I don't mean to offend by talking directly here, only to talk to you, knowing that you are me, in another perspective, so I am speaking very direct. Why are you letting others tell you how to think "However, according to the solipsism and god realization videos, others are imaginary and i'm the only one in existence. So doesn't that contradict the radical implications of oneness? Am i still going to experience all the human suffering in existence or not?" You seem frustrated because you accepted something someone else said, and are seeing it contradicts something someone else said, instead of just not assuming anything anyone says is a fact, and trying to verify it yourself before you accept it.
If you do this, and try to verify truth yourself, you will for sure see, you can choose to experience Oneness, or you can choose not to, but if you choose to be disconnected/trapped within a bubble, and not release your spirit into the Oneness, that connects you to all things, you live an empty meaningless/disconnected, constantly angry and frustrated life. Because you will always feel something missing you will always feel, broken and that you can live a much greater existence, as part of an infinite whole. It's why many people growing up in harsh conditions of war, do not at all experience Oneness, because they are choosing not to love, they are choosing to disconnect. In order to realize what Oneness is, and what yourself truly is, you need to break away from what everyone else says, and figure it out for yourself. When you do, you will see everything is a choice, connecting to Oneness, loving others, feeling One with the world, the cosmos. Yes many choose to feel disconnected and break away from the Oneness, out of fear, out of feeling overwhelmed, forgetting and feeling that it's too much and not as meaningful to connect to the Oneness instead of disconnecting and running. So instead people run from the Oneness when they are overwhelmed in very harsh overwhelming conditions, because we forget and get lost, this happens to us all sometimes. But it is then in the darkness, loneliness and emptiness when we remember how foolish it was to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed, and we remember our only meaning can be to connect outside of ourselves Love, connect to the Oneness, to all, and try to do our best to help better all life, ourselves and everything around us.