manuel bon

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Everything posted by manuel bon

  1. ❤️
  2. Imo nothing is manly, that's just a label we created in and for our society
  3. @OBEler how is a drug manly?
  4. 🔴 People in my life I'm so grateful for all the people present in my life. I am so grateful for the decision I made years ago to spend time only with quality people. Deep people. I don't have mamy friends, or people around me, but all of them love me, and are real. I don't need to party, I don't need more irrelevant things in my life. I am satisfied with a great deep conversation with my girlfriend or friend on a random Thursday night.
  5. ⚫ Just a thought I love life. Problems come just from the mind. How nice would it be if we all could overcome the mind. And just live and love life.
  6. 🟢 GATEWAY EXPERIMENT - Introduction to Focus 10 19/09/2024 16:49 DAY 5 Today I fell asleep. I do not recall listening to almost the whole second half of the tape. Should I do these exercises sitting? But then I don't want to be disturbed by back pain. I've been meditating for 4 years, but I almost always have pain. Maybe I don't sit properly, but I can't fully relax like that. But how to relax fully and not fall asleep? Probably I am also lacking sleep, that's why I can't stay awake. I have to sleep more in the next days, sleep earlier.
  7. 🟤 Eckhart Tolle "Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose."
  8. 🟠 Allergy In the last week/ten days I've been struggling with allergies; I've been having allergy to dust mites since I'm a kid (more or less since I was 7 I guess), and in some periods it gets really bad. When I am in the Netherlands (most of the year) I never have it, except for 2 or 3 times a year, but when I go back to Italy I have it most of the time. I really feel the difference of quality between the Italian and Dutch air: in Italy is so polluted, and since I live in the centre of the city many cars pass by my house, so it gets pretty bad. Dust mites are present in mattresses and pillows, and even though I have special ones for the allergy, many times I still can't sleep properly. I got used to this kind of "suffering", but sometimes when it gets bad I feel like going crazy. Covid helped me realize that face masks help a lot with the allergy, so in the last week I've been spending most of the time with one on my face, sometimes even while I sleep. I do so cause I don't want to take pills that help just a couple of hours and make me dizzy or my mind foggy.
  9. 🟡 Investments I am kind of new in the world of investment, I don't know much about it. Moths ago I found an interesting company (CYBN) that works with psychedelics, and in my opinion they will do good and interesting things in the world of mental health. As now I have a lot of money invested and for some reason the price went down a lot, I think it's simply due to random fluctuations and not because of some news about the company itself. So I am down a lot of money and waiting for the company to publish the results of the trials (they said end of 2024, beginning 2025). I am positive about the outcomes, but for now that I am in negative I feel pretty frustrated and a bit anxious.
  10. I would never have sex with a prostitute because I would never use a person to satisfy my sexual needs. But still: you are free to do whatever you want with your body. So if you want to sell it then you better do it in a country where it's legal, regularized, safe and controlled (if you're not forced into prostitution, and if a country has regularized: health, safety, licensing, worker rights, protection, control on exploitation, etc)
  11. 🟠 Overall Health I am feeling frustrated because, in the last blood tests, I had a couple of things out of balance. I texted the doctor to see what I could do about it; he will probably respond today. I am not happy because I know I am not having a healthy diet, but I can't do much about it, every time I'm with my family I can't cook, if I tell my mom that I cook for myself she gets offended, or simply she doesn't allow me. Result: I eat pasta every day. And above all that, I am super stressed because of the family situation, and at night I overeat whatever bs I find in the fridge, mainly ice cream. I don't know how to stop myself when I'm with my family, often I feel helpless. In general, I accept this situation cause I tell myself that stressing about it will not make it better. But I have to say that in the last 2 or 3 weeks I'm not overeating, but still I don't feel great. The situation will change drastically when I will go back to the Netherlands. I'm planning to do a 24-hour fast. Then in the future I might do even longer.
  12. 🟢 MEDITATION I have been meditating since 2020, it's been more than four years now. But I would say that the real serious meditation practice started two years later, in 2022. In this long journey, I understood that my practice is never going to be the same: sometimes I can go deep quickly without any problem, but at other periods I can't sit for more than two minutes without getting distracted or without moving. Lately, my practice is not good. I am happy because I consistently meditate daily, some days even twice; but the sessions are never good. I let my brain talk and talk and talk, there is no end to it. What I find interesting is that I don't have concrete thoughts, or concrete sentences in my head. It's always mainly random words or concepts that have no real flow or connection between them. I find myself in an unconscious state where thoughts exist and I'm almost asleep, or simply blinded by this fog. Right now that I am journaling I am reminding myself and re-realizing that it's fine. I should not be harsh on myself; also, I'm super overstimulated since this summer I'm with my family. Once I go back to the Netherlands where I live alone it will be better. Also, I have never really used a specific technique; usually I just block my stream of thoughts by focusing on my breathing, then when I feel my body starts to feel numb I try to expand that feeling, so I expand or try to let go of the body.
  13. 🟢 GATEWAY EXPERIMENT - Introduction to Focus 10 18/09/2024 08:05 DAY 5 Today was probably the worst day: I was almost fully asleep, I didn’t listen much of the audio, and yes, I did relax, but not because I was actively doing the exercise. I know I shouldn’t be doing it when I'm tired (and I do it almost right after I wake up, so I'm pretty zoned out and sleepy), but I wanted to do it in the morning since there is silence, and I am not disturbed by noises or other things. I am in Italy with my family, but next Monday I go back to the Netherlands where I live alone, so then I can set the practice properly with all the other things I have to do during the day. Until then, I will still do it at least once a day, but not in the morning right after I wake up.
  14. 🟢 GATEWAY EXPERIMENT - Introduction to Focus 10 17/09/2024 16:10 DAY 4 part 2 I just ended the second track for the second time of the day. Now it was better, I didn’t have allergy anymore (I've been using the face mask the whole day), and I managed to swallow only once, just at the beginning of the exercise. The downside was that I was a bit tired, and I thought that it would be good so after I ended it I would be refreshed; in fact, I do feel refreshed, but since I was tired in some moments I lost focus. Now, I don’t know if I did everything properly; to some extent, I feel that I really rested, but I don’t know if my body was really asleep and my mind was awake. But overall it was not bad. If the quality stays like this or gets better in the next two days I will continue with the next track.
  15. If Italy would have had the kind of communism that we had in Jugoslavia It would have been way better than fascism. But in our history books we don't study about Jugoslavia that was right in between the allies and the fascists
  16. I fully agree with everything you say. Also,@SageMind I can tell you that I also thought I was super picky (and it was true), and I never found anyone. Then I understood that my behavior came from a family situation where most of people fully criticize other for how they look, and I was doing the same. I understood that beauty is present even beyond "imperfections", and now I know that there's no such thing as imperfect look. I told you what my experience was, but idk what you mean when you say you're picky, maybe it's different for me.
  17. Never really tried it so I can't give you any important suggestions, but there's plenty of info about it in this forum! Just make some research
  18. The guy in the video also says so: that he was a socialist and with rise of communism he changed wing
  19. Mussolini was never a communist. He had socialist views and had great influence especially through the newspaper "Avanti", then during WWI he turned to fascism. But unfortunately he's never been a communist.
  20. 🟢 GATEWAY EXPERIMENT - Introduction to Focus 10 17/09/2024 08:17 DAY 4 After 20 minutes of meditation, I did again the second track of the first Wave. Today was less effective than yesterday; although I didn’t have as many swallowing problems as yesterday (I drank a lot of water before and used a higher pillow so I don’t tilt my head too much behind) I had some moments where my allergy disturbed me. I managed to relax greatly, but I had to sneeze a couple of times, and that kind of took me out of the relaxation. Now I do feel energized, so to some extent I did get some benefits, but the session was not great in terms of getting the best results in the exercises so I can progress and continue with the next track. Later in the afternoon, I might do it again (in any case I will do it also tomorrow and the day after).
  21. 🔘 What is Meaning? 21 August 2023 - 08:30 - What is something that I see as meaningful? A meaningful experience can be for example the whole story and experience with *ex-girlfriend*. Therefore, meaning is taken from a situation that gives you some kind of impact, where you can learn something, both positive and negative: meaningful things are valuable things that teach you lessons. - Meaning is different for everyone and everything: for me, spirituality is one of the most meaningful things of my life, but not for my brother. - Are there some objectively meaningful things? We can say that oxygen is meaningful, but that is a biased statement: since we are living creatures it is only important to us if there is oxygen or not. A rock doesn't care about it. Meaning is given only by a conscious being. - Is then "meaning" important only for our survival? Yes, if you're not a conscious being then you don’t have a survival instinct, and nothing is meaningful to you: to us, creatures living on planet Earth, the sun is meaningful, but for the planet, it is not. Earth doesn't care if, in some billions of years, the Sun will grow so much that will suck in itself all the planets (including of course Earth itself). - What is the meaning of life? Since there is no objective meaning to anything, it means that the meaning of life is found only in yourself. You are the only one that can give meaning to your life. - Are there different levels of meaning? Yes: since you are the one who gives meaning to things, you also give them more or less importance. The depth of meaning of something is determined by you. - Am I experiencing meaning right now? I don’t feel like I am experiencing something meaningful right now. - Can I FIND a meaning in this journey from Trieste to Verona I am doing right now? Well yes; I am going to Verona to meet *friend* and his gf, and that might be a meaningful experience. For the first time, we will share nice moments outside of Maastricht, visiting a city and doing new things together that will make us connect and bond on a different, maybe even new level. - Is something meaningful found only in experience\events\acts, or also in material things? For example, can a laptop be meaningful? If an object carries or brings you some kind of value, then it is meaningful. So yes, also a laptop can be meaningful because it can bring you knowledge (and many other things). Also, the emotions that some object gives you, make the object meaningful. The object itself though doesn't give you the emotions, but it's the experience that you have\had\will have through it that does. Do I have a meaningful object? Dad's motorcycle (whole story behind it). - We gave meaning to words and sentences. In this case, the meaning of words indicates something: the word "house" indicates a structure, building, or environment where a person, animal, or any being lives. Other words don’t refer to physical\material objects but to concepts, like "philosophy", and "metaphysics". - Meaning of a story\movie\book, etc.: when we talk about the meaning of such things, we indicate their message, a lesson, something valuable that will make us think, and give specific insights.
  22. 🔵 Trips I already posted I leave two psychedelic trips I posted in the past, if you are curious check them out. No. 1: 50ug LSD & Weed - Glimpse of Awakening No. 2: Weed and DMT - Sex with music
  23. 🟢 GATEWAY EXPERIMENT - Orientation & Introduction to Focus 10 16/09/2024 19:35 DAY 3 Today I did tape 1 once and tape 2 also once. When I redid the first tape, I had no bad feelings, my knees were okay. The problem was my saliva. Same thing for the second tape. This was the only thing that didn’t allow me to fully relax my body and let it sleep, but it was still a great experience. Somehow I went really deep, and now I feel refreshed for real, both physically and mentally, it's crazy; I am truly amazed and happy about the results. I will look at how I should solve this problem of saliva.
  24. 🟢 GATEWAY EXPERIMENT - Orientation Some time ago I heard about the CIA's declassified Gateway Process Experiment, but I got interested a couple of days ago when I read a post about it in this forum. I found the Gateway Experience tapes by the Monroe Institute and decided to give it a try. I decided to journal after each session to see the progress. By the way, I have been meditating for four years already, and in the last two years, I got into it even deeper (more about it later). 15/09/2024 21:26 DAY 1 & 2 Today is the second day of the gateway experiment. Yesterday, I did the first audio track, ORIENTATION (Wave 1), and only once. I might do it once again later when Mom and Dad go to their room so there's silence. The only thing is that I hope I don’t get too energetic before sleep. Yesterday the experience was great and pretty strong: I felt my body was asleep-like, and my mind active, as they said in the tape. Today it was not like that fully, maybe because I wanted to skip the first 5 minutes of the introduction, which is not part of the exercise, but yesterday helped me introduce a sense of calmness before the whole real thing. But now I know that later and tomorrow I will listen to the whole thing, even if it can be boring. I don’t know for how long I should do each tape; chat-GPT says to do more or less 3 or 4 days for each tape, and I will do so only if I see that I do have different feelings in my state of awareness. I just ended the first track, the second time for today, and it went better than the first one, except for the fact that toward the end I started having weird feelings of tension behind the knees. But I have to say that at the beginning already it was difficult to find a good posture. I notice also that every time I get into this physically relaxed state, my mind is more active and I have many thoughts. I am not distracted, but it's still pretty active. I don’t know if that's a bad sign. I will ask chat-GPT to get an idea. Tomorrow I will try to do the first tape twice, and then once the second tape. I'm really curious!
  25. Good that you decided to stop smoking!