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Everything posted by Starlight321

  1. @Leo Gura yes, it is very helpful for my contemplation practice and sometimes during consciounes work some of your ideas start to click. I think it also helps ,as the rest of your work, creating a balanced realist pov in contrast to my hippi dippi friends and conservative family and helps to create deeper understanding in those areas. So thank you for your work and free help. I really appreciate it 🙏
  2. @Leo GuraI think you should have rephrased it into something like beauty serves survival value so that the more beautiful women get treated way better than "not so good looking women" on average and thus have more opportunity and surival advantage and that it runs as much as through ones personal mind through the general cultural consciousness so that the denial and handweaving is already part of it to mask the sheer starkness of survival. However, I think you might have had this angle already in another thread. Edit: I think it's interesting how this might be seen from the perspective on how looks, conduct, clothes and status symbols in general help people to put other people into boxes so that they know how to behave in their presence because how important it is to know if you're dealing with a homeless person, acute mentally ill person, a hippy, a police officer or other kind.
  3. @Leo Gura I know the situation only superficially but I'd be careful talking to Mrgirl. As far as I know from his content he's behaved quite unhinged and too provocative so that he got banned from almost all platforms and even only fans and he has a bad reputation. I don't think he'd behave that way towards people he's interviewing, however, if you talk to him, other people with a more mainstream audiance will be even less likely to talk to you. But on the other hand most mainstream streamer won't talk to you anyway.
  4. I actually know a person who I thought of as crazy and who later became very good friend. This is how it in the real world plays out. When I first met him at a stage green cultural platform where people can meet have some parties and workshops. I first saw him during a presentation of sustainability seal he was sitting a few feet away at the doors on the ground giggling and smoking one joint after another staring from time to time with deep gaze around not really interested in the presentation and just chilling even laughing at us. I knew something was off and I felt a bit threatened because he seemed really spontaneous and I couldn't fit him in a box. After the presentation where there was some chill time with nice music, I sat next to him with another acquainted person who was trying to pick up a girl. So I and this guy started talking and he was just talking about food robbing energy and other giving energy and dead meat making bad thoughts but he talked it in a way that it sounded way more crazy and people around us were just looking strangely at us from time to time. Then I smoked a few puffs of his joint and got a really deep awakening and I realized that this person is almost always present and we talked of such deep matters and I was able to translate his strange phrasing into spiritual mumbojumbo in order to understand it. We talked about such deep things and it became clear to me that he raised me to his level and he must have been born this way and never studied spirituality in a scholarly manner so he uses his own freakish phrasing. Since then we have hung out from time to time and partied a lot and he is way more andvanced than almost all the meditators I've known and I've seen a lot he lives a simple but high quality life style and is one oft the most realistically ethical persons I know of without the virtual signaling like other spiritual persons and he is soo freaking present that when he dances and moves he makes so many impossible micromovements and so quick that people standing around looking how tf it is possible. So this is obvious if you have the consciousness to distinguish between a high conscious person not feeling bound by social standards behaving sometimes like a fool and a mentally ill person. The take away is that he isn't bound to behaving like a fool or a normal person.
  5. The picture doesn't depict the form of the earth. It's a picture of the earths differences of gravity. If you would take all the differences of altitudes on earth it would still be smoother than the finest pollished ball on earth. However it isn't a perfect ball due to its rotation so it becomes flatter at the poles.
  6. @Leo GuraTwo people I know described to me that in their unique cases they their minds became extremely focused on the moment before their psychotic breaks and then their mind fell into extremely dangerous delusions. From their descriptions it sounded like higher states and the delusions as reaction from trauma to it, like a switch and you are absorbed by thoughts.But it depends on the causes and by no means does that mean that every case is like that and the concept of it lumps a lot in one pot together and it can get far more weirder.
  7. This is only one aspekt of it but I think orange using green memes is part of it but also people are almost never on one solid stage and only parts of their personality is at stage green and it is likely to revert backwards during a crisis be it an inner or from the outside. Also people are less developed than they appear on the surface. It appears to be the case that many people below solid green ore even then some of them critisize the system as long as it benefits them and if its benefits them more to use the capitalist machinery in order to maximize survival they tend to switch sides. It's like during the revolution of carist russia where they toppled the old corrupt regime just to replace it with a similiar structure according to their developement. So I would say that bernie's ideas were too advanced and dangerous for the middle and the power structures. Here in germany for example we have a coalition of liberal left and green and right now our economy sucks and stage green tries to introduce ecological measures which make living more expensive and people with little money and the middle class notice it the most and that's one reason (but not the only one) for the unpopularity of such thing. At the same time the right side of the specrum does a good job fear mongering and jeopardizing our economy in order to sabotage the administration.
  8. @roycei've researched and the maps of these channel are one of the most accurate ones you can get but still taken with a grain of salt. However you and everybody else be aware that alone listening to the phrasing of the report warps your thinking about the matter over time. It brain washes you with russian bias and propaganda. I haven't followed the whole thread but I felt obligated to this reminder here for everyone.
  9. DMT is a really nice chemical. I would slowly up your dose from 7 to 14 to 21 and 28 to 35 or even stay at a spot for a certain time. I would recommend to get nice healing vibration from youtube because when you get to medium or even lower doses your body might take over and moves to feeling better and releases all those accumulated tensions which is a great thing. Even enteties might appear and you can let them speak trough your thoughts if you let them. I would also consider them as manifestation of you higher mind or higher principles. I personally haven't broken through yet but even those sub break through doses can give you good input. I tried oral dmt but my dose was too low so smoked it in a bong with tabacco and it worked well. I would recommend to be cautiuos because the smell is really really strong and your neighbors might notice it.
  10. Hey my friends, I want to tell you about the stark changes in my social life and dating life. After having been disabled for almost 2 years, where I could barely stand and walk, my mental and physical state improved and I could take up a normal social life again. I started being involved in a collective that manages a social and cultural area in a little forest in the center of my town and there are lots of people coming to rave, play music or do something artistic. So I socialized with many people and had some deeper conversations with maybe 50 people over the summer and little small talk while working at the bar with maybe 1k and I noticed that if I'm in the mood I can easily get new friends and socialise and people from all kinds of origine and age like me. I also met there all kind of new age people but more importantly also some really spiritual people and one of them is so conscious that it reminds me of the sages fron india but also really down to earth partying. I started enjoying myself while dancing with a silk fen to rave music and it is fun. I also got the number of a few girls and one of them is one of the hottest girls I've seen there and I was in a very good state at the moment. Unfortunately we didn't find time for a date so she forgot about me. When I saw her again the other day a few weeks later I was too nervous to talk to her because she was by far the hottest girl there. But I'm still dating girls I met and about 2 weeks ago I went to an exstatic dancing with one of them and we had a really good time and cuddled and it felt right. However, she told me she was sleeping with her neighbor when I asked her for a date but that's ok for me because I'm dating other girls as well. Then almost nothing happened between us besides a cancelled cooking evening,... until today. Today I visited her to make an games evening but the other 2 player haven't shown up and we first cuddled, then made out and then almost had sex. She told me that she didn't expect this developement but she seemed happy and we cuddled some more. It was amazing, I felt this masculine energy and it felt great being the leading person and she liked it too and it felt great being wanted. I also did an instinctual kino escalation even though I haven't botherred to look it up. I will wait a week or two until we meet again and if she doesn't change her mind I might soon have a sweet girl friend. I have to tell you that @Leo Gurais soo right about what he speaks of. A lot of socialising makes one smoother and if one is even enjoying it and the dancing one meets more and more people and more still coming and with some of them one vibes more than others. This abundance gives security because I can always meet new people and girls so I'm not needy that and sometimes great things can happen like deep relationships. Also the role of leading and getting in touch with ones masculine energy. That felt great too. There was doub't in the back ground and pessimistic thoughts but I ignored it and went on. Unfortunately, this location is going to be destroyed and make room for some new buildings so we have to look for alternstiv locations or if that doesn't work out I'll find something else. For all man here struggling with women. Don't give up and don't fall into an incel echoe chamber. Most girls are sweet and it's doable. Even I with a disability and no actual job/career can just have fun and push a bit my comfort zone every time.
  11. There are differing reports of how strong people response to this substance. The above mentioned dosis is valid to many people. However there seems to bis a relatively large bumber of people how have a far bigger natural tolerance to it.
  12. 1) The regime might be very unpopular but the truth is that most alternatives if not all are worse for the iranians. It's like in egypt in 2011 or libya and at this developement level it is too hard to keep a country with this geography and diversity together. Every border province that's right now united in opposition to the regime would start to seperate and bad faith actors from the outside would try to take advantage of it. 2) If we would give you a liberal democracy you people would be outraged over the from their pov perceived sexualisation and disrespect for cultural norms. Also unrestricted capitalism would pillage your country and make living more expensive because in your country it would lead to olligarchy like structures and a exploitative transfer of wealth and your huge oil reserves probably wouldn't be of help because the country is too big and the opec would try to restrict the oil production to keep the balance and it is also likely that the big share of it would end up in someones pocket due to corruption
  13. It is projected that the israeli population will at least double until the mid of this century with ultra orthodox making up a third of the population which will strengthen the demographics supporting more territorial claims.
  14. Just to underscore that. The afghan people clinging to their cultural ways and fighting against progressivism has even happened without direct pressure from the europeans. In the late 20ies and early thirties there was an civil war because the monarch tried to modernise and give women a little bit of freedom and soon after that an uprising and bloody civil war broke out. The history of internal afghan politics has always been utterly brutal. There is a lot to read about it on wikipedia
  15. One doesn't even have the same genes as their parents due to cross exchange.
  16. @Leo Gurayes, you are totally right about this. I've a friend how is totally pm and he's highly skeptical about those models and after watching your new video complained about you diplaying pm as some monolithic thing. He also argued against your model with faucoult
  17. I think the others have brought up good points. Can you help me understand the mindset. Is it common in the chinese culture to compensate help with money or something in exchange or ask for such amounts of money?
  18. That because it's really looking that way to you because there is like a leap in awareness and recognition where you see more about ones own constructions and of others. Then you can spot these things but still miss the finer ones.
  19. @Something Funny I don't mean to. But it's true and many here are gaslighting and projecting onto leo.
  20. Leo's defeniately changed and matured a lot over the years and is actually trying to help you. You can clearly not see things as they are and meant. This here isn't meant to be a debate but to find out what is true. You would have to surrender your fighting mindset in order to see it.
  21. @Something Funny if you get really conscious you can easily spot deception mechanisms. This faculty is dependent upon consciousness and the ability to lay aside one's pov. That is what leo is trying to tell you. I myself am often of not able to do this but over the last few months I raised my awareness and starting to see it too. The issue is literally this:
  22. it's a short clip but recaps the gist of what is missed. here you go
  23. He did, but that and honesty and not playing games looks to stage green like blue or orange or even red. He isn't even interested in debates or winning those because it's futile.
  24. Everything what leo's desribed happing for the last 3 pages at least is also happening after his comment as well. It's very obvious from a certain state of mind. Maybe you can go back and read it again and look for it and recognise it. He hasn't even spoken against most of the points written from the people critizising him. We need most of those points but the stage green pov doesn't see that it gets many important things he's which he mentioned distorted and lacks the nuances. I think this underscores the importance to learn how pov and worldviews work, especially one's own or misundersrandings can happen between people and it can look like it is reality itself. When telling the truth all stages get things accurate and some things distorted. Whenever something truthful to one pov or stage is mentioned by leo or anybody people agree and think he or anybody else is on his/her side but if things that are true but contradicting to one's lense/ pov are pointed out then he seems suddenly to switch sides and is against you and biased and inconsistent. This mechanism pointed out is the same as in all other stages below but the content is more refined and the same mistake musk makes as well. This also happened in the israel threads and everywhere else and it's quite disturbing to see because it means that we are all full of shit, myself most and foremost and I'm asking myself how on earth can one clean that all up and rise beyond it. However thank you all. It's important to learn and try and to realise this.