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About kavaris

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  • Birthday 01/19/1990

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  1. Physics recently introduced the term "becoming"; which might be an alternative to being, if we even want to introduce alternatives, is up to yous. Although it was used to illustrate a point on physics and quantum mechanics, yous can start from a place of like, consciousness as a kind of big bang, but redefining what is the thing exploding; In this case, it is a stream of moments that are something like, this decision to face off with the nature of moments right now. they are some how unfolding before you, regardless. we then take for granted this becoming itself to be subjects with predication on what everything is, such that we derive everything about the world on what is happening. except that, you cannot know what anything is until the great battle between (iuno what you call a battle w/ the self eternally) is happening before you-where everything is a kind of settling and taming of the warfare that no one even understands or could understand, which is hard to find fitting words that might exist between you and any others, alas it is just a nest, a big bang of opportunity, constellations that have some meaning, but they are kindve hard to see due to the arrant, at-scale light pollution-which isnt a bad thing, we just depend on having some internal light/illumination goin'.
  2. Maybe there is something to achieve. "So your saying.. Theres a chance!"
  3. I seen something recently too that had ppl racing up the side of a pyramid or a mountain or somethin' too, i forget wat it was.
  4. There was likely something very important in the khufu and khafre pyramids, as later explorers incorrectly breached the pyramid, going through the bottom-up again, instead of finding the correct switch to trigger the blocking stones at the entrance. when they got about half way through the dig, they heard something loud as fk drop somewhere ahead, what turned out to be one of these internal blocking stones, somehow triggered. So what we are talking about is some sortve puzzle box, where you got giant stones collapsing literally, as you try to enter in through the wrong place. They did find the real entrance later on, but now everyone uses the fake entrance. Its unclear though what repercussions came from incorrectly entering it in the first place. But we know that everything we know about history starts turn upsidedown when we learn about Egypt; Like, there are inscriptions, like in the Temple of Edfu, that align w/ the story of Atlantis. This is easily found online, alas... In Plato's dialogues (Timaeus and Critias), there is a tale recounted by Critias, who claims to have heard it from his grandfather, who in turn heard it from Solon, about a legendary island. And that story is a hypothetical feud between two places, Athens and Atlantis (this is of course Platos own spin on the story of Atlantis now, as we are now talking about a creative retelling on Platos part) where Athens triumphs, and Atlantis falls, reluctantly to whatever Atlantis had neglected—whether that was highlighting flaws in the Atlantean character, or a literal failure to fortify their own island/civilization, it just says that lightning, earthquakes or floods—something along those lines destroyed the island. The Athens in Platos tale is a fictionalized, prehistoric version, not the bustling 4th-century BCE democracy he knew. And also, Atlantis is—much like the flood story—one of these repetitive bibleland stories echoed in inscriptions and so on. and it pre dates everything we know about history, as its like, land before time era. p.s. i should note that its unclear what parts of Atlantis are passed down to Plato, but he is expressing the story from a philosophical position. Athens was a real city with a messy democracy at the time, fresh off losing the Peloponnesian War (404 BCE) and its using the same name, Athenai in it, so it has a prestigious ring to—what is likely two illustrious zones, albeit Atlantis is disregarded (we might even consider how you end up w/ rivalrys that last for centurys, and so you kindve have to artistically frame one city as being the arch enemy, to highlight the strengths of another)
  5. Im starting the stereotypical giza pyramids thread, as ppl likely wanna comment on the recent LIDAR revealings, that are making people believe that theres something below khafres pyramid (second largest) the middle one—that isnt the tomb for the birds, but i suppose something below that now? im guessing here, as i have to assume thats what they mean. as, we know that the tomb of the birds goes below or towards the middle pyramid, somewhere underneath, but nobody has taken a droid or something w/ a camera in there to see what else is under it. Its unclear what that tomb even is besides being some sortve strange fracture in the earth, and a perfect opening to walk through. Somebody of course created the initial opening/hole-in-the-wall to the adjoining cave, but its unclear if they did that like, knowing there was something there or what... Again its hard to say what thats about. Its unlikely that theres anything more below, as youd imagine that there would be a passage to it, and not just like a tiny cave system hovering above. we still dont even know how the pyramids were made, or how they hoisted up such heavy pieces, like the one in the kings chamber of i wanna say khufus pyramid (the largest one) closest to sphinx. khafres and khufus has always been quite unusual.
  6. iuno if theres a choice to evade the nature of reality and consciousness, nor is there a moment of reaching a final destination, as most things are gonna point you to one overarching theme, and youd have to be intentionally running from reality at that point. you could say that the point where language breaks down, is a kindve pillar or level where youve understood that much, but thats putting labels to things that probably dont fully make sense, try as we might. After reaching different levels of relative and more absolute paths/levels, you feel relieved i guess. For others, the relative nature of it can seem deflating or even extraodinary depending on whatever experience someones going through, its a rainbow table of possible emotions you could feel. You cant assume its always gnna be positive or negative, as it could very well lead to a harder to grok scenario too ~ its hard to know what experience we are referring to. p.s. your brain depends on that sense of accomplishment u mentioned; so you stumbled on something that you didnt understand previously, which is that you dont need to fully align w/ correctness to keep your brain feeling like its accomplished something, as long as you are working/practicing how to fake that accomplishment... ... and how to finesse your way around *getting in your own way* (i realize thats not what you had intended to understand before, but now you are) Like, say your brain realizes that the activity your engaging in defies a larger goal of yours (for watever reason) theres this thing called the centipedes dilemma , where the act of acknowledging something causes you to fumble/lose focus w/ whatever you are doing. One of your life goals is to pass into an area/mindset where you dont need to think to do these things, such as meditate and whatever else. Your just trying to flow. But u cant get upset when your lego castle falls and you lose focus, cause thats just life. we have to continually fall and gather our bearings and rebuild, and in rebuilding youll feel accomplished then too. Thats a very technical side to all of this.
  7. The other day i had this dream that was sortve a glitch dream cause i got a hold on this other side to awareness —not like awareness like, im consciouss of a thing -type awareness, but its more like a chosen direction and different regions that are lit up, and how you become awareness in that process; and i was originally imagining it as a snake body or a dragon, but maybe it paints the picture better to describe it as centipede, wherein its this head of the centipede thats dictating which direction forward it goes, but behind it are all the dream bodies that it has gathered (kindve like things made of memories, but not really cause they depend on a stack of active imagination) And so what we care about is like, 'where are we going', and not necessarily all the sh-- we got traveling w/ us... but its interesting in the sense of like, how, at any moment we can be severed from the entire stack of segments, and then could just be a free floating head of nothing, just, you know... dreaming without any segments to pull us back in.. and so, i kinda felt all of this in the dream, cause i could see how the places i was tryina go didnt require any sense of up and down, and really it was these damn ligaments in the background that kept pulling things back into perspective, and i felt like, i could probably easily detach from this, if either by accident, or just by shear chance of exploring forward in conclusion it just felt like, go forward into a dream, and eventually the dream body will fall off. i was callin' it a dream body, cause it was like, something better felt as your dreamin' and where you can feel what feels like segments, with only some fragile point keeping them attached. easily disposed of... is what it was like... like it might be adjoining with a pattern that we are engaging with, but iuno. it made sense to just call it a dream body.
  8. Reminder, in a dream, there is no rules... only the point of consciousness of those rules, which are the rules especially geared towards that one, little, infinitesmally small rule bearer, fallin through those scenes, whatever that may be or lead em to... is a numerous.
  9. Theres many different descriptions of what the multiverse is like, or what could be like, different possibilities for what we see in space as we zoom out. And in some theories it involves black holes that are kindve like, some sortve very odd temporary dimension where time is a bit warped, and thus space is a bit warped, which makes sense. but i suppose the question is how many are there then or how popular are they; As, we do see an odd favoring of ->direction-> when it comes to their spin (though to be fair, i dont quite understand how you discern up, down, left, right in space) So out in the void, what we might consider as nothing is just the darkest region from our perspective, but in the time it takes to investigate it, it could either be a vaccuum of cosmic, empty space, or it could just be the least populated relative to us, where in short time, reaching a point within that void is akin to having gone in the complete opposite direction, going so far beyond a population zone that it starts to resemble the bootes void we previously acknowedged. and then wed wonder, howd that happen, but its always about the weird warping of time and subsequent space, or vice versa. jus somethin to think about.
  10. If yous seen Terminator 1 and 2 (i think its on 1 of those free tv apps like Pluto tv) that is real Ai. Todays Ai is the fetus of what artificial intelligence in the future could be, if we ever get to said future. So theres no real end goal right now, because its largely being misused for things that todays Ai was never meant to do, like level 4/5 self driving, and companys are just drooling at the chance to overvalue something, no matter what is. You can do that sortve mass convincing w/ ai cause its a complex system , where no one would know the better. Our world runs on alot of dirty/messy schemes, and so you have to think of what things will look like many many years from now, at which point technology could be very different, and it may be that every1s tired of Ai for awhile. It is, afterall much more of a super hard problem that crosses into the nature of consciousness and intelligence, and its not as simple as having a cheap algorithm emulating the conscious behavior. You need like, sophistication out the wazoo, and its unclear if we'll get to a point, wherein our ideas are all coming together in the right place/right time -sortve thing. Right now its just exploitation of text and images and simple things. Even the lowest lvl thing that we have for this Ai is an assembly-like language that nvidia made for parallel programming in 2006, and its not like its an "Ai language". So they have no clue what Ai is, they are just hoping theyll be the first ones there when it all comes together, if it ever comes together, which is a long shot.
  11. The appeal of trump, and further on then, his appeal w/elon, was like, they were doing things like "quick and clean", even at the expense of it being too quick or too early/forceful, they are like, a "do it quick and clean" team, instead of getting all balled up in the middle east, nd gettin dirty or bloody, nd stuff like that,. So now that we done things clean, we gotta get our genitals involved in complex things now (without anything bloody hopefully) as we've established what we can do w/ having like a business focused, and technology forward appeal to it, etc. now its like, *we get that*, and the next candidates are gonna have those qualities, assuming they are someone who knows how to separate/incoporate good qualities into their own system of qualities and decision making. Now its just like, taking the good w/ them, and realizing that each candidacy is like an experiment, an on going experiment to try nd see which way we can face, which direction(s) we can choose, and whether or not it aligns w/ the people, and the world. And those are things that a good president will be doing, and so hopefully we'll attract a plethora of good potential nxt, as they can realize like, *we just need a leader*, its not that hard to grapple w/. Its a tough job, but its like, it prolly takes time to get in a groove, and get on the same page w/every1. I mean, i guess we dont want ppl fightin to be president either, but ideally wed like to attract some commander-type thats multi-talented, who can specialize/think about all the country/wordly things nd such.
  12. In 3 nd a half years or whenever, who knows whos gonna step up. I dont think anyones gonna vote for a fighter. I mean hopefully we'll have real political based people, but hey, if we have to take someone from one kind of specialization, and get them up to speed on how to be president, thats not the worst thing in the world. Hopefully theyll be a democrat if they are one of these like, popular for bullyin-type ppl—someone that challenges the republican side now, but we are just dreaming things/best case scenarios.
  13. @Daniel Balan very interesting. yeah trump definitely did alot to get Russia and Ukraine stabilized, and it may have been overall in russia/putins favor... it may even play into what, his vision of world peace might look nd play out towards, though im not speaking for others who might feel the opposite about any of his decisions. it could jus be wat he feels was the optimal path forward. on the side of musk and america, its very possible that doge could bring some reports to congress and demonstrate whats all goin on with this debt... i mean, you never know what could happen. anything is possible, and we cannot rule out anything yet. im not given doge any credit yet, although i know they often report on their findings independently, on their own, but i dont believe anything i watch, and am hard to win over. Im also interested in what programming stuff they are doin differently, alas thats a different topic. p.s. if anyone knows anything about the technical side of doge id like to hear about it... alls i know the kids are like 15—20' somethin' year olds basically. this is the first vid that came up when i searched "cobol and doge..", though its not quite what im lookin for. watevs
  14. Im predicting a Trump / Elon disconnection, and a kinda "Elon lose my number". So Trump can try to gather whatever little favor he has left, focusing on the good friendships now w/ Russia/Ukraine, etc. assuming they dont pull out some crazy conspiracy or somethin'. Thats just something i could imagine happening, as I cannot imagine how that relationship can be mended/stay together. And it might be good for Elon, since he can take a step back and see what the bigger picture is, and possibly try to pick up those Tesla pieces that are crumbling each day. If that doesnt happen, theyll continue turning over cobol mainframes or wateverthefuck doges job is... but of course, if they are lucky theyll find some grand conspiracy, otherwise it was an unfortunate doge joke that never grew out of the meme it was made from.
  15. An ongoing insult you know whats a funny way to explain it, its like... basically you could look at it like, everyone is a facet of some object in the center of your own mind.. thats like the very very basic reaching towards (which means nothing to explain in word form) but whats more apropos is to think of it like its everyone insulting you, and which isnt necessarily a bad thing... its just like, if you are to imagine everything, then its sortve like an on going insult, a comedy, alas there isnt an alternative. its just like, "how do you navigate what we are now calling an ongoing-insult", you just do somehow... you swim towards the center and find ways to make it happen; to make it make sense in a way that feels like, "ehh, its not great, its not perfect... but its maybe closer/better than it was before"... thats all we can do. i think... i think its when the language for how you see things gets darker—is when it actually gets interesting on levels that yous could associate w creativity, since its bringing back all of the original elements that you first experience... like "the devil" is an interesting character.. or... whats that one whos like the italian guitar player who gets hit over their head alot? whatever that is, lol.... like comedic/dark humor element i guess. and other sorts of odd archetypes . And then you suddenly have elements to a story that didnt initially have any place... like lost toys from the toy box typeve thing. What they could mean? who knows? could be literally anything.