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Everything posted by Waleed

  1. I'm not a tall guy either - about 5 '7.5 and I remember there were moments where I felt insecure about my tallness but honestly there is no need to be insecure about something like height because its not something you can change. Rather focusing on building your overall value as a person: skill-set, success, knowledge, social ties, relationships, friendships, career etc. is what is going to really make you fulfilled. There are a lot of sports where I think being shorter is an advantage, shopping for clothes is cheaper, you don't need a lot of room to workout, etc. It's all about perspective, I remember there were many times where I dated women who were taller than I was and they were fine with it. Even my last ex would pick on me about my size but she found my shortness adorable so everyone is different with various preferences. Change what you can and just completely love who you really are cause in that you'll find happiness.