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Everything posted by Vajra

  1. I'd say - how do you know? @Water by the River yes, it's this disembodied Awareness. Here is one for you: Who are you with your feet firmly on the Ground?
  2. @Hojo that's a kind of insight @Juan neat @StarStruck oh, nice @Davino yeah man, keep going
  3. Hi! The way I see it, there is no such thing as relapsing. You work through a challenge, and then there is a period of joy and freedom. Then a subtler level of that challenge arises. And you work through that. And so it cycles... until you are completely free from it. As this goes on, you will come to more and more love yourself, until the thing that was a challenge becomes love. As such, it is not a getting rid of but an Inclusion.
  4. Basically, the realization itself just makes you free from everything relative. So when it comes down to it - nothing bothers you. Impossible. About big life decisions.... well, there can be fear in the system... resistance etc., but even that is not a problem. If you are willing to integrate into Existence and the human body, nothing is off limits. P.S. Dancing is a good way of integrating into the body.
  5. Yeah, I don't like the way I talked about it in this video. Here is a more accurate description: It turns out that once we see the core of the mind, there is no going back - there is simply Unconditional Peace.
  6. You can be free of the belief in self permanently, for good.
  7. Intelligence is a force to be reckoned with. Our idea that it is merely a function of the ordinary mind or of the brain is completely ridiculous. Intelligence is a blazing Spiritual Light that comes down into form as the Catalyst of Change. In other words, whichever area in your life is lacking, it is simply calling to be met by that Intelligence. For each individual that Realizes Intelligence as this - as its essential Purity, the Earth is exposed to a new stream of Transformative Potential.
  8. Infinite Intelligence is the absence of fear in mind. Through Infinite Intelligence we enter Godhead. Godhead is of the nature of imagintion.
  9. Well, I think the whole world could use a break from spirituality, whatever each takes it to be. For me specifically, the whole idea of spirituality being separate from the basic humanness could use going.
  10. Ok, so what ARE we missing if we don't have proper access to the subtle realms? Spiritual Gudies and Masters - most of us, I suspect, have an entire array of Guides and Masters - highly evolved beings - waiting to support us. Walking consciously into the Dream-space, is like literally walking into class with them. That is the fastest way to evolve I've ever seen - teachings and insights literally copied into your consciousness. Past life material - Imagine that you forgot your entire life before the begging of this week. You started learning new skills, begam new projects etc. because you are completely clueless, that you've already got such things going, that you've been working on for years! That's comparable to how it is when we don't have access to the past life stuff. Some of us have spent lifetimes working on certain projects that are not finished yet. Take them up, they are huge for you as a Soul! Some of us have been cultivating certain Realizations and reached some great hights, only to now not have access to it due to it being locked away in 'past life'. Reclaim it!
  11. Putting the body to sleep It is completely possible to put the body to sleep without loosing consciousness. Here is how it goes: The habit of "blacking out" while the body is falling asleep is not followed. Instead, we are watching the processes we call 'falling asleep'. They are muscular and largely energetic. There are a few points where we can stumble as the energies are changing, as they are transitions of a sort and an identity can latch itself there, that will cause us to go unconscious. 1. As the animal falls asleep and our attention transitions primarily to the subtle dimension. - in the body it is experienced as everything below the chest settles. 2. As we leave the physical body altogether. - this is when the last holding in the head releases and we - Consciousness - falls completely into the subtle dimension. Here is the interesting part. As we are hanging out there, one of the things that will happen is that at some point a voice will come and say something like - "hey! But when do I get my rest?" (even though the physical body is already asleep.) It is the belief that Consciousness needs rest. Here it can be dealt with.
  12. It is literally ridiculous how much we are missing, if we are not able to - as the subtlw body consciously detach from the physical form - that is, to consciously fall asleep. While we are waking, the subtle and thw physical bodies are so meshed together, it's almost impossible to distinguish them, if we have never seen each in its own right. As the physical body is falling asleep and we are staying with the intention to stay Awake, we will, at some point, notice the subtle body. Now, if this is new to us, we will first have to go through all the identifications that are stuck onto the bodies being together. As we do that, the subtle will cease being meshed together with the physical - that is sleep. At this point, our awareness might either stay in the sleeping physical, or focus in on the subtle. For our purposes, we go for the later.
  13. My life is a constant, ever-deepening unification of Consciousness and Matter. - constant relationship with power as the direct link into the Primal Power coming from the Ground - profound clarity reaching all the way into the (so called) subconscious (Depth of the Being) - health of the internal organs as they are kept conscious - the Heart-identity is 'I am the entire Cosmos' - the intention upon which the body moves is 'for the Greatest Good of All' - the mind sees nothing "real" - everything is nothing Ask me anything you'd like
  14. Putting the body to sleep It is completely possible to put the body to sleep without loosing consciousness. Here is how it goes: The habit of "blacking out" while the body is falling asleep is not followed. Instead, we are watching the processes we call 'falling asleep'. They are muscular and largely energetic. There are a few points where we can stumble as the energies are changing, as they are transitions of a sort and an identity can latch itself there, that will cause us to go unconscious. 1. As the animal falls asleep and our attention transitions primarily to the subtle dimension. - in the body it is experienced as everything below the chest settles. 2. As we leave the physical body altogether. - this is when the last holding in the head releases and we - Consciousness - falls completely into the subtle dimension. Here is the interesting part. As we are hanging out there, one of the things that will happen is that at some point a voice will come and say something like - "hey! But when do I get my rest?" (even though the physical body is already asleep.) It is the belief that Consciousness needs rest. Here it can be dealt with.
  15. Given that the recording screwed up, let me share some pieces with you here guys: --- The Bright Light, as the essence of the mind, is the source of intelligence. Intelligence can manifest in many ways, one of them being intelligent thought. Intelligent thought is not clever thinking, it is a thought infused and one with the Bright Light. Such a thought is in its nature revelatory and revolutionary. For revelation and revolution to take place - darkness, not knowing - must be allowed. The mind must go quiet, open, admit its actual position - that it doesn't know. Then the Bright Light can shine through. The identification with the mind that knows or doesn't know loosens up, and that which could be called the Self realizes itself to be the Bright Light - selfless Infinite Intelligence. --- Blessed Light of Infinite Intelligence - always available. Always available to gently caress my troubled mind. In you I take my rest. --- There is no thought that's too tied-up, too chaotic, too contracted that Infinite Intelligence couldn't handle. If we identify with a finite intelligence, there will always be places, where we fear to go - where our intelligence falls short. But if we open to Infinite Intelligence, there is nothing impossible. ---
  16. The Realization is not in mind. Once it happens, very quickly the mind will react with all the fears it has in regards to it. But really, these fears are only real to that mind. Don't let the mind convince you that it's you!