel we understand.
  25. id dare consider awakening and enlightenment as slightly highlighting differents kinds of experiences, though, from within the same source, just from two different lineages towards the same spot or path. It might be enough for now, to say that enlightenment sounds more light, and bright in ways. An awakening sounds more akin to something *sudden* (both a kind of transcendence at some lv) though i cant help feel like enlightenment has something of a long term thing goin' on, and feels less like "short term, final resolves" (the source that awaits us) where awakening feels like it could be encapsulating turn-arounds, and resolutions... Like, that part of ourselves that connects to the more confusing, foggy areas—not to dissuade from what enlightenment might mean or could mean in the realm of our selves; And for all anyone else thinks, they just mean the same thing, or atleast point to a common path from two different lineages of the same source—>experience—>destination (an implicit `source` that is moving through that sequence, as us, awaiting us) type've thing.