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About kavaris

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  • Birthday 01/19/1990

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    East USA
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  1. its ashame *trumpery* is a synonym for "low quality".. not that i have anything against trump, it is what it is right... but thats such a weird coincidence.
  2. Help me understand presidents/ politics, as i often see alot of ya's mentioning trump, either in a negative or positive light, and i always want to add input, but i dont necessarily understand it, nor do i understand any of the other people in politics against him. I only understood it enough as a person who is to represent/or lead the world, and/or some1 to vote for, but beyond the voting booth, its beyond my understanding. Hey, if anything else, it gives yas the floor to speak on it, even if i fail to initially grok it, as i obviously specialize in other things, failing in others.
  3. im not sure i posted in this thread yet, though it might be an appropriate place to invoke this little segment of ideas i have, that which incorporates intuition in there... As, it sortve is like a little daily exercise i do, where i come up w/ three things/topics for the day that i find are either on my mind, or that have potential relevance (they are just general terms to make you think) Anyway, Leo had recently wrangled back that Low vs High thing—which is really just such a poignant divider to put on perspectives, and belief systems, and other such things... and in that sense, it makes it kinda frustrating when you have to shrink down to a lower perspective to get yourself in someone elses shoes, or vice versa, and so, i def see how often its like.. "Wait, now should this be a high lvl thing, or a low lvl thing... Ahhh" With that said, here are the words that i thought should go up on the bulletin board today... i came up with six, seeing as the larger idea was High vs. Low Words, and so i had to consider three for each... I also wanted to make sure that the low level words were somewhat interesting... High Intuition, Enlightenment and Source Low Ego, Lust and Impatience And in conclusion, the ego is something we aspire to shed, right, even though we still need it. Lust is like, something tied to our primal selves, something that may drive us, but at the same time its like, we dont have so much time that it can be w/ us every where we go... And impatience is interesting, cause its like, you have to consider what things make us impatient, and then, why... Why do we feel the impatience, what thoughts are we telling ourselves, right? so anyway.. thats all i had to say... You can of course ask questions/investigate the high lvl ones, certainly, i just thought i didnt need to mention it.
  4. Tripping is so weird that, its hard to even know what tripping is—during, and after, it has happened... cause its like, effecting reality as you know it. it should be just brain stuff except its more like touching the kitchen counter, telekinetically or watever, such that you can feel the surface of it from a distance... inb4 the crisscross of sensations, and that is all to say that, its hard to know like, what that even is, as its transcendent of what we even understand, or that i feel we understand.
  5. Preface This might be hard to grok at first since it is combining physics/science or engineering in a storytelling/artistic or mystical—as well as in a self reflective and figurative way — ALAS, it is how i chose to blend these things together, in such a way as to make this problem more accessible and relatable to others — And from a perspective that makes three body sorts-of problems (as well as my own equilibrium snapshot version of...) a little clearer and relatable to normal physics, and areas o' math, and all these different things that i had said previously... Intro So by now, yous most likely may be familiar w/ the three body problem. Yous might also have seen or heard of what a juggler/entertainer is, who juggles three balls or bottles? I* only ask so that when i say *cascade*, that you understand what motion im referring to (as opposed to the "cascade" used in a general sense) This of course expands into lots of different fields and circular trajectories and different types of hypothetical objects in motion(s), however i only mean to start from a classical, physical description of,.. recognizing the "ideal scenario", so that, yous too may be able to have some idea of what would happen, and continue to try understanding it. Let us begin by assuming that these bodies or objects are of relatively the same shape, size, and traveling at a vaguely similar sort of velocity. Yous may read this as a story, as an instruction/guide, or as a formula, it doesnt matter in that regard... Part 1: C Approaching A and B In the beginning, A and B are in orbit around each other (this is a kind of simple prerequisite, that which isnt necessarily important unless we need more accurate numbers—math and/or physics equations for): A and B are gravitationally interacting, and we’ll assume their orbital relationship is stable for now. They create a system that could resemble a binary orbit or a close, synchronized orbital configuration. Their masses and velocities are similar, so neither dominates the other. Now C approaches from OUTSIDE the orbit of A and B: Body C approaches the system from a larger orbit (around A and B), perhaps from a more elliptical trajectory. This is crucial because if C were to approach directly from the center or in a perpendicular motion, it could disrupt the balance and either get pulled in too strongly or leave the system entirely. Instead, C needs to approach tangentially in such a way that it doesn't immediately fall into an orbit of just one body but interacts with both A and B. C’s path influences A and B: As C approaches A and B, its gravitational influence begins to affect their orbits. This could cause small perturbations, but these adjustments aren't chaotic yet. Rather, they slowly tweak the orbits of A and B, drawing them into a new interaction with C at the outer edges of their system. Part 2: Crossing the Center Once C is close enough and has been interacting with the gravitational influence of A and B for a while, it will reach the point where it crosses through the center of their orbit. This moment is key to the system's temporary stability and the formation of the figure-eight orbit: C crosses the center of the system: This marks the first real interaction where all three bodies are in a sort of direct gravitational feedback loop. The crossing creates an exchange of momentum and gravitational pull that "pulls" C through the center of A and B's orbit. In turn, the forces exerted by A and B on C change the trajectories of all three bodies, temporarily aligning them in such a way that they seem to follow a figure-eight pattern. To be more accurate, i dont know exactly how this plays out, i only imagine that it could eventually play out wherein each begin rotating around one another, however brief it could be... As C crosses through the center of A and B's orbits, it will also influence their velocities and positions. A and B might now adjust their own orbits to compensate for C's mass and momentum, continuing to orbit each other, but with an additional gravitational pull from C that creates the harmonic balance. Eventually This exchange of forces causes a temporary equilibrium where the bodies seem to perpetually "cascade" around one another, following paths that interweave and form the figure-eight shape, that is until those slight perturbations (or changes in velocity) destabilize the system, as over time, even small variations in velocity or position lead to a loss of this perfect harmony. As the bodies continue to influence each other, the orbits might slowly become more elliptical, or rather, the bodies shift into a more chaotic state. The figure-eight pattern will break down as the forces grow too complex and unpredictable, which results in irregular orbits and erratic, chaotic paths (they do of course collide too) But the "Thee Body Problem", if im correct, specifically means to name that difficulty of predicting their motion (from any such kind of scenario) given the non-linear nature of their interactions. p.s. anytime ive done psychedelics, i have always seen this very poignant motion or shape, portrayed as equi-distant circles in orbit with one another, and so i thought that it would make for an interesting narrative if described in the context of planetary orbit. It also got me looking into the overlap between rules that involve cascades, and rules that involve multiplicative properties and such... and the two most interesting/relevant areas that came up were called Exponential Growth / Exponential Decay (Multiplicative Cascade) and Coupled Oscillator Systems (Resonance and Cascade), both used in physics and electrical engineering. If you know about this topic, or anything thats tangentially related, or just anything you happened to think of while reading, feel free to post it here, as that is the reason that i created it, such that it can get your juices flowing, and brains working today or whenever youve come upon it. Also if you are someone who wants to try simulating this on a computer or something, and want to understand the exact initial conditions that lead to the *greatest resonance* and *longest equilibrium between*, id be happy to hear about it, or to even be apart of the experience w/ you.
  6. id dare consider awakening and enlightenment as slightly highlighting differents kinds of experiences, though, from within the same source, just from two different lineages towards the same spot or path. It might be enough for now, to say that enlightenment sounds more light, and bright in ways. An awakening sounds more akin to something *sudden* (both a kind of transcendence at some lv) though i cant help feel like enlightenment has something of a long term thing goin' on, and feels less like "short term, final resolves" (the source that awaits us) where awakening feels like it could be encapsulating turn-arounds, and resolutions... Like, that part of ourselves that connects to the more confusing, foggy areas—not to dissuade from what enlightenment might mean or could mean in the realm of our selves; And for all anyone else thinks, they just mean the same thing, or atleast point to a common path from two different lineages of the same source—>experience—>destination (an implicit `source` that is moving through that sequence, as us, awaiting us) type've thing.
  7. @The Crocodile I oooooh n/m ... i left something out that was most important to understanding it... the fact that i became scared at the exact same time, really lends itself to what mightve been happening... as a really large part of the story... like, i was following an emotional trail or something, as opposed to a visual or logical... So,.. yeah i guess its an emotion trail that we are hunting... but im very often not in an heroic state, im like, dying... scared and dying all the friggin time.
  8. @The Crocodile The Words To Describe Caution: Its kindve long and hard to follow. I just realized something. Ill just add it into our conversation here, but when Tom Campbell said "Intuition side, versus...", That is, he had invoked this idea of there being "something that you want to be in the foreground of..." (those are my words, but thats my take on it) and that has some merit to it, but the words intellect, and intuition arent really finite enough, and the emphasis on each made it feel he wanted to really capture it all between ONLY two sides, which may not have been the case, we'll never know (it just made it seem like there existed two sides, without any other sides in competition together),... lol if we ignore that all those things arent accurate, we can say theres something that he was trying to say that he didnt find the right words for... And to no fault of his own since the words arent really easy to come up with on the spot, but i was in a dream a few hours ago, and i wouldve called it "an intuitive sequence", if not for the fact that it has moments where im easily scared, or easily disappointed... or like, shrinking into this vulnerability state... Anyway, i just thought id throw that in there as i am increasingly interested in the states that exist inbetween sleeping and waking, as.... you might know what im talking about when i describe the following: When, the last image you might see in your dream, happens to be the same object (or similar in shape and color) to the one your eyes are looking at when awakened—the object in your immediate awareness?... Ive had this many times, and this time i experienced the object as a black cat (on my chair, it was just a black shirt) suffice to say that, this black cat wasnt in my dream for the first half (majority) of it... instead, it just coincidentally happened to be the very last image, aligned, almost like, breaking time? does that make sense?... Almost like, how weve all probably had the thought about how the last image we see in death could be the first image of new life, except this was like the friggin wyrd of web fabric, wata coincidence, since i had experienced this cat (and came awake) and realized it was my shirt, as if i had navigated, either through time, or through my room. Iuno, i hope that made sense, as theres alot of moving parts there i was tryina capture. point being, i dont understand what you can call something that is "partly coincidence" or destiny, partly breaking time or breaking my understanding of what im doing when im not awake, atleast... we could just call that all intuition, alas theres some layers in there, that which we dont have the words to describe.
  9. @The Crocodileiuno if you'd consider this a supernatural, but when ive takin lsd w/ friends i always go on about this circular pattern that i always see, its like a circular relationship, or an orbit between three or four bodys, and its always spinning—in that orbitalish way, and when i tell people about it while in the midst of it, they wouldnt see it (though ive never prodded and pushed them on the issue) Online i think some people have suggested theyve seen more similar experiences, however they say that its strange that i keep seeing the same exact thing. i call it a cascade, but i guess its also just like, the three + bodies in rotation or relation, such that they appear to spin around one another. its also echoed in everything, as its happening, in terms of that juggling, take-turns behavior, but afterwards i dont see it, and then im not fixated on anything. it doesnt sound terribly spectacular, but its what i could point to—or describe as the least-psychic magick—of all the psychic experiences (i think im often doing whats mostly psychic/intellect magick—which opens-up too wide a realm of magic-options) — and, it could also be a mathy-feeling magick im tlkin bout.. i think there is a math/geometric magick. Mathamagica, maybe? magic mushroom magick. i wrote it down before but i cant find it. They do start magic circles off w/ geometry in mind, though it couldve just evolved as a way to make something coherent, symmetrical, etc (probably wouldnt have made sense if someone drew a very sloppy/jagged trapezoid or rhombus XD)
  10. The Thomena Phenomena @Jannes yeah, this is sorta the role i took w/ my mom, who desperately needed to enter into the spiritual side of things, from the mystical , and the only clear direction that was tangentially related to her new found drug use and throwing everything away was to investigate paranormal/necromancy. And it worked, only enough so, that later on, when things normalized, it gave her that reference point—to question the mysterious. p.s. it did take all the years later
  11. @Juan lol you know whats funny, a few m/o ago i was looking at "plants that make music", which is effectively the same idea as getting an electrical signal from them, except its looking at the actual pitch (and modulation) of said signal.. i dont remember if it was like a variable tone or what, as i wasnt fully invested in it... it may have just been feeding a signal into an effects box, alas i cant remember.
  12. @Candle iuno if its accurate to say one explicitly pursues awakening, more so, you can only hope that you are trying your best (we are ALL trying to be great) That is to say, it comes w/ the experience of having experienced something thats changed you in some sense, or that contrasts from the normal thoughts, feelings and everyday emotions, etc. as well as states of consciousness—that it ultimately points you in a direction (like having a compass to follow) wherein you believe to be on a generally more appropriate path. Sometimes awakening implies a kind of death, so i dont see the connection between superficial/material gain and this self-sacrificial sentiment that often coincides w/ awakening. Isnt david goggins a runner or something too? Surely thats not the same thing either. David goggins is like, a normal earth pleb, is he not? still... ... i dont even see how david goggins has anything to do w/ superficial/material gain besides selling his experience to people or whatever his hustle is. Surely people are allowed to share that w/ the world, and/or make a living, no? Thats not a *surface level* or sacrificial act, if anything thats just called - living honestly. Unless its against the rules to be behind a camera or take a picture or participate in reality.
  13. @Carl-Richard@LoneWonderer And, to be fair, i prefer the mystical version that has a more lyrical-ness to the language hes using (if we are even going to call it that lol) which gives the people atleast some rhythmic undertones... wherein, if there was then ever a time where it wasnt about *whats being said*, but rather, how to shift into a trance-like state due to his words, that would then be an opportunity. but then, anyone that puts us to sleep is then a prophetic visionary.
  14. Fascination Alot of people say theyve seen the universe or like the amazon forest from the sky or from the top down, or they became one with it. i cant say ive ever seen anything like that, but i did see a white light... thats kindve like a bright star or planet right?.... i also seen blackness, but that was just the contrast of the light—how it encapsulated the room and created an octave split between the room i was in (dark) and the light i was seeing, beyonder. I would direct you towards like, looking at it from the opposite scale now, as you experienced it as the eyes of the universe, on a grand scale... Now shrink yourself down to a smallness, BUT!... That doesnt mean to shrink down to NOTHING! Thats the part where your gonna get tripped up on though, its like... Shrink yourself, and keep going, and going, and going... What do you see? I'll tell you, it should look/ feel like you are Not one with the universe, but now a separate individual of some kind. Kindve hard to explain, as i dont just mean you are your own separate self again.. I guess i mean, consider the room you are in (set & setting) and then focus on that room with such fire and passion that you "take it with you" into a dream. When you do that, you will have broken reality... because, well, think about it... What happens when you bring reality into a dream directly?... Can you even rationalize that in your head?... You have to experience it, otherwise it sounds like im saying - you just look around the room, blinking, or something, lol. and obviously thats not what i mean.
  15. Furthermore, I wanted to learn about my time here on earth... - Good news for you then, this time here on Earth is part of a time-trilogy w/ neverending magnitude and beyond. So youve witnessed that part about now Youre experience is only limited by your ability to imagine it, and the sooner you come to realize it on your own, the better, as its, well one of- if not- the hightest summit.. but theres a plethora of summits, its a mountain range really. Home Home, Home on the range... of mountains... Where the deer and the antelope play.. etceteras...