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Everything posted by Primeval

  1. @Leo Gura I have a unique perspective on Love when it comes to immoral people. I'd like feedback on this so if anyone has thoughts then feel free to reply. Let's take a rapist as an example. Okay, so the basic idea is that if one loves unconditionally, then hating a rapist is inevitable. This is because you hate what this person has become, they could have been a good person, but no they raped someone(s). So hating them is a manifestation of Love. This also then leads to it leads to action. Right now I'm thinking either rehabilitation OR capital punishment. Send them back to the Source! If you didn't care about the person who turned into a rapist, you couldn't possibly Hate that person. If you didn't care for that person, then you just wouldn't care. Therefore hate isn't possible unless you Love what they could be, what they are deep down, One with Everything. Hate is therefore a manifestation of Love.
  2. @Leo Gura Really mind blowing video! Introduced me to things I have not thought about before. And that was just the tip of iceberg of what he has to present, I'm sure, from noticing all of his slides. Not only was that video the tip of iceberg, this guy was trying to relate to the audience what he found in the depths of the ocean! Way cool, thanks for sharing And I'm already checking out his other videos on youtube:
  3. I do believe in siddhis including healing powers. I also believe Jesus was not even a real person evemerized. The above article was written by Acharya S. author of various books such as "The Christ Conspiracy" Her material also was the direct inspiration for the first part of the renowned Zeitgeist documentaries by Peter Joseph (linked below) That said... I do believe the Jesus of the Christian Gnostics was an Archetypal Figurehead, similar to the Buddha, that we can all be our own saviors and "find" the Kingdom of Heaven or Nirvana, realizing our own Christ Consciousness or Buddha Nature. Which BTW has very much to do with Kundalini Awakening. Jiddu Krishnamurti on Kundalini: Note how he mentions early on that many in the West (and indeed the East) are thinking they've had Kundalini Awakening but have not actually fully Awakened Kundalini at the least, and are charlatans at the worst. For the record Jiddu never claimed to be fully Awakened. Kundalini and Chi/Qi are "mana" for the magick siddhis.
  4. That was a split second ago as far as human development goes. And yeah, same with genetic modification. My point remains: If aliens are travelling around in advanced UFO crafts, then imagine the level of genetic science they would have. Parroting Leo here: Have an open mind
  5. @electroBeam I don't regularly have visual hallucinations. I have during major episodes but nothing like that. Anyway think of it like this, humans can barely get 2 guys to walk on the moon, yet already are cloning animals and making babies with the genetics of 3 people, 3 parent babies (look it up). If aliens are real (UFOs) and can zoom around the galaxy, imagine how advanced their genetic science must be.
  6. @Leo Gura I'm so open minded that I believe humans are hybrids genetically engineered by an Advanced Race of Extraterrestrials...just saying. And that's just one of my beliefs.
  7. On the contrary I'm officially diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. Without antipsychotic medications I have auditory hallucinations and psychotic delusions. If I miss a single daily dosage I'm up all night hearing voices and combating psychic forces in the form of felt energy vibrations. When I'm not on meds these hallucinations and delusions seem 100% real no questions asked. But when I'm back on meds I can see clearly that those things were actually not real. So I can say I know how easy it is to become under the spell of illusions. I may not be enlightened but I have fallen for strange New Age belief systems before as well as years of regular Zazen meditation at a Zen Center as well as teachers such as Eckhart Tolle etc. Psychedelics can seem real and inspire real insights into the nature of the cosmos but Leo, you aren't on DMT unless you are on DMT.
  8. @Leo Gura The Law of One Material sure seems legit. I've looked into before when I was delving deep into New Age teachings. But then again the "Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" seemed legit to me too. (Not to be confused with the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus). I was into that until I realized how ridiculous it really was and that the Mormon's pulled the same back story with Ancient Tablets found and Translated by the Founder Joseph Smith. Then I knew I had been tricked into believing some concocted bullshit. In defense for the Law of One, it's kind of similar to the "Conversations With God", I liked where the author admitted in the book that he was "talking to himself", (even though it was explained as Higher Self). So while there are elements and grains of convincing "wisdom" in these things, come on man...come back to reality.
  9. @Leo Gura Have you had any Experiences of Absolute Infinity during Meditation/Contemplation/Mindfulness without 5-MeO-DMT?
  10. I liken Meditation to going to the Gym but for your mind. When you go to the Gym you exercise, lift weights, you get stronger. And then you take that strength out into the world. Meditation, (almost any technique), increases your attention, focus and concentration. And then you take your Mindfulness into the world.
  11. It's in the linguistics and word plays of coincidence and/or synchronicity. "No Ego" "Know Ego" (Ego is Latin for I) "Know I" "Know Eye" "Know Aye" "Know Yes" "No Yes" Duality ???
  12. Though I suppose that perhaps Spirituality, Meditation in general and Enlightenment itself may have a purifying... transformational aspect. And there are the traditions that say only the Good and Pure of Heart may find the Kingdom. I myself have been transforming due to meditation practice, mindfulness mostly... learning things I thought I already knew.
  13. I think you may be right. I think Enlightenment may be something the wicked as well as the righteous can obtain. True goodness is in acts of kindness etc.
  14. Imho... Ego is the Self Unrealized. Ego is the Self...unrealized. The Manifestations Ego and the Mystery have the SAME SOURCE, the Self. Therefore the Ego IS the Self..."pretending" it isn't.
  15. @cetus56 Thanks I'll be watching that now.
  16. Lots of talk about all Religions having a certain amount of the same core truths in them...'s just an insight, (that I'm sure others have had), that I came across recently about the Trinity of Christianity seen in a Gnostic perspective: God the Father is The Universe The Holy Spirit is Consciousness The Christ, Son of Man, is Each of Us as Individuals All Three are One
  17. Three things come to my mind. 1) There are some who consider Jesus Christ as an archetypical figurehead much like the Buddha. In this view of Christianity, Gnosticism, we are meant to raise our being to become as a Christ, or as a Buddha if you will. I recently learned that the Trinity can be applied to Gnosticism. 1 - God the Father, The Universe ... THE ONE ... 2 - The Holy Spirit AKA Consciousness and 3 - Jesus the Son of Man, AKA Each of us as individuals. How cool is that? 2) The Body is to reality as the hand is to the Body. That is, my body has a hand, (or two hands and two feet if you like), and if I were without a hand or two, I'd still be a body. BUT does that mean I'm going to chop off my hand because it's not my "True Self". It's only a part and the sum is greater than the parts. Does this mean we should seek to rid ourselves of our apparent separation, transcend our bodies? 3) The answer to the last question is NO, we should BLOOM as the thousand petaled lotus Flower that connects the Trinity, the Sahasrara Chakra and the others.
  18. This is your brain on God: Spiritual experiences activate brain reward circuits Summary: Religious and spiritual experiences activate the brain reward circuits in much the same way as love, sex, gambling, drugs and music, report researchers.