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Everything posted by Primeval

  1. I feel that one would experience: Equanimity, comfortable, sense of well-being, unshakable, clarity and so on.
  2. @Wormon Blatburm I saw this guy at Venice Beach just standing on the sidewalk... Power of Being you could just see penetrating the air around him. He was almost SHINING with *Self*. Even my friend who's not into Spirituality noticed there was something more than just a guy standing there!
  3. @Radical Honesty Thanks, you also, good conversation. We can pick it back up after Leo splits it off! Haha
  4. Well I'm off to run some errands. Totally derailed this thread. Maybe Leo will split it off
  5. @Radical Honesty You are still misrepresenting my position, though that's not your fault because I have been wording it wrong. I'm not saying to hate mankind because of it's flaws, I'm saying to hate that mankind is flawing. Once again, not hating the child for doing something but hating the something the child is doing. I disagree.
  6. @hundreth All I was meaning to point out is my belief that if we swapped hundreth's consciousness, (assuming you are a moral person), with that of a serial killer's body/brain, I don't think that you'd then do EXACTLY every "predetermined" action henceforth that the serial killer would have acted as assuming we had not swapped you into his/her place.
  7. Notice I didn't say "Hate your child" ... I said "hate that your child is doing xyz" I know I said hating the rapist but I'm not perfect at getting my thoughts out through text. My point is this: If you have unconditional love for all mankind, then you naturally have hatred for how fucked up mankind is.
  8. What I was meaning to say is that I don't believe if you put Ghandi in the position of Hitler, he'd do the same things as Hitler.
  9. Actually this is where my initial post comes into light. Unconditional Love for All = Hating when they do immoral things. If you don't hate that your child is smoking crack at 15, do you actually Love that Child? That's how hate is a manifestation of Love. Without the Hate in the picture, you'd say "I love you and everything you do including smoking crack."
  10. I think there is more to a Being than a Biological Binary of Rape or Not Rape.
  11. @NTOgen What would justify hate, and why? Rape, Murder, Theft, Abuse and etc. Why? I honestly think this doesn't need to be explained... it's self evident that those kinds of things are wrong. If you want to turn a blind eye and go meditate or whatever it is you do, then that's on you.
  12. Imagine your ideal of high consciousness love at Standing Rock. The protesters would go up to hug the police officers. And then they'd get shot. Or they'd walk away peacefully and the DAPL would get built. Soon the oil would spill and the water would be defiled.
  13. I believe in free will. Many people from rotten life situations grow up to be good moral people, and vice versa. I'm still of the opinion that hate being a manifestation of love is not low-consciousness when and where it is justified. My point about TPTB coming into this is simply that this kind of talk I am proposing is not heard of often, because if the masses were of this viewpoint, and were to take action, then TPTB would lose control. It wouldn't even have to be a violent uprising, could be a peaceful resistance like we see at Standing Rock.
  14. @NTOgen I think you were joking when you said that part about the rapist having a moral high ground over me if I were to hate the rapist. Anyway, try rereading my first posts on page 11 to get what my point is. Otherwise, yeah, we'll go in circles.
  15. I see it more like TPTB are the clouds controlling the rain and sunlight that nourishes the crops of the masses. We can have a good overlord who makes sure the crops get the necessary amount of rain and sunlight for abundance. Or we can have assholes, that for whatever reason, require payment or something else otherwise they induce drought and famine.
  16. By this logic wouldn't I not be able to not hate the rapist given my past, genetics and neurology at the time?
  17. It would seem TPTB have pacified the masses through mainstream religions. On the one hand you have the West, Christianity mostly, where we don't do the work ourselves but instead rely on an Outside Savior AKA Christ. On the other hand you have the East, where the main theme is to sit on your ass and meditate your life away with the promise of liberation in future lifetimes if you're lucky. Where's the action? I'm simply suggesting a paradigm shift.
  18. Yeah but is it really? E.G. Does Power Actually Corrupt? Or do the PTB tell us that so the good people will just "turn the other cheek"?