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  1. Great news. We could fake another moon landing.
  2. @Fearey I also think that's a fair explanation. You made me reevaluate
  3. I gave up when I saw I have to answer 117 questions
  4. Trump’s charisma is unmatched lmao LET’S GO HARRY https://tenor.com/view/hi-gif-20946139
  5. @Fearey so you have no issue with BlackRock & Vanguard having that much control over the economy?
  6. I think imma get one. It looks cool asf idk 😭 do you know if they ship worldwide?
  7. I am reminded of the saying "If there's a will, there's a way." I guess we don't have a strong enough will collectively to throw off this system which clearly does not work in the favor of 90%+ of people.
  8. Yes, but it comes with a velour pouch, a certificate of authenticity, a carved design of the greatest American president. The costs add up. If anything, it’s a bargain.