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Everything posted by Starlight321

  1. I don't think that this is comparable because the situation you mentioned is a very controlled situation but having a bigger accident and getting beaten up badly has a different flavour which would cause more resistance and put you in a lower state due to survival mode and it would be much harder ro catch your mind while you need your mind to figure out how to get out of there.
  2. Do you know from what he's suffered? You can suffer and still be happy if you are aware of the thoughts and feelings so that you are the space around but I think the harder you suffer the harder it is to stay that way or some sickness kills off your mindfulness. For the feeling of pain itself it is from my experience very dependent on resistence and the degree of negativity up to a certain a degree of pain. It can be ok if you stay with the feeling and it can be very strong pain. But there are situations like when your feet are crushed and that goes for almost everyone out of the window except some rare cases of extreme surrender in a particular case but pain in other cases. I think the diminishing of suffering to almost zero like the buddha (if he existed) was due to his lack of suffering and trauma in his years before seeking.
  3. From my experience you can even eat grains in form of whole grain like spelt. You can cook them like rice and they keep you filled up. Bread might also work if it isn't wheat and whole grain. It is super important how they are packed. I have once seen a documentary of people eating whole grains, nuts, veggies and fruits and taking in more than 2000 calories per day and they stayed thin and then switched to junk food with 2k calories and they got fat really fast. Just a question. How common is good quality whole grain bread without additives in the us?
  4. Some parts seem good like the cold shower and the walk. However, wouldn't be the most tough thing for you to stop agitating yourself and live with a few minutes silence or quit smoking? Might be fun as long as you are young but in 10 or 20 years this might get you in trouble.
  5. This might have different causes. First, for most people V-LSD tends to be far more visual than other analogues. I've experienced that myself and had on 225ug as much visuals as on 400ug lsd and I think that can cause some after effects for a week as I've experienced that too. I would just wait at least a month to do another trip or change the analogues/substance. Other things that might influence that might be enhanced pattern recognition which can also come from consciouness work. Just to be informed so you don't worry too much if it occurs because my ego got really worried when I became aware of the following. You might get aware of small cristalls floating in your eyes which your brain normally removes like your blind spot on your retina or getting aware that your visual field acually vibrates and that it is appearing and disappearing like everything else and is literally changing forms
  6. There already exists a few weeks old thread with his story and another story.
  7. @Leo Gura tax avasion isn't a serious crime in the eu. I have found examples of 7-8 years ago. If they haven't tightened the law recently an offender gets 1-5 years in prison in romania and/or a fine. Example:
  8. @martins name maybe he's started a new gimnick and he's making big money by selling worn underwear in his name to his war room members.
  9. @D2sage Sry, I'm still not sure if we both misunderstood each other. From my POV it looks like you were deflecting and excusing his beheavior and enabling it but in a way you are doing it because there is clear evidence about tates crimes and his sociopathic character. it is obvious what he is doing right now with his pr stunts and your posting his stuff and not to forget he is worse than these people you've named. I'm not sure right now about your stance because it looks really looks like your deflecting and relativising by saying how "bad" everybody else is. Can you elaborate? I didn't say that I condone exploitation of children and poor people in africa but it is easier to do something good for society by standing up against enabeling a extremely toxic philosophy than living in a cave and I think that this is misapplied relativity. You are mostly right about hypocracy in ourselves and I am hypocrite in many ways, too and as many here I'm working on it little by little to reduce it. However it is a matter of degree of hypocracy and hatred and there are also other factors at play like the level of consciousness, developement, trauma etc which vary from person to person. So not everybody is a hypocrite the same way.
  10. Hey there, I've deconstructed religion, mathematics and language mostly via youtube channels like "religionforbreakfast", "let's talk religion" and some articles on the internet and wikipedia. I'm now looking for new sources to deconstruct science and a little bit more mathematics. Has anyone some good sources to do that? I've already read most of "the structure of scientific revolution". Maybe there are some youtube channels which explain how science and mathematics was done over the course of the centuries. Thx in advance! @DocWatts @Leo Gura
  11. Broh, are you serious? That's a false equivalent and the sexual exploitation is easily avoidable and even in these countries a crime and a danger to society and one "wrong" thing does not justify another one. The other problem is a far deeper multilayered problem. But hey, we are here to learn how deception works so I'm interested to know how that all computes in your mind. How do you justify that he has been charged with these serious crimes and the majority in this consciouness/pd forum sees that there extremely highly likely must be something wrong in your and starstrucks line of reasoning?
  12. @oldhandle There is no linear amswer. It has many causes and I don't want to put into your mind a limiting believe which you might unconsciously take as excuse not take action. Even if genetic and how you acted before played a role I think that the huge majority is able to handle it and learn to use it responsibly. If you're always horny try to not give in every time and only every day and *consciously* divert your attention somewhere else. That will feel empowering.
  13. @seriousman24 His spiritual arc will be initiated by his wizard friend and a load of coke. No but really even if he did 5 meo-dmt back to back with leo and deepak chopra and a shaman together he would realize that he has to come back to his selfish character who doesn't care and would distort this experience to fit his needs like charles manson did. @StarStruck what do you think about tate donating money? What's your opinion about his charges? Do you think those are related as mentioned above?
  14. I think the topic is too multilayered to find the one solution or what is right. Minds can be very different and some people have more addictied minds than others and get far greater dopamine rushs than other ones and their minds get extremely accelerated and if they are prone to negative thinking habits their minds turns negative in the same intensity as the positive and their consciousness easily flies out of the window. Or they get in negative behaviour patterns, like negative selftalk that they did it or realizing that the use it as avoidance mechanism or distracting from responsibilities like creating a fulfilling life.It also depends what you watch and your vibration level. But on the other hand many people can do it in a healthy way or learn to do it, some though don't. It often fixes itself when people do other things they like doing and work on themselves. I think one should neither demonize it nor take leo's or personal experience or mine or anyones else as the final word. If It bothers one it's up to the individual to question what the motivation behind the bother is and find the solution.
  15. Yes, it works from many angles at once. We are so deeply conditioned to avoid feeling and truth and distract ourserlves with low conscious eating habits to distract and numb our senses. The more you practice and get in touch with your essence aka love the less you have the urge to avoid your feelings by eating something sweet or greasy. You will also become more sensitive so that you will feel the negative effects it has on your body and especially the low state of conscious it entails. You will also start to notice all the sneaky ways advertisements try to get you to buy unhealthy and unecessary stuff and you will less have the tendecy to follow it. Also pure consciousness will give you a different good feeling which will grow with time so there will be lesd of a need for other pleasures and btw the greatest pleasure is god. From personal experience I can tell that it works for the afore mentioned reasons. It's nice that it's written down but a whole book seems a bit overshot.
  16. I can feel with you. I would keep the good moments if its not too hurtful to you and still move on.
  17. I wouldn't store it in solution due to risk of degradation and bacterial growth. I've read people storing 5meo-mipt in a vodka solution to use it intramuscularly and prevent bacterial growth. Have you tried to find articles in the blue light or dmt nexus forum? I fibd a 60bugs scale with 3 digits acurate enough if used properly. But you could also calibrate a miligram scoop and use it.
  18. I second this. I once ate 32g fresh and got a decent trip. A week later I proceeded with 3g dried via lemon tek and it became unexpectedly very overwhelming.
  19. I've had the problem for years ubtil I realized that most of the other dance as good as me and they literally didn't give a fuck about how I dance. Maybe it is helpful to start dancing in a group.
  20. A lot of iraqi culure is also heavily unfluenced by romans and greek thought. Until 1000 years ago there were even a lot of greeks who mingled with the rest of the population over the centuries. I think it isn't about superiority or inferiority but developement which takes its time.
  21. Have fun when some underdeveloped thugs make their own local clan and pillage the rest. I don't think it would ever work because most people are not that developed and most would not like it because they have different needs.
  22. I V-lsd is a good compound. It is a little bit more visual but even with 150microgramm your trip will still be controllable. It is a very safe substance. The visuals may linger 2-3hours longer than with other analogues though. I find strange that when you buy older lisergamides from many vendors they all feel exactly the same and disappointing. However, always when I buy the new analogues it is totally different until it is banned. I can't explain why, but when I go to nl and buy one from a trusted source it also is totally different. I have the assumption that they just mislabel it. Has anyone else noticed?
  23. Hey guy, i have had the most crazyest experience of all time. Im still totally shocked of what just has happened. I'm now socialising in this stage green multi ciltural social circle and was on a ptesentation in a park about making a fayrer economy. I was there and during the presentation who was seated at the border was crazily chuckling and smoking a joint a little like a crazyman. After the Prasentation i went socialising in the garden area I was stuck with him. He was staring like a mad man and tellying me that meat doesnt give you energy only green veggies, i said that it would depend on the nutrition and than he talked how weed makes you clear and alcohol makes you crazy und confusied and weed makes you clear and I thought he would talk yibberisch because he also talked about how the bad eliete always pull the strings and how they control us and make us literally weak! He also said that thoughts will make you weak and makes you suffer. But he didnt excactly in these words, he was talking yibberish. He also starred at me and said in an almost aggresive voice "you must concentrate! Concentrate! This was so crazy that I had been looking for any escape possible and because his eyes first seemed paranoid and I thought he was squizzo and was talking strange because he said that he quite often doses up to as much as 800microgramm lsd and that something from there what have had stick to his mind. I saw a way to flee him while he is talking yibberish but I decided to exploit him to take the joint as compensation for the head acke he was causing me. I took maybe 3 or 4 tokes and we was saying, be careful with a crazy smile and twinckle. Then something clicked and reality was dialing in and we connected in samadhi and his shit immediately started to make sense. I have had an awakening... What he was talking about that how we suffer from attachment to thoughts how we attach to thought and this energy he was saying was intruth the level of consciousness and that certain foods make you weak means lower consciousness and concentrate was meant as being present and it made soo much sense and he was talking that cannabis was awakeng you more if you be present and it was a kind of awakening me and than i knew... I was quite awake and he was claiming to be always in this state if I stopped drinking, smoke a bit and be present and he showed me some tensing exersizes he makes which he claimed he invented them for releasing emotions and thoughts and I was mindfucked because these are important kriya yoga banda areas. He said he felt that was right and he stickes to the routine. This was so hard, because the people around us all seemed to think of him of a crazyguy too and that could mean that I was seen as crazy too, because the words he used make in absolut other contexts no sense and sound like madness, and he was talking about god is consciousness and how to increase it and that he would rather be poor and in this awakened state than loosing it for money and junk and it makes sense that the elite makes you unconscious (In my state I did not agree with him on that particuliar matter but if I had discussed that a bit I might have found out that this also could have been a preawekening misundersranding. Then he said in his crazy misuse of words, if I am ready to get the real big picture with a twinckle in his eyes while he was picking up some piece to built an even stronger joint, chuckling like someone who has seen the truth but doesn't make sense to the persons around (at last there were fewer people than 10 mins ago). I then suddenly declined because my rational mindwas soo shocked to have been awakened and this guy started again talking yibberish again and the other peopke avoiding him. It was also highly probable that this was getting into psychedlic terretory real quick. So I hastely grabbed my stuff and said that we hopefully met again and off I went. I was still awake but my ego was strongly reacting to the truth and how crazy it might have sound talking about god and truth. I also was quite exstatic and about 3 hours later at home wheb I write it down I still am quite awake but I am still in a real shock but also in awe about this awakening. I'm so happy to have realised it. This was like getting a koan right or yogi transmission of high consciousness. Sorry if this sounds crazy or stupid but this is exactly what has happened and this guy seemed to be naturally very spiritual and conscious and not really followed any existing spiritual path or had some kind of disabbility or mental illnes which makes him not use our normal spiritual words or maybe he renamed him because he didnt bother to use the concepts. It's so hard to describe because he was high conscious but aware that his mind body had some disorders. What he meant was behind the speakable as I awakened and it did make some sense in an understanding and connnecting level and there dtill were some disagreement about concepts. But really holy sh*t I almost didn't want to go out but I went and during the presentation in order to train my main state I did higher my level of consciousness or awareness as excersize and he was attracted to me. It was also funny because i noticed around us were also a bunch of stage green spiritual hippies talking in their sleep. so maybe I'll see him again some time.
  24. I think part of the story was that it seemed already clear that he will die in the end of 2022 when he became too influencal and knew that or it might have become a self fulfilling prophecy by trying to go offensive and when he attempted the coup he didn't get the support he might have expacted and hence he was dissuaded. But he might as well just have overreached and failed. Now, wagner will be dismantled and his commanders probably executed. Here is a good analyses of why the coup failed from cnn:
  25. It's been 4 years since this happened I have only faint memories of it. But after the experiemce I would give my best friend long voicemails were I desribed it. If I hadn't these I wouldn't belief it either. In one life I was a muslim in the middle ages and had a huge family. I was keeping an eye on a goat herd every day with my family nearby. Religion played also a big role in it like preying 5 times a day and fasting on ramadan. I was living near a poor remote village where the people would trade things and favors and rather seldom actually sell and buy stuff like knifes and tools and cheese and wool. The next one was were I was a chinese student with parents pressing me to study hard and they were also working hard to support me and we were living in a cheap and overcrowded chinese high rise building neighborhood. Another one I was in the failing body of an old noble man in the 18th century who was in his last week of his live during winter with servants and I knew I was going to die soon of old age. My family didn't visit me and I was grumpy and the whole time I was in my personal quaters looking out the window and from time to time revisiting my personal items and cherrishing the good memories of love and hating the bad ones. I was trying to hold onto these things and the status a d money but there are things money cannot buy and you cannot keep it either. Every day my body grew colder and weaker until I finaly died at one night. Keep in mind that these were imaginary lives and in between I was in another dimensionsion where time and space was formed like a clockwork that would go round and round and every time I went out of each life I was realizing it was just a dream and went to a meta space/dimension of of eternal completeness. After eternity I went back to another life until I came back here. This was just one occasion. it can well be rationalized that this experiences had roots in this life since many themes clearly seem to have come from prior experiences like having a muslim stepfather and at that time a chinese room mate and other info I have picked up. So I wouldn't use the notion of prior lives. Rather I would say that it's all imaginary, even this live and there is always something to learn and grow. This happened 2 or 3 times on about 400microgramm 1p lsd and another time something similiar on 4g shrooms. on shrooms I was conscious of being god the whole time and there were times where time was extremely exalerated to key moments. after a while it really sucked being in a teenage body and being so aware and I was begging to forget until I snapped out of it. these experiences were earth shattering at that time and it was also extreme mind fuck exhausting afterwards because you come back and know what happened and think everytime that you is impossible to forget but as soon as your normal mind starts running again with its own memories you forget the most of it within half an hour. After that I haven't had the urge to do such high dosis again and stuck mostly around 100microgram and only 1g shrooms because that was enough for me to break through on a more humane level and do just deconstruction work.