manuel bon

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Everything posted by manuel bon

  1. @ShardMare More than a year ago my dad and my brother had an accident with the motorcycle. A deer jumped in front of them, and after that, they hit a tree. My brother recovered after many surgeries, but my dad was in a coma for a month, and now he is still not fine. I have always had OCD-like behaviors in general in life, but after this event I see these have expanded in a more "existential" way (if that makes sense). In other words, I'm also scared to suddenly die, or get seriously hurt. What I do is practice letting go. That helps a lot. Of course not every day is easy. What makes me feel better, is talking about it to people. Sometimes I also do it with people that are not my friends. Many of them listen and care, and it makes me feel lighter. You're not alone. Probably you have lived some traumatic event that has brought you these thoughts, even if you've never had an accident. If you want you can PM me and we can talk about it. I send you love!
  2. @leebus99 Thank you. As you said, I need to trust myself more. @flowboy Yes, also for me would be boring becoming a guitar teacher, and have keep this job forever. For my family and culture the best thing is finding stability and keeping it, and I am scared of not being able to break out of this mentality. I am still a student, so it's easy to fantasize and be excited about doing something unique, but when it will come to actually do it I will be alone. I hope I will be strong enough. Since my dad and brother had the accident I easily get scared of some aspects of life. Gotta work on that.
  3. @bensenbiz ...why?
  4. @centurysets More than three years ago I bought a microphone that you can directly plug in the computer, and it's still working really good. I use it for recording music (I play classical guitar), and for that and voice is great. What I usually do is record video with a camera/phone, and then record audio separately with the mic, and then just edit these and put them together (all of these with pre-installed programs on PC; not the best quality of course, but it works, and it's not bad). Hope I could help somehow!
  5. You should make a video with less background noise. I'd rather watch something with good sound quality and bad video quality, than the other way around. That's just my unprofessional advice.
  6. @Juan I have been taking Lion's Mane for a month now (one pill 2500 mg per day), and microdosing 1P-LSD (10ug - bought legally online) every third day, and I have to say that I am really satisfied with the way this mushroom affects me. I feel I go through the days with some underlying energy that is not stimulating like coffee, and it also makes me feel good about myself and my environment. The combination with 1P-LSD is interesting, I definitely feel I have a psychedelic in my body, but it's not annoying, and it doesn't make me distracted: I can be productive, study, practice guitar for hours, go to class, work... I can have a normal day, but with an extra empathy and sensitivity to my surroundings, emotions, people around me, and all the situations I find myself in.
  7. Great trip report, I'm glad you could have such a deep experience; I never went so deep with truffles, probably because I've never had more than 12g...Which strain did you have?
  8. Ela re tikaneis! I tried them, and once I had terrible nausea. But yeah without the seed coat you won't have that.
  9. Yesterday, after the whole summer I spent with my family, I came back to my home in the Netherlands, and in the evening I decided to smoke some weed. I smoked an amount that made me feel kind of high, but not so much. After some hours I decided to add to the weed just a few grains of 5-MeO-DMT, in the bong. I had never tried this compound before, and I was curious about what could happen. I felt ready in case a deep trip would happen, even though I didn’t think it would, since the amount I put in was really small. I play Crossing the Rubicon by Anoushka Shankar (never heard it before), lay down, and let myself go. After I closed my eyes, the first thing that I felt was my physical body expanding, and soon I became almost the whole room I was in. It was weird, not uncomfortable, just a feeling of heaviness, stability, and expansion. In the past it already happened to me that on weed I would experience an expansion of my body, but not as much as this time. Then something I would never expect happened: as I was listening to the music, I understood I had never heard a piece like this one, that would make me feel that way. I was getting sexually attracted to the song, it was really some kind of energetical connection between me and the music, and at that moment I started to masturbate. What I felt was the deepest connection I've ever had in my life, it was physical, energetical, spiritual, and even almost intellectual; I was intertwined with the music, having sex with it, and almost becoming one with it. I almost didn’t feel I was masturbating myself, as if everything was just happening by itself. And then I had the most intense orgasm ever, an explosion of energy, leaving from all the pores of my body (was it Kundalini energy?). I don’t know if this happened also thanks to the 5-MeO-DMT, but it really felt like I accessed a higher sexual dimension, it was a transcendental experience (and I have never felt anything so intense on weed).
  10. Can you explain me the differences between these three types? I have never tried this compound, and I would like to try it first by snorting it, but don't know which one is the best for this. I read the freebase hurts like hell, but what about the fumerate and hydrochloride?
  11. I am new to investments, so I can't give you the best advice on this topic. I am investing every month 10% from my payslip (not much rn, don't have a stable job) in the S&P 500, and I have invested also some euros in a farmaceutical company that uses psychedelics for treatments (it's a new one, and for now it's not going well, but from my unprofessional pov I expect it to grow). For the S&P I believe that in this times it's not guaranteed that you will always get a 6-10% return, as you can see in the last years it's been going up and down, with not much return. It will probably not go to zero (and even if it did, at that point money would not have value anymore), but it could also stay like this, or go down.
  12. There are thousands of versions of the Bible, and all of them contain mistakes in the translation, which are either incorrect or misleading. Reading a good translation of it could be insightful (or maybe not?), but I am also aware of the fact that it is difficult to translate dead languages into English (or any other language used today), so there will never really be a perfect translation. Tell me if you know a good version of the Bible.
  13. I have been living in the Netherlands for three years now, and it's common knowledge that magic truffles have been legalized here. While you can't purchase magic mushrooms legally, grow boxes are available for purchase, allowing individuals to cultivate their own. As I have no interest in growing my own, nor do I want to seek out a dealer, I usually purchase truffles. Though I have some experience with mushrooms, I'm unsure of the differences between the two compounds (both containing psilocybin). I'm unable to differentiate the variances, but I'd like to experience some relevant mystical moments. However, I'm uncertain if those states can be achieved with truffles. I'm skeptical due to the social stigma around them (people claim that truffles are less potent than mushrooms) and the marketing techniques used (boxes with crazy names and colors, and descriptions that make me suspicious). With this post I want then to ask you some questions: Do you know if there are actual differences between the two compounds? Is it possible to experience relevant mystical or awakening/enlightenment state on truffles? Have YOU ever experienced anything like that on truffles? Please share any story you have about truffles and/or mushrooms, I cannot wait to read it! Sending you love! manuel
  14. @TheGod maybe you had a weak strain. Or maybe you justs have stronger tolerance.
  15. @Vibroverse I know about it, I read some of its sayings. It is for sure interesting, but there is no narrative, or any connections between those sayings... Maybe I should read better and contemplate each one of them.
  16. There are kits to check if what you're getting is legit acid or not, but I don't know if something to measure ug exists. You can do that in a laboratory, but not many people have access to one.
  17. @Schizophonia I see, in the Netherlands though, when I buy weed, they have only the name of the strains, but not the percentage of THC. I have to do some research then. Nope, not yet. Still in vacation rn
  18. @Schizophonia which strain was it?
  19. When I used to microdose liquid LSD I would prepare the solution by myself (I found a video on YouTube that explains how to do it), but I never had this kind of situation. When it comes to liquid it's always tricky, this is why I stopped, and started microdosing shrooms or truffles. Actually lately I wanted to microdose acid again, so I ordered 10 blotters (1P-LSD), each with 20ug. Maybe you can also try that way.
  20. Then deal with what you can get there. There's also online dating
  21. Either you try all the possibilities in that city, or you move out.
  22. @Hardkill Maybe in this phase of your life you're supposed to focus on your studies. If this is what you decided then go for it, after this you will be able to focus more on dating and socializing. But if you want to have this now, then take every free moment you have, and go socialize. It's difficult, but when we want to achieve many different things we either prioritize, or work 10 times harder to get all of them.
  23. @asesuaugisltu You are physically attracted to her, but a relationship will not last long, especially if already now, in this early stage, you see toxic behavior and character. Let her go, or before that have sex with her, so you don't have this craving. Just don't put yourself in a toxic relationship, it's not worth it.
  24. @bensenbiz idk, but it makes me more understood. In my life I met only one person who has a higher understanding of Consciousness, and it's often difficult to meet. I would love to have an awake partner, and have that kind of Universal connection with her.
  25. @halfknots thank you!