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kavaris replied to Shodburrito's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
An ongoing insult you know whats a funny way to explain it, its like... basically you could look at it like, everyone is a facet of some object in the center of your own mind.. thats like the very very basic reaching towards (which means nothing to explain in word form) but whats more apropos is to think of it like its everyone insulting you, and which isnt necessarily a bad thing... its just like, if you are to imagine everything, then its sortve like an on going insult, a comedy, alas there isnt an alternative. its just like, "how do you navigate what we are now calling an ongoing-insult", you just do somehow... you swim towards the center and find ways to make it happen; to make it make sense in a way that feels like, "ehh, its not great, its not perfect... but its maybe closer/better than it was before"... thats all we can do. i think... i think its when the language for how you see things gets darker—is when it actually gets interesting on levels that yous could associate w creativity, since its bringing back all of the original elements that you first experience... like "the devil" is an interesting character.. or... whats that one whos like the italian guitar player who gets hit over their head alot? whatever that is, lol.... like comedic/dark humor element i guess. and other sorts of odd archetypes . And then you suddenly have elements to a story that didnt initially have any place... like lost toys from the toy box typeve thing. What they could mean? who knows? could be literally anything. -
You could do a whole episode/series on history. its like, a pattern, wherein everything we do is always keeping one eye behind us in time, trying to maintain continuity, even though really... who knows what reality looks like when everything is eyes forward.. presumably its just 24 07 proper madness no doubt
history such a weird topic, cause you can put anything in between us and mitochondria eve, or watever that neutral mother character was, that all humans now derive from, its like... its weird to even say anything about one hundred years ago let alone 13,000 years ago or whatever watchamakalits whole shtick is... historys like, this annoying part of the system, cause everything depends on a previous—and its like, it implies that the previous takes precedence over the newest in line, and that in itself is so burned into us, and its one of those patterns we cant get rid of til death, tryas we might.
i know theres people who, they just are what they are, like... there are really trump-like-people out here making decisions based on pure blood lust and venegence tryina draw blood (and trust me i have first hand exp 10 years, for 24-7 hours) Tates just a little boy still playin with his toy cars or watever... anyway my points like, its not like im retarded, i see things, and i give them a chance, but i know that its like hey... there are real live ppl out here tryina bulldoze shit without any rhyme or reason, and it has nothin to do w/ america, and perhaps nothin' to do w/ their own well being either (more of like a suicide mission if you ask me). but if your like 78 years old tryina make moves like its the summer of 79', like... thats where im like, "timeout"... This is a 78—goin on 80 now in a couple years... what kindve like animalistic thing is, like, some 80 year old guy got to prove out in these streets. Like, its not like he's on crack otherwise he would be weighin in at 100 pounds, looking like unusually fit out-of-the-blue...it is very much true that—if no one has ever thought of just close-lining someone, then they might just go on as if they are unstoppable. but if your 80, youve surely been out here and have nothin to prove, or the chances should be so slim that its like ("yes, thank god. now im 80 years old, time to get to work tearin sh-- up!") that then implies orchestrating this unusual gutting of the government, etc, etc.. (etcetera etcetera, fading into infinity, because it continues to make less and less sense to me) and thats where im at. i know that this like, mid-life crisis attitude can go up to the 60's... but now we are talkin bout people 70—80 (its like a mid-life crisis, cause their sense of purpose is wrapped around the illusion that they are dominating in whatever field therein) Usually by 80 youve done lost enough to wake up. And of course, theres always some very slim chance that there is some purpose behind it, but its unlikely. If there was we would know what it was. the people that are his age are the ones who likely know how to untangle him, and the weird pride syndrome hes wrapped up in like, since they have been here long enough, they know what language hes speakin.
i hate not knowing what the deeper truth to all of this is like (hates a strong word) but i dislike having to assume things, like... we got things like trump/musk doing a spiral, 180° lie, then we got the public, furious, ready to tear these streets up, and in all of that im wondering like, why do i still not know what Trumps master plan was, like... cant he get on a discord call with the public or wtf. i mean, hes obviously the mastermind, i wanna hear what the big idea was. alas, we are going on blind judgement. fuck.
theres a world where leo v tate would be interesting to watch, alas, the world has trouble having polar ends coming together to do interesting collabs, as the world is allergic to such things. its ashame, but hey. i dont even recall what tates positions are on anything, i only remember him saying that everyone was servile and gay, and there was alot of the word "gay" thrown around, correct me if im wrong. (p.s. i literally just remember him calling everythinge gay, like... im not sure there was anything that challenges leo in a mature way, but i could be misremembering)
Step 1/Question 1:What is the job of government? What do they do, and why isnt it clear what they do? They facilitate order and stability, to some respect. Is there a government for governments? is there a system that oversees systems?... do the public have any ability(s) to overturn one of those levels? And who comes up with all of these systems? Were they all voted for? Step2/Question2, what is the job of the president? But also, what does it mean to be the president. And is it not more of a three way between political, government and financially promising people, if therein lies some overarching conflict? And then what does a dual between those three look like in the end? Step3/Question3, and the last one, what does anything mean ever, and why is it that important.
Can i get someone bright and clearheaded ppl to just give me a breakdown of what they believe is going on? I will say that, i of course didnt vote for trump in any year (but who am i, right?) i just do things that make the most sense, as they unfold. i vote independent. With that said, theres different things happening each day, like recently i just saw DOGE brought an armed group of ppl to some independent agency, as they had originally told DOGE to back off.. suffice to say that this didnt go over well cause they came back with guns and, what i am to assume is DOGE was forced inside via these officers with guns. Anyway, thats like an unusual terrorist act that may or may have not been warranted. Theres also the fact that the GOP bill just recently passed, that which has something to do w/ cutting SNAP, medicaid, disability, etc. (i could be off on that) but if someone could just pop in and clear up the confusion here without letting any emotions get in the way, id appreciate. P.s. i dont mind whos side your on, im just curious about some of these technical things, and what they mean, and what you think it means. and a bonus would be "what we can do about it", but thats like something we'll work on later.
kavaris replied to kavaris's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I wanna bring this point home, because i thought atleast a few of yous would understand the significance of differences, and thus, answering the question of 'how to govern the center, the internel, the "external where?", etc.'... And what better way to view that as a kind of texture that you are looking at, wherein i mean, the "the act of looking" is a kind of flavor, a visual taste-test you engage in, and the language of this reinterpretation has to be understood or else we're gonna be tasting some things that are automatically associated with the bad thing (as if a such thing could exist... but we fail to understand consciousness) As a reality, creation extends farther than the eye in this case, and so we have to penetrate a more correct direction, choosing to choose... choosing "this is this, this is that", and the natural inclination — to tell a story, mystical figures and failures, mermaids (that you overcome through a tangent story of mystical triumphs and Ai, and trumps) which is made up of a finite amount of things, and facing that direction is quite painful. Its okay if its just like a Layer 2-below of the iceburg, but if it the water rises above the iceburg then theres a problem. This is of course a language that stems from geometry and texture, a language that is like an anti-language, a weird sortve centrifugal and centripedal, full-circle effect. (re read the first post cause that had a clearer vantage point of what i was initially tryina say) -
Preface i did a search on the forum for symmetry asymmetry, as i wouldnt wana post somethin thats already been expressed. Suffice a to saying that it doesnt; not as a title atleast. Start Anyway i thought about what the next motif or like, new piece of the fringe/fray that we trying to... or can start workin' towards — either describing or feeling ourselves — in regards to like, what im feeling as being (at the very least) an inflection point in the objective (though totally random in as much as I can wade into the randomness) And that is — this idea of like a very symmetrical (though asymmetric too) reality that exists, both in the distance, and at the very present moment, that which we are disregarding because it appears to use like, e.g. I put my hand up to my face, I look down at my feet, I walk into the kitchen, I go to the fridge, etc, etc... That whole sequence is a repetition, not to mention that from a closed-eye perspective there are those things happening that require, for this repetition to be or you could say something about the illusion of time and how it only serves to shape itself in the moment—But lets not get too caught up in the details. For now lets just call that a kindve *felt* repetition. The asymmetric symmetry is what im talking about, where there are interesting things happening in those fractal leaves at the edge, feeling wise or closed-eye (obviously its not an *edge*, if yous ever seen fractals, it sortve transcends "traditional edges") that appear/dont appear the same/similar, in as much as they look or feel like another event or motion in motion. Anyway. Everything is motion. So we have to go on this sortve deconstruction of motion and reality itself, and that isnt easy to do. If you arent experiencing it, then its definitely another layer of difficulty that youd be contending w/ Motion (also texture) or the light that illuminates is like, a kindve happenstance notion, but its still significant and we depend on some underlying tenet. On LSD those tenets are very much like.. gone, cause I remember feelin' like reality was breaking, and that it all depended on a sequence of lies thereafter (also, the texture of everything felt weird and scratchy, like it had a fuzzy factor I wasnt terribly... thrilled about) i like this idea of like, a perfect symmetry, even though to us, that is a kind of imagination—like i think that term symmetry would likely bring up sacred geometry stuff online. I guess theres nothing wrong w/ that, its just like, iuno. Boo. I feel like, a better sacred geometry can just be communicated like, what are all the things on LSD/Mushrooms that we can rifle through: Cascade, Elliptical, 333... And if i just had to point to one as being a representative, id say theyare all kindve geometrically similar, but a fixed circle atleast represents a kind of homeworld center point. You have to put aside alot of them jokers and satyrs or whatever them like... iuno im picturing some greek mythology half-man trickster thing or something... If you put them away, then thats what is the most relevant. Its just them there visual delights and strawberry shortcakes dancing all around it making a mockery of it.
kavaris replied to OBEler's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Its hard to explain solipsisums and these multi logicisms using words and descriptive language, try as we might. its more potent to exchange as a kind of feeling that you experience, in yourself, that is then communicated as you are experiencing. thats because its hard to point to a gyrating center continuously without the finger, and the physical direction/position—and the associated objects, all becoming part of the thing being pointed at, as a feeling that feels like "the good thing" in that process; not to undermine the importance of following through with the good thing, and where that good thing might ultimately land in the end. So its actually like, half-destructive (to the objective event that might collapse) insinuating anything about true solipsism because of how it invokes this further investigation into an isolation that is more true to the deeper you go. Its the details of the deeper gone that matter, and communication is very much like a deviation from showing that youve understood. But as life goes on, we can atleast express it in passing, its just hard to talk about it without it being like an investigation of isolation. Theres of course the wikipedia solipsism that is itself more methodical and splits into different forms (its a dirt old term of course), touching on aspects of consciousness and existence. Which is like saying that atoms are all that exist in regards to it having any impact on the individual. If nothing exists, and nothing can be proven, then you should stop what you are doing, right? Obviously theres something that's misunderstood in the face of unearthing solipsism, and thats what everyone would/should be trying to figure out, alas everyone is on such a radically different pov that its like, uhh. hard2know what to say anyway. so its fine. -
Start. Meaning is just what we feel is the approximate, orthogonal relationship at that time—as one of our prominent jobs revolves around the preserving of strings of words that we are micro managing. If those strings of words happen to overlay or trigger a strange little voice (a confirmation on their connection), then it is only through happenstance that we find some inherent meaning. But other than that, there isnt some magical meaning that exists alongside words or phrases themselves (we're in a text context atm) There’s an implicit (and constant) “bringing-to-mind” -mechanism (through whatever means), that is building up a kind of memory-stream (memories are is quite liquid and fragile) what keeps them going… Memory helps you stay fixated on this reality. That VERY important to know and its something you could extend/or continue the trend of thinking on... Truth is a very different notion from *meaning*. Truth is different from both fact as well as meaning. Something can be meaningful to you, but in fact, it may not mean what you think it means. It could be factual in some regard, and at the same time that fact could be untrue, either to you or to someone else. Truth = anything that is true. Therefore, your whole life’s purpose is to be able to say “what is true”, for you. When you can prove that one thing on Earth is true, you’re journey will be complete (completing the journey of whats true, will complete the journey of whats true) "But what will happen when my life is complete, And what happens when I stop remembering?…" Its actually paradoxically to say that anyone could ever stop remembering. Its the same as asking “doesnt there need to be nothing, before there can be everything?” — At which point you realize that, “No thing IS a Something”. At which point, you realize, theres no such thing as nothing!… At which point you think, “does that mean that everything has existed ALL the time?” And this kind of self-inquiry can go on, and on, and on, and on… Insert a 1/4 arc, and finish line 🏁 ^What was the point of that kavaquavaris?/ : Ive no idea, Enjoy. ---- Episode suggestion—a two hour rifling through realizations one would/should have, from beginning to end.
Cthulu comes to your door, once every morning threatening you and whatknot. Cthulu does this to everyone (he works fast) p.s. cthulu is like, part universe, and part entity of some kind. And for the sake of argument, it looks like an aggressive person to you. Now, you can choose to NOT believe in Cthulu, and he will from then on be gone (he will vanish once the thought has fully crossed your mind) but so too will reality and those aspects you depend on. Or, you can support your beliefs in Cthulu, lets just say, and go on having your reality destroyed from that direction (assuming you believe that he is real and will eventually break your door down) So you have two situations that are going to lead to destruction, and the very same result, atleast as so far as you can tell. You can of course believe in nothing and ignore everything, though that is really what im saying is your option already. Its a point where its everything or nothing, and you dont have alot of options in between. If you survive the encounter, it would presumably have less of an emotional affect from then on. Note: This is kindve a trick question i think. but im interested in wat yous say anyway.
I am someone whos tried lsd and mushrooms (this was 10+ years ago) but i carried all the information w/ me, as everything for me was just one lesson after another in them proceeding years (that i failed to look back on as a priority, at the time, to press against the face amongst the non priorities) i thus am looking for someone else who had an opposite experiences xthat is where they were enjoying theirselves so much, that they encountered those darker lesson after tripping through a spectrum/tunnel of a sortve "surreal or unreal" shade—that is, one where you would be remissed to find the real & unreal had super imposed itself, as some extremity that now rules over like cthulu—that, and this sense of a darker shade that now must be dissolved in the soup of life (a shade that ostensibly exists at the opposite end i was at) which was more of a direct hell for me, nothin'fancy. Does that sound like anyones exp? Id like to hear about it.
kavaris replied to LambdaDelta's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you wana go for like, dream control in a regular sense, i do where i dont sleep, but rather—straddle the line between waking and dreaming, such that i meditate—instead of sleeping, a kindve psychic visualization state, wherein i start w/ the whole grounding + centering business, then begin the aforementioned meditation steps—which leads to a boundary where you are up against a kindve dream door, where you are gonna be staggering the natural dreaming sequence, with a new, deliberate sense of direction. And it helps to keep an alarm for 30 minutes, else it is not hard to accidentally keep falling asleep. The objective here would be to get deeper in between the awake and asleep transition, such that your subconscious language is interacting with the conscious language, and you are just the guide who makes it happen. There shouldnt been any obstacles besides whatevers directly suctioning you like a lamprey (i think lampreys are the ones with the suction cup for a mouth) -
kavaris replied to LambdaDelta's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My dreams are a kindve, re-interpretation of sense making, and what each sense is, almost like a consciousness puzzle, and how you might feel isnt based on experiences with the rational object—person relationship, not per say, but its really like a breakdown of everything, turned up to 12. So, lets say i dream that im... iuno, in a room, at first... Thats just what i feel. I feel like, a presence (myself?) in an enclosure. Then i feel like im suddenly sliding down a tube, or what feels like im pooping, myself as the poop, but my feelings entact, in regards to what the idea of pooping once was like. As i slide down my own anus, i feel this pressure, like my own intestine, within my intestine. i know i have to relax, to get the poop out, which is myself. I relax, and then it starts coming (or rather, i start coming) Meanwhile, i start thinking about such questions as "what am i? am i a person?" Then i think about the word "consciousness" by accident, and as i travel down that series of thoughts, i wake up. Thats not the best example, but i couldnt think of any others atm that could explain the finite self as a very fine grain aspect, simultaneously feeling a higher level amalgam. And the fact that i was feeling both ends was just a bonus, as its often isolated, either as a higher or lower aspect. often, i play the character of a new self, who is leaving behind any notion of a higher self, or i am a higher self lost within a very abstract, shoots and ladders world, through all types of busy bus stations and whatever. I try to not get lost, but its like, if things arent going in the right, unidirectional, DC current sortve way, then its like, i just gota let it all go, cause itll spit me back out into some awkward scenario betwen people and stuff, and they are so annoying. -
Make a list called "Knowns versus Unknowns". At which point, you can know the boundary of which things you can ask questions about (things you know, personally, that you feel you know as a thing to question) Your askin' surreal, super unknown-to-experience questions, and they dont pertain to parts of your OWN experience, but as aspects of other.., such as people who have stopped consciously existing alongside you. You mine as well ask what it means for other to sit beside you, or why the grass smells like grass when your near it. Why do birds fly south for the winter, and why is the sky blue. the whole—trees exist when no ones around, and if dreams exist if no ones having them. And keep going with it, on and on, and hopefully it dawns on you now in the other direction, like a 'who am i, what am i'.. what am i doing that i could be questioning. Are the questions being answered, or is it existing answers that are leading to questions. What is known as a fact that you can answer 100%, as a thing that youve experienced, that you can know for sure? and then, proceed from there.
People whove done DMT, have you ever had like, an aspects of consciousness communication (see ive not ever done it, as i more so using dreams & imagination to base this on) like say yous are communicating in this whimsical way like: "Heres a magical golf course + do a backflip + sing a jolly ole song" -"Si, yes kind sir. I know exactly what you mean" @{Thats the impression i get from what ppl have said on utube} And, they end up performing that whole sequence, and then, does it ever come down to like, "So, actually this is a certain part of you, and this is another part of you, Oh, and meet ShimShim, another part of you..", or am i just way off? To me, thats what i feel like is being said, when they talk about this "look at this, and look at this" thing. As i would be inclined to think of it like, "Go down this road, to meet ShimShim, go through this door to meet LaLa the toad, the soul survivor of the abstract war you misinterpreted", that sorta thing, like... Super abstract world/land.
kavaris replied to Never_give_up's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"How to think bout reality", if its: A) Gonna be, A neverending exp, reality, In some ways it remains half unknown, Some half tilt dream to which we do not know, And B) its not actually real?.. Or what that entails, Seeing as, call it New Reality tells a very different tale... Thats a line of questioning, you then might take, A possible point of re apprising that role of advocate, And tryina to get it, to where, you are the younger you, From a new perspective of old and young inter fused. Sorting out the undulating rhythms inside, Its becoming of a direction—of "once you decide". -
kavaris replied to Never_give_up's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Contemplation in some sense doesnt even begin until youve cracked that nut, that your own brain is stuck on back in the LSD or magic mushroom experience (i cant speak to what is being experienced on DMT) So for that reason, alot of people dont find there to be any reason to contemplate. But a special few people do see that as an important invitation, beyond it being real weird, and that is who continues to contemplate (or are doing so on a progressive level—though this also crosses into a how creative are they territory, in regards to how progressive and what it means to progress) Alas, it sometimes means going through trauma to realize that it was the most important thing to carry on with thinking about, and not quite just remaining as the same calm or spiritual person, as we are speaking to an abrasive feeling—a noticeable change, stage/spectrum that, with more certainty & determination, t'which will be redirecting you (through a feedback mechanism between the parts of you who have a better vantage point) but another part of it is the guide, who makes sense of all of it and knows by which priority/vantage points should be the loudest, and which are dyadic chords that dont quite paint the full major/minor chord yet. So theres a strong element of programming that you have to do within all of that, else its not bound by any Earthly—down to ᴙþ foundation. -
I had this really weird idea, to start numbering threads and posts 1 — 10... 10 being the lowest perspective and 1 being the ultimate after null point or zero, which represents a mythical source point. So its purely opinion on whether or not you think its something higher or lower, therefore no one would be able to say whether or not it is or isnt that number... And so i had an idea about how: everyone here is anonymous, and which gives us a kind of interesting meta perspective on the relationship we can have, and do have. We all share in the mystery, whereby nothing between us is defined in a way that has clear meaning, or visual associations to it. We might think we know what someone is like, but that doesnt give any indication about who they are (the brain cannot record any further identity) not to mention that from a meta perspective we dont have an identity at all (ask; what is identity pointing to? nothing.) and/or a single thing that we can point to for "self", from the meta (anyway, thats going off track from what im tryina say here...) So the *anonymob* (as ive randomly rated it, is an "8" since its so external) it just represents the fact that we are all anonymous here, and thus have the freedom to swim within each other, changing who we are if we want, learning, transforming, living as everyone and anyone. And thats a superpower that people from prior centuries did not have. So... WELCOME, anonymob. I just thought i would share that with yous, as i often do provoke yous to think, and think. alas, its not my forte, to go on these long shpeels. Nor am i doing it for any reason at all. I just am always brought back by a simple question: "what adds quality to the world, even though it might be sacrificing time and energy, even though it could be a gamble since others might not want, or have the strength/ability to be awake, alert—as two or mòre wise men to witness each other..." I continue to take that chance. Anyway, i dont have a question to leave yous, or a common thread or topic, i only mean to activate the frontal lobes or whatever, and to get the brains pumping so that yous can go on to do productive things w/,whatever you believe may be productive.
kavaris replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
okay wait, going by what im seein , its then a little different then "insert belief", output action... Instead its like "the direction you just leaned is the direction that starts to unfold", which surely can be investigated. experimented with, etc. lota room to try things, in both a physical as well as a meta sense. -
kavaris replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes i get it everyone is right. But wait, someone had another comment in the thread, and i dont know where it is now. i mustve halucinated it, as i was buildin off of its logic (in the middle of constructing a message), and now its gone. -
kavaris replied to The Renaissance Man's topic in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology
- ColorZilla (i often need to see the hex color code for a given shade of color from an image/picture or some attribute of a website, therefore ColorZillas eyedropper is to pick up a color, a color wheel lets you scroll through colors, and you can of course store these colors-w/ what i thinks like a clipboard for color, as well a way to generate gradients, etc. though ive never used the gradient thingamajigger...) - Imagus (a way to enlarge any image, picture, thumbnail, etc. by hovering your mouse over, or setting it such that, e.g. pressing [Shift] would enlarge them - as its kindve annoying if everywhere you put your mouse was enlarging an image to max size... also, you can probably control which size youd rather have it enlarged to) -
kavaris replied to abgespaced's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@abgespaced This is one issue... "focusing on your breath" is a high level aspect to meditation, and unless youve been doing it awhile, your actually doing it wrong... If you are confused then it sounds like you need to learn from the beginning (alot of people dont know these things anyway, so alot of people are about to learn, not just you) You are doing it wrong.... Why is that? 1. When you focus on your breath you interrupt your natural breathing mechanism (the act of being conscious of, makes it such that you cant un-focus on it) however when youve been doing it awhile, this line between conscious and unconscious breath work gets blurred... If this makes sense to you, stop focusing on your breath. 2. If you breathe too hard then you are activating your adrenal glands (this is better for when you are cold or are in a situation where you need to do something thats physically intensive)... Nevertheless, it would be a mistake too try breathing beyond what you would be doing in a relaxed state (ask yourself, does it make sense to have adrenaline activated while you are trying to relax?) The key idea here is "being relaxed", and should be what you are aiming for. Not enough people know this, so when they are just starting, they get tripped up on simple things like this. 3. Theres actually some methodology going on, that you havent mentioned in your post beyond the fact that you've been focusing on the void, which leads to "moving physically towards the centre of the physical sensations", that is to say that (i have to assume) that you are still trying to focus on the back of your eyes on what you call the void. That is fine... You can focus on the void. Dont change this part... (edit: you shouldnt consider it as "focusing on the back of your eyes", but rather, its just that your eyes need something in front of them, and you are leaving them to look at either the back of your eyes OR, the room around you. Neither really are better or worse, and so you are just leaving your eyes to be with whatever they are looking at, as opposed to "focusing" with your eyes, if that makes sense) 4. What you do have to change is what you are focusing on (within the body) as you get "deeper or more comfortable", as it always begins as a kind of "settling into the body"... That is to say, you are suppose to start by focusing your energy on the "temple lobes"... or a region near the sides of your head, such that it builds up, wherein you would be moving all your focus towards the center of your head, or a vague area near that region (the focus you put towards the temples grows, so... it might also be considered a "growing of sensations" or activations within the head, via temporal (temple) lobes) Theres alot more, but... lets just start small so you can get the basics down first.