manuel bon

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Everything posted by manuel bon

  1. At the end these teachings tell us that we should simply become consciousness, which means going beyond the mind. At the beginning applying these techniques 24/7 help us so that with practice they will become automatic and there's no intellect, and therefore you become automatic. If it would be so easy to be meditative without the techniques then why aren't we all meditative already?
  2. Nobody is telling you that you should meditate 5-10 hours a day. That's precisely why Osho says to live in meditation, so you can enjoy life more. Meditation is not about doing something, it's about feeling everything that you can feel without the obstacle of the mind. Yes, life is short, and if you learn how to make a meditation out of it then you won't miss out on anything. That's why you don't have to put yourself in a cave.
  3. Also keep in mind that many teachers and schools use this term in different ways and to indicate different things.
  4. Osho doesn't define everything as meditation, you didn't understand. What he says is that you have to make everything a meditation. You need to be mindful of your actions, feel your body, your breath and your thoughts. That's how scrolling on FB can become a meditation. Staring at a wall for hours is a concentration exercise to reach meditative state.
  5. Yeah I did it already some times... But I will do it again more times. Thank you for the help❤️
  6. Yesterday I came back home to my family from a trip to Spain, with 39° C of fever. My mom is not nice at all right now, I know she's stressed because of taking care of my father with a brain injury, but she's really crazy. Every day she screams at him on how pathetic, handicapped etc. he is. If my brother (18) and I (23) say something she goes crazy and hurts also us. In general I can take it and kinda stay calm, try to help her, etc. but right now with the fever I don't know what to do. I'm helpless. Also, here in Italy is so warm, I can't fucking breathe. Pls help me, give me some advice, or just text me so I get distracted. She's screaming like crazy right now, I'm in bed in pain... Thank you
  7. Thank you for the great videos! Yeah I am afraid for my mother. She's putting all of her energy into this. She's strong, but also has health issues. Due to some surgeries that fucked her up, she can't go to the toilet, so she never eats. I really don't know how she can even stand, yet she's always doing crazy things with my dad. She's a great woman. She loves her family, so much that she doesn't take care of herself. I try to help her, but the things that's she wants to do are too much. She doesn't give time to herself to take a breath, and those times that she does, her mind is unstoppably running and she's fully paranoid, sad, anxious, etc...
  8. I will explain better: I think it's good to be informed with what is happening in your country and around the world. But why should I be so into it as most of people are? Every time I talk about politics giving my ideas, pov, and without criticizing, I see that people become altered (if they don't agree with me), and this happens also very strongly with my close-minded family. People have different ideas, and it's impossible to always agree with everyone. Politics can create division, and not only between nations, but many times even within family and important friendships and relationships. Personally, I prefer being ignorant about these topics, so I don't have problems regarding this. I don't want to lose important people in my life because of this. And also I think that the "purpose" of life is simply living it. Why should I create division over something I am not interested in?
  9. I was taking 1g of paracetamol, which helped with fever but not headaches and other pain. Then I took 400mg of ibuprofen, 1g of vitamin C and a cold shower. That helped a lot.
  10. btw thank you everyone for being open and not criticizing. I appreciate that.
  11. yeah I'm also scared of falling into this trap. you think that's what is gonna happen?
  12. How can I do that when I'm way from her? She needs someone to talk to, and I want to be there for her. These fights happen only when I am in the same house. But about 8 months a year I'm in another country studying. I don't think she's repressing. She's expressing her emotions of anger, pain, fear, through destruction. And then she apologizes cause she know it's not right. I'm sorry for her, she doesn't deserve to be in such pain. But I also don't deserve to be treated like that. And I told her many times, and she understands. She apologizes, and says: "You know I'm like that".
  13. I understand she is suffering. She's a poor woman, I'm sorry for her. Her life was my dad, and his life was my mom. They were one. And now she's her nurse, fisioterapist, speech therapist.... Everything. She works for and with him 24/7 LITERALLY and doing everything to make him come back to normal. But since she's no energy, she's angry and sad, then she takes it all out on my dad and on us. My brother and I help her as much as we can but we're both occupied with school and university.
  14. I understand, thank you for the great answer. I still think that I need to sort things out in my life, psychology, traumas, and more, before getting into politics seriously. Whenever I get into something, I don't want to do it partially, therefore I think that getting into politics seriously now would be way too soon.
  15. I think there's too much debate on what god is. Words are used to explain something that goes beyond our comprehension. But I can try to explain what god is to me: god is existance.
  16. Well good, cause I don't do politics hehe
  17. @aurum thank you for your opinion!
  18. I guess it is... But at the same time people get hurt because of these monkeys
  19. For society in general. Imo it is. But I feel it's not. Idk why. Not for me. Right now the goal of my life is to grow personally and spiritually, and politics doesn't fit for me right now. Maybe in the future it will.
  20. Do you think it's okay if I don't want to play this game?
  21. Yeah many people voted her. But Meloni is a fascist (she openly said it) and a liar (she's promised many things, and then did the opposite. Not taking positions nor criticizing, it's just facts.